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Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R)

Gangahrada (गङ्गाह्रद) is a Tirtha mentioned in Mahabharata. Some historians identify it with Gangaridae or Rarh region that lies between the Chhota Nagpur Plateau on the West and the Ganges Delta on the East.


Ganga-hrada (गङ्गा-ह्रद)


The etymology of the word Gangaridae is also not clear. According to the historian Dr. Atul Sur, Pliny and Ptolemy it means Ganga-Ridai (Rarh of the Ganges – Ganges' Rarh). However according to other scholars it might derive as Ganga-Hrada (land with Ganges in its heart), Ganga-Rashtra (State of the Ganges) or Gonda-Ridai (Land of the Gonds). Megasthenes calls the people of Gangaridae as Gangarides. Diodorus Siculus describes Gangaridae as "a nation possessing the greatest number of elephants and the largest in size."[1]

In Mahabharata

Gangahrada (गङ्गा-ह्रद) (Tirtha) is mentioned in Mahabharata (III.81.85), (III.81.153), (III.81.172), (XIII.26.33),

Vana Parva, Mahabharata/Book III Chapter 81 mentions names of Tirthas (Pilgrims). Gangahrada (गङ्गा-ह्रद) (Tirtha) is mentioned in Mahabharata (III.81.85).[2].....One should bathe there, O king, in Gangahrada (गङ्गा-ह्रद) (3.81.85). Bathing there and worshipping Mahadeva, one obtaineth the merit of the horse-sacrifice.

Gangahrada (गङ्गा-ह्रद) (Tirtha) is mentioned in Mahabharata (III.81.153)[3]....Arriving next at the tirtha called Pavana (पावनं तीर्थ) (III.81.152), one should offer oblations to the Pitris and the gods. By this, he obtaineth, O Bharata, the merit of the Agnishtoma sacrifice. Near to that is Ganga-hrada (गङ्गा ह्रद) (III.81.153), and another, O Bharata, called Kupa (कूप) (3.81.153).

Gangahrada (गङ्गा-ह्रद) (Tirtha) is mentioned in Mahabharata (III.81.172)[4].... Near to this, O best of the Bharatas, is a tirtha called Gangahrada (गङ्गा ह्रद) (III.81.172). One should bathe there, O virtuous one, with subdued soul and leading a Brahmacharya mode of life. By this, one obtaineth merit that is greater than that of a Rajasuya and horse-sacrifices.

Anusasana Parva/Book XIII Chapter 26 mentions the sacred waters on the earth. Gangahrada (गङ्गा-ह्रद) (Tirtha) is mentioned in Mahabharata (XIII.26.33).[5]..... Bathing in Gangahrada and the tirtha known by the name of Utpalavana and daily offering oblations of water there for a full month to the Pitris, one acquires the merit of a Horse-sacrifice.

External links


  1. "The Historic State of Gangaridai".
  2. मृगधूमं ततॊ गच्छेत तरिषु लॊकेषु विश्रुतम, तत्र गङ्गा हरदे सनात्वा समभ्यर्च्य च मानवः, शूलपाणिं महादेवम अश्वमेध फलं लभेत (III.81.85)
  3. गङ्गा हरदश च तत्रैव कूपश च भरतर्षभ, तिस्रः कॊट्यस तु तीर्थानां तस्मिन कूपे महीपते, तत्र सनात्वा नरॊ राजन सवर्गलॊकं परपद्यते (III.81.153)
  4. गङ्गा हरदश च तत्रैव तीर्थं भरतसत्तम, तत्र सनातस तु धर्मज्ञ बरह्म चारी समाहितः, राजसूयाश्वमेधाभ्यां फलं विन्दति शाश्वतम (III.81.172)
  5. गङ्गा ह्रद उपस्पृश्य तथा चैवॊत्पला वने, अश्वमेधम अवाप्नॊति तत्र मासं कृतॊदकः (XIII.26.33)