History of Origin of Some Clans in India/Jat From Jutland/Jats, their Origin and Early Home, Whether Aryans

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History of Origin of Some Clans in India

(with special Reference to Jats)

By Mangal Sen Jindal (1992)

Publisher - Sarup & Sons, 4378/4B, Ansari Road, Darya Ganj, New Delhi-110002, ISBN 81-85431-08-6

The text of this chapter has been converted into Wiki format by Laxman Burdak

Chapter 1: Jat From Jutland

Jats, their Origin and Early Home, Whether Aryans

The original home of Jats is certainly connected with original home of Aryans; since Jat is definitely a tribe of Aryan race as will be found in succeeding pages. It is not the object of my work to trace the original home of Aryans since much research has been done on the subject and has been a matter of discussion since long. Regarding Aryans there are two different opinions which are given hereinafter. Some scholars hold the area of Baltic Sea to be their original land while others hold the same to be central Asia i.e., area now occupied by Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Iran and to the south of Caucasian mountains. In case, I adopt for former view the Jats migrated in Eurasia from Jutland and area to the north-east of it. If the later view is taken to be correct, then the conclusion would be that some families of the tribe migrated towards north-west India through Bolan. pass and other families moved westward

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to reach the jungles now comprised by Germany. From there, they moved northward to live in peace and established their home in peninsula of what is now known as Denmark and named the homeland as 'Jutland' and from there spread to Sweden, Gothland Island and U. S. S. R. Afterwards during the course of invasions and battles (described in later pages of this work), they established invasions countries of Asia and Europe as conquerors. It shall be seen that at a time, the Kingdom of Denmark which comprised of Sweden, Norway and Gothland was an important kingdom of Europe. It exercised influence on Germany, France and later on Roman Empire.

"The Aryans, at a prehistoric period, swarmed off, group after group, to found the early European nations, afterwards known as Celts, Greeks, Romans, Germans, Slavonians ; ;but a large section remained in Asia. The latter section split into two groups, one to descend on the plains of Hindustan, the other to, take possession finally of the great table-land of Iran" ....Story of extinct civilization of the East, page 149.

In India, they migrated in waves at intervals from the west. They at times and often immigrated from India to the west and Khyber passes.I have quoted at least one instance afterwards. The following quotations be studied regarding their home:

"The facts that there are conflicting traditions about the origin of the different Jat, Gotras and that even the Babbars of Dera Ghazi Khan claim to be Jats, clearly illustrate this." History of Jats by Qanungo, page 21.

"Much curious speculation has been expended on the origin of the Jats, which is not the object of this work to discuss, much less to argument." Vol. I, page 233 of Hindu Tribes and Castes.

"How perfectly in unison is all this of the Jits of Jutland and the Jits of Rajasthan. In each case hair is the chief object of admiration ; of Balnorth as Balder and the magical effect of the Runes is not more powerful than that attached by the chief or the Scalders of our Gete prince at the end of this inscription,

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best evidences in support of my hypothesis, that many of the Rajpoot races and Scandinavians have a common origin-that origin, Central Asia." Annals of Rajasthan, Vol. I, page 623.

"But the primary significance attached to the term Aryan, by Penka is the physical type represented by the Scandinavians, It is not to be wondered, therefore, that starting with this assumption Penka succeeded in proving, at least to his own satisfaction, that Scandinavia was the cradle land of the Indo-Europeans." Indian People Vol. I, page 209.

"It is curious to note that both Penka (op. cit. p. 56) and Tilak (See his artic home in the Vedas) independently of each other, arrived at the conclusion that the original home of the Aryans was situated in the Polar region. Penka depended on the evidence of Odyssey X-81.6, where short nights are spoken of. In the Vedic literature there are indeed passages which may suggest that the Vedic Aryans actually knew of the never-setting polar sun." (See Aitaerya Brahmana III 4.6).

Thus western Baltik coast has been regarded as the home of the Aryans chiefly on the ground that the oldest and simplest artifacts of the period following the palaeolithic age, as well as tasteful and technically perfected stone implements are found there in abundance (Much, Cie Heimat Der Indogeritanen Im Lichte Der Urgeschichtlichen Forschung," Second edition 1904 Indian People Vol. I., page 209.

