An Imperial History Of India/Contents
By K.P. Jayaswal - the Sanskrit Text, Revised by Rahul Sankrityayana
Publisher - Motilal Banarasi Dass, The Punjab Sanskrit Book Depot, Sasdmrha, LahoreWikified by Laxman Burdak |
Introductory.... 1
1. Existing 'blanks' in Hindu history Scope of the present text-Its special contributions to-four important periods - New light thrown on many important points and problems - MMK historical Section in Sanskrit and in Tibetan - Buston's works and new light on the history of Skanda Gupta.... 1 - 2
2. Indian history as a succession of empires - 'Blanks' filled up by MMK history - The eight succeeding empires - G.Start's Sanskrit edition of MMK and its Tibetan translation - Present Text resulting from the two versions critically compared and coordinated .... 2 - 3
3. Some notable features of MMK history - Prominence given to Gauda history - Territorial significance of Gauda.... 3
4. Scope of MMK history - Its method of treatment - Its lower limit.... 3
5. Tibetan translation of MMK - Date of translation.... 34
6. Style, method, scope and language of the work - Similar instances.... 4
7. Scheme of the Text - Chapter divisions - S. and T. versions - Their points of difference.... 4
8. Prose and verse as employed in MMK - The language.... 4
8a. Nature of the Text from which Tibetan translation was done.... 4
9. Method followed in the present commentary.... 4 - 5
10. Prominent features of the method adopted in MMK "Section on
Kingly Exposition" - Its system of denoting kings' names.... 5
11. New data contained in MMK - Old notions discredited.... 5
12. Regional treatment of history in MMK - The scheme outlined - Its authorship and sources of its material - Its two rest-points - Antiquity of Indian Dynastic Manuals 5 - 8
Part-I:Magadha And Madhyadesa; Imperial Period
1. Suisunaka DynastyThe Buddha relates his biography - Kusagrapuri capital of Magadha - Ajatasatru's visit to the Buddha - Raja, Rajagriha and Kusagrapura mentioned - Condition to prevail after the Buddha's death - Revival of orthodox Hinduism - Description of the Buddha's relic - worship Extent of the kingdom of Ajatatatru, 'son of Bimbisara' - Succession of U. or Udayin - U. reducing for the first time, the Buddha's teaching to writing.... 9 - 10
Bimbisara - Ajatasatru - Udayin.... 10
Kings of the First Yugas - Nahusha to Udaya -Santanu to Aswatthaman son of Drona, having been worshipers of the Buddha.... 10 - 11
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Kings of the 'present age'- Thirteen kings belonging to 9 lines and state....11
Five Lichchhavi rulers under fifth head Taranatha's wrong supposition Udayana of Kausambi Lichchhavis being Kshatriyas . . . . 11
- 4. "100 years after the Buddha"
- Revival of Buddhism
- Emperor Asoka; His Stupas and Pillars
MMK confusing Asoka Maurya with Asoka of the Second Buddhist Council Latter variously known in Northern Buddhism Except the date MMK datum holding good for Asoka Maurya History of Asoka as delineated by MMK....11-12
Asoka pillars of two varieties and Asoka's tour... 12
Kings attaining imperial position with the help of Mantras Ancient, Past Middle Time, Present, Future and Future Middle Time kings Lax employment of the prophetic style.... 13
Past Middle Age kings - King Brahmadatta at Varanasi - His son Harya - His son Śveta.... 13
Varanasi imperial dynasty before the rise of Magadha - Its Saisunaka branch - Annexation of Magadha to the Varanasi - Empire Brahmadatta's conquest of Kosala - Political history of Varanasi= Kosala==Kausmbi relationship and their mutual struggle for supremacy.... 13
Visoka(=Nandavardhana) - Surasena - Nanda - Nanda's Prime Minister - Vararuchi - The Brahmin Panini....14
New light on Mahapadma Nanda and Panini - Identity of 'Visoka' and Surasena- Nanda the Prime Minister of Surasena - Surasena's empire - Nanda's character and important features of his reign- Supplanting of Nanda by Chandragupta - True history of Chandragupta - MMK chronology free from confusion - Positive record about Panini's date....14
Chandragupta - King Bindusara - Prime Minister Chanakya- Hitherto unknown new details about them....16
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Chandragupta and Chanakya
Character of BindusaraBindusira's succession and faith - Chandragupta's faith and manner of death - Their reign periods - Vishnugupta Chanakya being Prime Minister through three reigns - Radhagupta - Buddhist system of noting - Prime Minister's names in historical records.... 16-17
Matrichina ('cheta)- Naga [rjuna] - Asanga - Nanda - Nandaka .. 18
Definite date of Nagarjuna - Nagarjuna preceding AsVaghosa - Asvaghosha's date corrected.... 18
[Kings after the Mauryas]
