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Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R)

Kayamganj (कायमगंज) is a city in Farrukhabad district in the Indian State of Uttar Pradesh.


Kaimganj is just 10 km from the ancient city of Kampil (ancient Kampilya) on the left bank of great river Ganges in Farrukhabad district. Kaimganj is connected to all the major cities of north India by roads and Railway network. Kaimganj Railway Station is a major station between Farrukhabad and Kasganj.


Kaimganj was founded by Nawab Mohammad Khan Bangash in 1713 and named after his son Qaim Khan,[1] who was its first administrator of this town. The meaning of the word Ganj is market place.


  • Kayamaganja (कायमगंज) (जिला फर्रुखाबाद, उ.प्र.) (AS, p.171)
  • Kaimganj (कायमगंज)
  • Qaimganj (कायमगंज)


This town is associated with Dhruva, Draupadi and Charaka. The famous book on Ayurveda, Charaka Samhita was also written in the same town.

This town is the birthplace of Zakir Hussain who was the third President of India from 13 May 1967 until his death on 3 May 1969, and the founder of Jamia Milia Islamia.[2]

It is also the birthplace of the Pakistan Army's General Rahimuddin Khan, who was also Balochistan's longest-serving governor, Gulam Rabbani Khan Taban, a well-known poet and Syed Abdul Salam Shah, an Indian politician belonging to the Indian National Congress (INC).

A well-known freedom fighter Syed Kabir Shah also Known as Khair Shah, who was a legendry hero of Kaimganj who was famous for his justice for poors, Khair Shah was a friend of Lohiya Who helped him in establishing a political party National socialistic party also known as LAL TOPI he also helped former Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Mulayam Singh Yadav in making his political career.This place is well known for hospitality of Afridi Pathans. [3]


विजयेन्द्र कुमार माथुर[4] ने लेख किया है ...कायमगंज (जिला फर्रुखाबाद, उ.प्र.) (AS, p.171) - मुगल सम्राट फर्रूखसियर ने कन्नौज का प्रदेश मुहम्मदशाह बंगश को जागीर में दिया था. 1720 ई. में उसके पुत्र कायमखां को उसका उत्तराधिकार प्राप्त हुआ. उसी ने अपने नाम पर इस नगर को बसाया था.

External links


  1. Dr. Zakir Hussain: Quest for Truth. A.P.H Publishing Corporation. 1999. ISBN 9788176480567.
  2. Dr. Zakir Hussain: Quest for Truth. A.P.H Publishing Corporation. 1999. ISBN 9788176480567.
  3. "A song to Delhi's unsung poet..." The Hindu. 30 September 2002.
  4. Aitihasik Sthanavali by Vijayendra Kumar Mathur, p.171