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Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (Retd.)

Gambhira (गम्भीर) is a place name mentioned by Panini in Ashtadhyayi. List of Shiva's thousand names includes Gambhira. Gambhira is mentioned as River in Kashmira, Madhya Pradesh and Sri Lanka.

Variants of name

Mention by Panini

Gambhira (गम्भीर) is a place name mentioned by Panini in Ashtadhyayi under Sankaladi (संकलादि) (4.2.75) group. [1]


K.P. Jayaswal[2] describes in Section-11 -The Yaksha Dynasty [End of 1st Cent. B.C. to 1st Cent. A.D.]

Restoration of Buddhism: K. Buddha Yaksha: After (Gomi-shanda the Wicked) the king according to the pious tradition (shruta) will be Buddha-paksha (read Yaksha ). He, a Maha-Yaksha, very charitable, will be undoubtedly fond of Buddhism (Buddhānām śāsane ratah), in that 'low age (538-539). The king, extremely fond of Buddha's teaching will build in many places monasteries, gardens, chaityas, Buddha's images, stepped wells, wells, etc. He will die full of age (gatā-yusha, 541). T. 542 a.

Gambhīra Yaksha: His son will be king, possessed of a big army and great power the famous Gambhira Yaksha over the whole land (544). He will be self possessed. That king, the Mahādyuti, (bhupatih sa mahadyutih) , will build in many places monasteries, rest-houses, chaityas, stepped wells (545-546). He practised mantra of Manjughosha of 16 syllables and became very prosperous (546).


Who were the Yaksha dynasty of Buddhapaksha and Gambhira yaksha, father and son, who restored Buddhism in India after the Sunga period? The answer is given by the known chronology and history. After the Sunga age it was under the Early Kushans the Kadphises that Buddhism was re-established. The AMMK itself gives us data for this identification. It describes Gambhira as an emperor (pri-thivimakhiloditam, 544, p. 621 ) . It describes him by a significant term mahadyuti (bhupatih sa mahadyutih) . 'He the Mahadyuti king' and his father are called Yaksha and Mahayaksha, by which the Mongolian type is intended. See AMMK, XXII (p. 2M) - Yakshaṇāṃtu tathā vāchā uttarāṃdiśi ye narā. Taranatha says that the first of these kings had

An Imperial History Of India:End of page 19

enlisted the sympathy of the emperor of China on his side. This was true of Kadphises I. The name Gambhira is either a translation of some title of Kadphises II or an attempt to Sanskritize an early edition of the Indian rendering of his name, for instance, Gabhi from Kaphi. Buddha-pakha (if the reading is not Buddha yakha) would mean 'the king who took up the cause of the Buddha.'

These two kings are supposed to be kings or rather emperors of Madhyadesa, as they have been given in that imperial list as the last dynasty. Their time is again indicated by (s-54) where Buddha-paksha is the patron of Asvaghosha. It is significant that Kanishka is denoted in the AMMK as Turushka (s-14) and a ruler of the North, rather Central Asia and Kashmir. Asvaghosha is given as arising a generation or so before him.

The Madhyadesa Imperial history is left here and Provincial Himalayan history is taken up; the Madhyadesa Imperial history is resumed at s-17.

Gambhira River

Gambhiria village

Gambhiriya (गंभीरिया) (Gambhiria) is a village in tahsil Kurwai of district Vidisha in Madhya Pradesh.

Jat History

Jat clans

गंभीर नदी

विजयेन्द्र कुमार माथुर[3] ने लेख किया है ...गंभीर नदी (लंका) (AS, p.272) महावंश 7,44 में वर्णित नदी. उपतिष्य ग्राम इसी नदी के तट पर स्थित है. यह नदी अनुराधपुर से 7-8 मील उत्तर की ओर बहती है.

गंभीरा नदी

विजयेन्द्र कुमार माथुर[4] ने लेख किया है ...गंभीरा नदी (AS, p.272) चर्मण्वती की सहायक नदी है, जो अर्वली पहाड़ के 'जनपव' नामक स्थान से निकलकर राजस्थान और मध्य प्रदेश के ग्वालियर के इलाके में बहती है। चंबल का उद्भव भी इसी स्थान पर हुआ था।

बौद्ध ग्रंथ 'महावंश' 7, 44 में भी इस नदी का उल्लेख हुआ है। 'उपतिष्य' नामक ग्राम इसी नदी के तट पर स्थित था। यह नदी अनुराधापुर से सात-आठ मील की ओर बहती थी।

गंभीरा नदी का वर्णन कालिदास ने मेघदूत में मेघ के रामगिरि से अलका जाने के मार्ग में, उज्जयिनी के पश्चात् तथा चर्मण्वती के पूर्व किया है- 'गभीराया: पयसि सरितश्चेतसीव प्रसन्ने छायात्मापि प्रकृतिसुभगों लप्स्यते ते प्रवेशम्' पूर्वमेघ 42। यहाँ कालिदास ने गंभीरा के जल को प्रसन्न अथवा निर्मल एवं हर्ष प्रदान करने वाला बताया है। अगले छन्द 33 में 'ह्रत्वा नीलं सलिल वसनम्' गंभीरा के जल को नीला कहा गया है। ('तस्या: किंचित् करधृतमिव प्राप्तवानीरशाखं, ह्रत्वा नीलं सलिलवसनं मुक्तरोधो नितम्बम्')

गंभीरा को आजकल गंभीर कहते हैं। चित्तौड़गढ़ नगरी इसी के तट पर बसी है। धरमत नामक क़स्बा भी गंभीरा नदी के तट पर है। गंभीरा में 1658 ई. में दारा की सेना को जिसमें जोधपुर नरेश जसवंत सिंह भी सम्मिलित था औरंगज़ेब ने बुरी तरह हराकर दिल्ली के राज्य-सिंहासन का मार्ग प्रशस्त बना लिया था। गंभीरा का नाम महाभारत भीष्म पर्व 9 की नदियों की सूची में है.

In Mahavansha

Mahavansa/Chapter 7 mentions The Consecrating of Vijaya.... Here and there did Vijaya's ministers found villages. Anuradhagama was built by a man of that name near the Kadamba river; the chaplain Upatissa built Upatissagama on the bank of the Qambhira river, to the north of Anuradhagama Three other ministers built, each for himself, Ujjeni, Uruvela, and the city of Vijita.


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