K. Gomin [Pushyamitra, 188 B.C.-152 B.C.]
Destruction of BuddhismKing Gomin in Low Age - Extent of his Empire - Destruction of Buddhism and slaughter of Buddhist monks by him - His death together with his retinue and the site thereof.... 18-19
Gomi-shanda - Identified with Pushyamitra - Northern limits of his kingdom.... 19
Restoration of Buddhism
King Buddha Yaksha - His achievements - His son Gambhira Yaksha....19
Identification of the Yaksha Dynasty and of Buddha Yaksha and Gambhira Yaksha with Kadphises I and Kadphises II respectively - Yakshas as defined by MMK - Both incorporated in Madhyadesa list of kings - Buddha Yaksha being patron of AsVaghosha - Kanishka described as Turushka - Close of Madhyadesa Imperial History.... 19-20
North: Provincial History of the Himalayas
Manavendra=Manavadeva of the Lichchhavi Dynasty in Nepal - His successors - Vrisha=Vavisha, Bhavasu alias Subhasu, Bhakrama=Para- krama aiKJ Kamala....20
Bhigupta Vatsaka - Udaya and Jishnu.... 20
Nepal falling on evil days - Destruction of kingship in Nepal....20-21
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Beginning of Nepal Lichchhavi Dynasty - Manavendra and Manadeva - His successors identified - Lichchhtvi and Thakuri dynasty ruled together from one place - Western kings named - Identification of Kings - Table of contemporary Lichchhavi and W. Nepal Thakuri dynasty kings - Buddhism spreading from Nepal to Tibet....21-22
New and correct information - Mlechchha rule in Nepal - Absorption of Nepal into Tibet - Strong-tsang-Gampo - Re-rise of Nepal in 703 A.D. ....22
China (or Tibet) as distinguished from Maha-China or China - MMK enumeration of Uttarapatha kshetras - Several China kings fond of Brahmins - King Hiranyagarbha - His power, political relatives,empire, faith and achievements.... 22
Hiranyagarbha identified with Strong-tsang-Gampo of Tibet....23
Turushka king in N. India - His empire, achievements and faith - Succession of Maha-Turushka also called Maha Yaksha - His pious foundations.... 23
Turushka identified with Kanishka - Maha-Turushka with Huvishka -
Unity of Turushka and Yaksha families.... 23-24
Western India:Provincial History
Provincial History
Lāḍa Sea-coast (Kachh-Sindh)
Extent of kingdom - Buddhist king Sila(aditya) at Valabhi, of Dhara dynasty - His reign period - Succession of Chapala - King Dhruva - End of Valabhi independence.... 24
Sila identified with Siladitya - Dharmaditya I of the Valabhi - Maitraka dynasty - His successor - Chapala identified with Kharagraha - Dhruva, son-in-law and vassal of Harsha - Accurate history and extent of Valabhi kingdom in MMK - Controversy started by Hoernle set at rest....24-25
[Before 500 A.D., i.e., before Siladitya's family and after him.]
