Zulfiqar Ahmad Dhillon

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Zulfiqar Ahmad Dhillon

Brigadier General Zulfiqar Ahmad Dhillon (retd), (Born: October 2, 1948) born in Addian village, Punjab. He is a famous Pakistani politician, the former Minster of Education for Punjab and current member of Pakistan National Assembly. Moreover, he has served in the Pakistani military armed forces as Brigadier General, from which he is now retired. During his tenure in the Pakistan Army, he attended Command and Staff College, Quetta from 1972 to 1974.

After retiring from the Army, Dhillon served as Provincial Minister Education for Punjab between 1997-1999. Subsequently, he was elected as a Member of Pakistan National Assembly in the 2002 General Elections.

He was educated at Government College Lahore in 1959 B.Sc. degree in agriculture. Then he was military trained and and attended Command and Staff College, Quetta from 1972 to 1974. He is married with one son and two daughters. His expertise is in political foreign relations and has extensively travelled on diplomatic foreign affair state visits as a member of the Pakistani Government, including U.S, China and etc.

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