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Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R)

Brahmapuraka (ब्रह्मपूरक) is a village mentioned in Seoni copperplate Inscription of Pravarasena II (c.400 - 415).




Source: What is India: Inscriptions of the Vākāṭakas

1) Brahmapūraka (ब्रह्मपूरक).—Dr. Altekar suggested that Brahmapūraka named in it to define the boundary of the donated village Śrīparṇakā was identical with the village of the same name granted by the present plates. He identified it with Brāhmaṇwāḍā (ब्राह्मणवाड़ा) near Achalapur. This identification also is open to the same objection; for, none of the other villages can be identified in the vicinity of Brāhmaṇwāḍā.

2) Brahmapūraka, the donated village, is Bāhmnī, about three miles from Kārañjā.


Siwani Copper Plate Inscription of the Maharaja Pravarasena II in 18th year of reign

The Seal.

A charter of king Pravarasêna, the ornament of the Vâkâtakas, who has attained royal dignity by inheritance, (is) a charter for (the observance of even his) enemies.

The Plates.
  • Sight has been attained! Perfection has been attained!-(Line 17.)-At the command of the Mahârâja, the illustrious Pravarasêna (II.), who follows the path of imitating the behaviour of previous kings; who has extirpated all enemies by (his) excellent policy and strength and prowess; who was begotten on Prabhâvatiguptâ, the daughter of the Mahârâjâdhirâja, the glorious Dêvagupta; who, through possessing the favour of (the god) Shambhu, is (as virtuous as) one belonging to the Krita age; who is the ornament of the lineage of the Vâkâtakas;-
  • (Line 12.)-(And) who is the son of the Mahârâja of the Vâkâtakas, the illustrious Rudrasêna (II.), who acquired an abundance of good fortune through the favour of the divine (god) Chakrapâni;-
  • (L. 8.)-Who was the son of the Mahârâja of the Vâkâtakas, the illustrious Prithivishêna, who was an excessively devout worshipper of (the god) Mahêshvara; who was possessed of an excess of truthfulness, straightforwardness, tenderness, heroism, prowess, political wisdom, modesty, and high-mindedness, and with devotion to worthy people and guests, and with the condition of being victorious through religion, and with purity of mind, and with other meritorious qualities; who belonged to an uninterrupted succession of sons and sons’ sons, whose treasure and means of government had been accumulation for a hundred years; who behaved like Yudhisthira;-
  • (L.3.)-Who was the son of the Mahârâja of the Vâkâtakas, the illustrious Rudrasêna (I.), who was an excessively devout devotee of (the god) Svâmi-Mahâbhairava, who was the daughter’s son of the illustrious Bhavanâga, the Mahârâja of the Bhârashivas, whose royal line owed its origin to the great satisfaction of (the god) Shiva, (caused) by (their) carrying a linga of Shiva placed as a load upon (their) shoulders, (and who were besprinkled on the forehead with the pure water of (the river) Bhâgîrathî that had been obtained by (their) valour, (and) who performed ablutions after the celebration of ten ashvamêdha-sacrifices;-who was the son of Gautamiputra;-
  • (L. 1.)-(And) who was the son of the son of the Mahârâja of the sovereign Vâkâtakas, the illustrious Pravarasêna (I.), who celebrated the agnishtôma, aptôryâma, ukthya, shôdashin, âtirâtra, vâjapêya, brihaspatisava, and sâdeyaskra sacrifices, and four ashvamêdha-sacrifices, (and) was of the Vishnuvriddha gotra;-
  • (L. 17.)-In the Bennâkârpara bhâga,-in the eighteenth year of the augmenting reign; on the twelfth lunar day of the bright fortnight of (the month) Phâlguna,-the village named Brahmapûraka,-(which), according to the specification of its boundaries (is) on the bank of the (river) Karañjaviraka, on the north of (the village of) Vatapûraka, on the west of (the village of) Kinihikhêtaka, on the south of (the village of ) Pavarajjavâtaka, (and) on the east of (the village of) Kollapûraka,-is given, with libations of water, together with the korata and the fifty (hamlets?), to the Adhvaryu, the Âchârya Dêvasharman, of the Maudgalya gôtra, (and) of the Taittirîya (shâkhâ).
  • (L. 23.)-In this matter, Our obedient and high-born officers, employed in the office of general superintendents, and (Our) regular soldiers and umbrella-bearers, should be (thus) directed with a command preceded by (the words) ‘O illustrious one:’ - "Be it known to you, that, in order to increase Our own religion and life and strength and victory and dominion, (and) for the sake of (Our) welfare in this world and in the next, (and generally) for Our benefit, this (village) [is granted] in (Our) victorious office of justice.
  • (L.27.)-"It is not to be entered by the regular troops or by the umbrella-bearers; it does not carry with it (the right to) cows and bulls in succession (of production), or to the abundance of flowers and milk, or to the pasturage, hides, and charcoal, or to the mines for the purchase of salt in a moist state; it is entirely free from all (obligation of) forced labour; it carries with it the hidden treasures and deposits, and the klripta and upaklripta; it is (to be enjoyed) for the same time with the moon and the sun; (and) it is to follow (the succession of) sons and sons’ sons. The enjoyment of it should not be obstructed by any one. It should be protected and increased by all ( possible) means. And whosoever, disregarding Our charter, shall give, or cause to be given, even slight vexation, We will inflict on him, or will cause to be inflicted, punishment, together with a fine, when he is denounced by the Brâhmans."
  • (L. 35.)-(This charter) has been written by the Âchârya, while Bâppadêva is the Sênâpati.
  • (L. 35.)-And in this subject-matter of religion,-in order to avoid boasting of (other) meritorious actions performed (by Us),-We do not recite the religious merit acquired by (Our) care and protection of grants made by various kings who are dead and gone. (But), out of respect for those who shall be pre-eminent in times to come, We make a request ( for protection of the grant) to future (kings).
  • (L. 38.)-And two verses, sung by Vyâsa, are to be taken as an authority on this point: -The giver of land enjoys happiness in heaven for sixty thousand years; (but) the confiscator (of a grant), and he who assents (to an act of confiscation), shall dwell for the same number of years in hell! Whosoever confiscates land that has been given, whether by himself, or by another, he incurs the guilt of the slayer of a hundred thousand cows!
  • From: Fleet, John F. Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum: Inscriptions of the Early Guptas. Vol. III. Calcutta: Government of India, Central Publications Branch, 1888, 247-249.


सिवनी (AS, p.964): मध्यकालीन जैन मंदिरों के अवशेषों के लिए यह स्थान उल्लेखनीय है. वाकाटक महाराज प्रवरसेन द्वितीय (c.400 - 415) का ताम्रदानपट्ट यहां से प्राप्त हुआ था जो उनके शासन के 18 में वर्ष में जारी किया गया था. इसमें ब्रह्मपुरक नामक ग्राम को दान में दिए जाने का उल्लेख है. इसमें अन्य कई ग्रामों का वर्णन भी है जिनमें से कोल्लपुरक भी है.[1]

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