"The origin of this interesting people (Jat) is enveloped in the mist of obscurity, which in the light of scientific research has yet to dispel. In physical features, language, character, sentiments. Ideas of government, and social institutions, the present day Jat is undeniably a better representative of the ancient Vedic Aryan than any member of the three higher castes of the Hindus, who have certainly lost much of their original character in the course of evolution through many centuries. But the Jat's tribal designation, is supposed to point to a foreign and less exalted origin. viz" Indo-Scythian. The European pioneers of Indian antiquities and ethnology apparently started with the presumption that fine and energetic martial peoples like the Rajput and the Jat must have been

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comparatively new corners from the north-west into India who overcame the effete descendants of the Vedic Aryans and pushed them eastward; and southward, because within the known historic period from Alexander to Ahmad Shah Durrani the foreign immigrants have invariably imposed their rule upon the children of the soil. Besides, it is known fact tbat several foreign hordes, such as the Sakas, Yueschis, Kushans and Hunas from Central Asia, the reputed home of the Parthian races, entered India successively during the period 100 B.C.- 600 A.D. and where absorbed by Hindu society. If so, where are their modern representatives? The Rajput and the Jat with their war-like habits, unortbodox customs, and confused traditions about their origin, tempted the ingenuity of the scholars, who at once identified them with the Sakas and Hunas. The fanciful theory of Col. Tod, who suggested kinship among the Indian Jats, the Goths of the Roman Empire, and the Juts of Jutland, cast a mighty spell upon several generation of scholars. The Jat tribes name sounded in the scholarly era like that of the Gaete, Yuti and Yetha of the Oxus region. The philologist for the first time raised his note of protest against this. Dr. Trumpp and Beames very strongly claimed a pure Indo-Aryan descent for them both in consideration of their physical type and language, which has been authoritatively pronounced as a pure dialect of Hindi, with out the slightest trace of Scythian. But they were silence, by the progressing science, which established the unassailable dictum. "Language is no proof of race." History of Jats by Qanungo, pages 5 to 7.

He Remarks -"The theory of the Aryan origin of the Jats, if it is to be overthrown at all, must have stronger arguments directed against it than any that have yet been adduced. Physical type and language are considerations which are not to be set aside by mere verbal resemblance, especially when the words come to us mingled beyond recognition by Greek and Chinese. (Eliot's Memories Of the Races of North- Western Provinces of India, i, 135, 137)." History of Jats by Qanungo, pages 6 and 7.

"The Jat has been declared by all eminent authorities, to

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pass successfully the combined test of the physical type and language of a true Aryan.

In the Rohtak and Delhi districts where the countryside is divided into two factions- Dahiya and Ahulanas."History of Jats by Qanungo, pages 21 and 22.

"At the opening of the fifth century there were no separate, independent states in Western Europe such as we find on the map today. The whole territory now occupied by England, France, Spain and Italy formed at that time only a part of the vast realms ruled over by the Roman emperor and his host of officials. As for Germany, it was still a region of forests, familiar only to the barbarous and half-savage tribes who inbabited them. The Romans tried in vain to conquer this part of Europe, and finally had to content themselves with keeping the German hordes out of the Empire by means of fortifications and guards along the Rhine and Danube rivers," History of Western Europe, page 8.

"In order to replenish the population great numbers of the Germans were encouraged to settle within the Empire, where they became colonial. Constantine is said to have called in three hundred thousand of a single people. Barbarians were enlisted in the Roman legions to keep out their fellow-Germans. Julius Caesar was the first to give them a place among his soldiers. The expedient became more and more common, until, finally, whole armies were German, entire tribes being enlisted under their own chiefs. Some of the Germans rose to be distinguished generals; other attained important positions among the officials of the government. In this way it came about that a great many of the inhabitants of the Roman Empire were Germans before the great invasions. The line dividing the Roman and the barbarian was growing indistinct. It is not unreasonable to suppose that the influx of barbarians smoothed the way for the break-up of the western part of the Empire. Although these barbarians had a great respect for the Roman state, they must have kept some of their love of individual liberty and could have had little sympathy for the despotism under which they lived," History of Western Europe, page 17.

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"Persians call their country Iran and themselves Irani, a word which is the Airiya of the Avesta and signifies 'the land of the Aryans' or 'illustrious', page 5, Vol. I, of History of Persia.

"Elam, the home of the earliest civilization of Persia.... in the whole of the vast area of Iran there is, as we have seen, but one navigable river, the Karun, and it is in its valley that we find the earliest civilization in what was generally known as the kingdom of Elam." page 38, Vol. 1. "Elam as a Kingdom had fallen and even if there still remained independent hill tribes, her memory passed away and was lost in a mist of fable and legend." Page 93, Vol. I, of History of Persia.