Crown-less Lada kings - Servants of their subjects - Earlier families of Sila ruling after him - Maritime activity and overseas trade of Lada with Persia and Assyria - Rulers at Varavati - Indra, Suchandra, Dhanu and Ketu with the style Pushpa - Kings with the names of Prabha and Vishnu - Numerous Yadava kings - Last king Vishnu -His capital Varavati disappearing, being washed away by the sea together with inhabitants.... 25
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Varavatyas being Yadavas - Testimony of Paikuli - Sassanian inscription in Asuristan - Valabhi people's connection with Assyria - Date of washing away of Varavati - Varavatyas and family of Siladitya coming from same stock, i.e., Yadavas 'Pushpa-nama' of MMK and the Pushpamitras.... 25-26
Madhyadesa: Imperial History
17. Saka Dynasty & Saka Emperors (the Kushans, 78 A.D.-350 A.D.).
Northern MadhyadesaMadhyama or Madhyadesa kings - History of North Mid-Land - Many kings of different births - Saka dynasty 30 Kings and 18 Emperors.... 26
Naga-Senas - Their end.... 26
Saka dynasty referring to the Kushans and not western Satraps - Naga-Senas or Naga or Bharasiva dynasty - Virasena Naga the Victor of the Kushans - Mathura - Kantipuri - Naga-Senas standing for Naga-Vakatakas - Rule of "30" Saka Kings examined - Naga dynasty repeated in History of Bengal.... 26-27
[530 A.D. -647 A.D.]
19. Vishnu, (520533 A.D.). Hara (533-550 ?)
19 c. The Maukharis (550 A.D.-600 A.D.)
Omission of Guptas here taken up under Imperial Eastern History and in Provincial Eastern History sections - Vishnu - Hara - Ajita - Isana - Sarva - Pankti - Graha and Suvrata.... 27
MMK list of Maukhari kings agreeing with those of inscriptions and Bana - Kings identified - Beginning of Maukhari imperial power - Vishnu identified with Vishnuvardhana-Yasodharman - Hcernle's view supported - Order of Imperial succession among the lines of Vishnu-vardhana, Maukharis and Prabhakaravardhana..... 27-28
Origin of Harsha's family - Descending from Emperor Vishnuvardhana - King Aditya - Emperor Harshavardhana....28-29
God Sthanu of Thanesvara connecting Vishnuvardhana-Yasodharman and Srikantha family Vishnuvardhana's connection with Malwa - Genealogy and chronology of Srikantha kings - Rise of Maukharis and of the Vaisya dynasty under Vishnuvardhana.... 29
Southern India
[Mainly kings contemporary of Harshavardhana]
20. The Satavahana [223 A.D.-231 A.D.]
King Svetasuchandra Satavahana.... 29
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Celebrated kings of the South - Mahendra - Sankara - Vallabha, called 'Sukesi' and 'Kesi' - Mangala - Mahendra - Gopendra - Madhava Gana-Sankara - Budha - The udra king Kumbha - Mathita Sumati - Bala-Pulina-Sukesi and Kesin - Manner of their death - They being contemporaries of the Pota king Mahendra - Worship of Kartikeya being prevalent in the South.... 29-30
Identification of MMK list of celebrated Southern kings - Harsha and his contemporaries - Worship of Kartikeya....30-32
Dvipas in Kalinga - Seas Traigunyas - Kamarupa Kala [kula] - Gana chiefs of Mlechchhas - Worship of the Buddha Indra, Suchandra, Mahendra.... 32
Kalinga Seas - Kalinga's intimate connection with the Archipelago - The Mlechchha Buddhist kings of Champa - Kamarupa branch ruling in Upper Burma - Indian Archipelago forming integral parts of India - Greater India of Samudra Gupta - Sea between Sumatra and Java being known as Kalinga Seas....32
East: Imperial Mgadha - Gauda Dynasties
Imperial Mgadha - Gauda Dynasties
[(a) Before 320 A.D.; and (b) 320750 A.D.]
