Shankha Kshetra

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Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R)

Shankha Khsetra (शंख-क्षेत्र) is the religio-geographic name of the most sacred section of the holy city of Puri, the seat of Hindu deity, Shri Jagannath.


Sankha Khsetra: Literal Meaning: 'The Conch-shaped Region'



The Samkha Khsetra derives its name from the typical dakshinavarti Shankha (conch)-shaped, outer locational pattern of various temples, sacred places and secondary and tertiary deities in Puri, with the Jagannath Temple at the centre.


शंखक्षेत्र (AS, p.885): उड़ीसा में जगन्नाथपुरी के क्षेत्र का पौराणिक नाम है. कहा जाता है क्योंकि इसका भौगोलिक आकार शंख के समान है. शाक्तों के अनुसार इसका नाम उड्डियान पीठ है. [1]

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