Zur geschichte und Kultur der Jat
(Redirected from Jat of Pakistan by Sigrid Westphal-Hellbusch Duncker & Humblot)
The author of this article is Laxman Burdak. |
- (History and culture of the Jats)
- By von Sigrid Westphal-Hellbusch und Heinz Westphal.
- Publisher Berlin : Duncker, & Humblot, 1968
Table of contents:English Version

A.The Jats outside India ....11
- 1. The pre-Islamic propagation of the Jats towards Persia and Iraq ....11
- 2. The first contact of the Jats with Islam and their partisaship for certain sects ....22
- 3. The uprising of the Jats ....33
- 4. The Jats on their way towards Europ ....41
- 5. The Qarmaties- their eastely expansion overlapping the Jats....49
- 6. The 'Jats' a loose collective name ....54
B. The Jats in India ....58
- 1. The ethnographical reports ....58
- 2. The historical accounts till 1000 A.D....76
- 3. The historical accounts after 1000 A.D....107
- 4. The history of Sindh after Arab invasion....127
C. The Jats in the Delta Region of the Indus and in Kutch ....158
I. The Race/Tribe of the Jat- Baloch in the Delta Region of the Indus ....158
- 1. The political organistion of the tribe.... 158
- 2. The ethnic composition of the tribe ....165
- 3. The social structure of the Oraks, patrilinearilt and hierarchy of age ....178
- 4. Political organisation and landed property ....188
- 5. The tribal groups in the arrangement with the new times ....203
II. The Jats in Kutch... 216
- 1. Summary of the History of Kutch before the Treaty with the English, 1809 ....216
- 2. Summary of the History of the Jats according to their Oral Tradition ....221
- 3. Ethnographic Position in light of the LocL Tradition ....232
- 4. Some Supplementary Ethnographic Observations ....273
- 5. The Political development in Kutch after 1809 in its significance for the Jats....288
III. The Religion in the Life of the Jats, Holy Pirs and Sayids ....293
Conclusion .... 3o8
BIbliography ....314
Index ....325
Names of Ethnic units, Groups, Tribes and Confederations....337
Index of the Places and Regions that figure in the Text....341
Family Tree of the Madhani, Banni ....345
Table of contents:German Version
See - Zur geschichte und Kultur der Jat in German
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