23. Loka [Gauda Dynasty] (before 320 A.D.)
Many past, future and present great kings in the East Gauda dynasty - King Loka and his several successors....33
Mediaeval and Madhyadesa kings - Samudra - Vikrama - Mahendra S. -initiated (Skanda) - His younger successor - Bala the Easterner and his noble achievements - Kumara the great Lord of the Gaudas - Succession of 'U'. .... 33
Mutual severance.... 33
Imperial Guptas following the Nagas and preceding Vishnuvardhana - The Gauda Dynasty - King Loka the Gaudavardhana - The Gupta Emperors - True history of Gupta times - Most valuable details illuminating confused portions of Gupta history - Valuable character estimates - Royal names and virudas From Samudra to His Majesty 'U' described as Emperors - Characterization of the rule of each- Skanda Gupta, the greatest of Gupta Emperors and Emperor of Jambudvipa - Wars of Skanda Gupta from Chandragarbha Sutra cited by Buston - Confederacy of Yavanas, Palhikas and Sakunas
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invading India and annihilated by Skanda Gupta - Incidents of the war and the part played by Skanda Gupta - Reign of Skanda Gupta - V. Smith's view discredited - Baladitya I and Baladitya II - Bala- ditya and Mihirakula - Date of Second Hun War and that of the break-up of the Gupta Empire - Budha Gupta Baladitya II, Vishnuvardhana and Second Defeat of the Huns - Two Gupta Bala- dityas adumbrated in Prakataditya's Sarnath inscription - Omission of Pura Gupta - Succession after Skanda Gupta - Identity of His Majesty 'U' of MMK, of Budha Gupta and Prakasaditya....33-39
Disruption of Gupta Empire following Budha Gupta's death - Second Hun Invasion not the cause but the effect of disruption - Gupta family feud - Breaking-up of the Empire - Advent of Toramana - Bhanu Gupta in Malwa and Tathagata Gupta in Magadha followed by Baladitya II - Yuan Chwang and MMK datum - Three great results of the break-up of the Gupta Empire - Hun rule for 16 years -Rise of Yasodharman - Resuscitated military genius of the Guptas in the person of Baladitya II - Defeat of Mihirakula by Baladitya - Date of Mihirakula's invasion of Magadha and his own defeat by Baladitya - Final act of the Gupta imperial drama played between 526 - 533 A.D. - The great contributions of the Guptas - Need for an all-India empire once more felt - Yasodhar- man the 'atmavamsa' and the 'leader of the people' finally achieving it Malwa and Vishnuvardhana- Yasodharman Identity of Raja- dhiraja Paramesvara Vishnuvardhana and the Samrat Yasodharman - Baladitya II losing imperial position to Yasodharman - Subordi- nate position of the Guptas from the Hun time to Harshavardhana.... 39-41
The Separatist Gaudas - Succession of Deva, Chandra and Dvadasa in Magadha.... 42
Internecine strife among Bengal kings - Rise of Bh., a popular leader of the Gaudas - Becoming a leading king....42
D. succeeding for 10 days - Bh. for 3 days.... 42
Gopalaka King from everyone.... 42
Character estimate of Gopala - Early life - Achievements as King - His faith and policy - Period of his rule - Death.... 42
Revival of the Empire under the Later Guptas after Harsha - Treated in Gauda Provincial History section - MMK fixes the order of succession of Later Guptas appearing on coins - Deva, Chandra and Dvadasa identified - Dvadasditya and Jivita Gupta II - Latter-day Guptas
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swept away by Gopala - The last of the Gauda Guptas - Importance of Later Gupta kings - Cause of the fall of the Later Guptas - Their enemies - The Gupta Lord of "All-Northern India" and his Chalukya contemporary - Adityasena and Vinayaditya - Adityasena's unique achievements - Revived Gupta power after Baladitya II -Emperor of All-Uttarapatha being Adityasena - His son Deva Gupta surrounded by enemies and killed by Yasovarman of Kanauj - Succession of Chandraditya Vishnu Gupta - Family feud and his death - Jivita- Gupta II and the Magadha King killed by Lalitaditya of Kashmir - Fall of Kanauj and break-up of the Chalukya power - Final destruction of Gupta dynasty by Kashmir Rise of Gopala Later Guptas from Harsha's time till rise of Gopala.../. 42-44
Bengal electing her own king - Bh. "a leader of the people" and a Sudra - Estimate of his rule - The period of Anarchy (matsya-nyaya) - D. and Bh. ruling for few days each - Election of Gopalaka - Election being 'universal' and 'unanimous' - Character-sketch of Gopala the Sudra - His religious policy - His national outlook - His reign period and age at accession - The surpassing achievement of the Gauolas - Unique example of emancipated spirit from the trammels of caste-system and social prejudices at that early time - Sudras add a chapter of glory to Indian history . . . . . . . . 44-45
