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Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R)

Kachchhakaghata (कच्छकघाट) is a Buddhist site in Sri Lanka mentioned in Mahavansha.





विजयेन्द्र कुमार माथुर[1] ने लेख किया है ...कच्छकघाट (AS, p.125) लंका में स्थित है जो महावंश 10,58 के अनुसार यह एक प्राचीन स्थान है। जो वर्तमान में महांगवोट है।

In Mahavansha

Mahavansa/Chapter 10 mentions The Consecrating of Pandukabhaya.... The prince took a noose and came to capture her. When she saw him coming up behind her she fled for fear of his majestic aspect. She fled without rendering herself invisible and he pursued her swiftly as she fled. Seven times in her flight she circled round the pond, and plunging into the Mahaganga and climbing forth again to the shore she fled seven times around the Dhumarakkha-mountain; and yet three times more she circled round the pond and plunged yet again in the Ganga near the Kacchaka-ford, but there he seized her by the mane and (grasped) a palm-leaf that was floating down the stream; by the effect of his merit this turned into a great sword. He thrust at her with the sword, crying: I will slay thee. And she said to him: I will conquer the kingdom and give it to thee, lord! Slay me not! Then he seized her by the neck and boring her nostrils with the point of his sword he secured her thus with a rope; but she followed wheresoever he would.

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