Part II: Gauda and Magadha Provincial History
Part II
Gauda and Magadha Provincial History
Political and dynastic details omitted in Part I given here as part of Gauda history by way of appendices to the Imperial History of Madhyadesa and the East - Sources from which MMK material derived Naga-to-Gupta history repeated again - Full of valuable details from 500 A.D. downwards - Difficulty of interpretation owing to technical reasons - Peculiarities of Part II - Provincial and additional notices brought down from 140 A.D. to the dynasty of Gopala - Value of these despite being repetitions at times Furnishing matters filling up existing gaps in history - Gauda family schism - Gauda and Magadha divisions of Guptas- No Malwa branch as hither-to supposed by historians.... 46
Political history of Bengal proper - Gauda history brought down to Gopala - Scheme of present section of MMK - History beginning with the Naga-raja - Prabha - Vishnu - Samudra - Subsequent kings - Oppression on Gauda people - Rise of Soma - Beginning again with the Naga-raja, history traced through same course and then dwelling largely on history of Bh. (ami Gupta), Pra (kataditya) and other Later Guptas, brought down to the Gopalas....46-47
30. The Nagas [under the Bharasivas]
(c. 140 A.D. 320 A.a)
Revival of Orthodox Hinduism in BengalThe Naga king Revival of orthodox Hinduism.... 47
The Nagas - Their eastern capital at Champavati.... 47
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Gauda king crowned by sacrificer Prabha Vishnu, in his capital Bhagavat - Invasion of Saketa - Death by weapons after 3 years' rule....47-48
Prabha Vishnu being Pravarasena Vishnuvriddha, Vakataka Emperor - Gauda king installed by him - His invasion of Saketa and Chandra Gupta I - Prabha Vishnu being called the 'Southerner'.... 48
Emperor Samudra arising subsequent to Prabha Vishnu - His younger brother Bhasmama [Bhasma] governing (Gauo*a ?) for three days - Samudra's reign and character appraised - Dominance of orthodox Hinduism - His conquering expeditions and victories - His reign period and death.... 48
Samudra Gupta 'of great powers and dominion' described as Super-man - Positive record of Samudra Gupta's march up to Kangra or Jammu, to the very door of the Kushans - His exact reign period - His march to Western India Bhasmama.... 48-49
Civil war among Gauda Guptas - Installation of S., a youngster and a mere symbol - Disunion among the Brahmin king-makers - Leading Brahmins crown two boys as Udumbara - Their return to the East - Boy chiefs killed by the wicked one in Kalinga....49
Separatist Gauda period being filled up - Confused account - History just preceding Sasanka's rise somewhat obscure - Civil strife - Maha-Sena - Gupta - Udumbara.... 49
Soma, an unparalleled hero becoming king - Dominion up to Benares and beyond - His anti-Buddhistic leaning and activities - Brahmin by caste - A popular leader of Bengal....49-50
R. (Rajyavardhana) , the excellent king of the Vaisya caste in Madhyadesa as powerful as Soma (Sasarika)- His death at the hand of a king of the Nagna caste - His younger brother H. (Harshavardhana) an unrivalled hero deciding against Soma - His march against Pundra - Defeats Soma - Conditions imposed on Soma - H.'s character and kingly equipments - Return and attainment of the pleasures of royalty - Prosperity of Soma the Brahmin Rule for over 17 years - Death.... 50
Soma's death - Mutual distrust, conflict and jealousy dominating Gauda political system (Gauda-tantra) - Kings rising and disappearing at short intervals - Republican constitution established -Houses built on ruins of Buddhist monasteries - Succession of Soma's son Manava - Rule for little over 8 months.... 50-51
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Details of Harsha's expedition against Soma - The Battle of Pundravardhana - Sasanka reduced to submission - Sasanka an orthodox revivalist as against Mahayana Buddhism - Sasanka's caste known for the first time - End of Gauoda national monarchy Gana-rajyam or Republic preceding the rise of Gopala - End of Gauda Provincial History....51
First section of Gauoda Provincial History ending with Soma's son - Naga-Vakataka history repeated as introductory to a resumption of Later Gupta history from 500 A.D. up to the Maukhari empire - Nagas described as Vaisyas - Importance of the section....51
The Minor of the Vaisya caste - Nagaraja becoming king of Gauda - Ascendancy of Brahmins and Vaisyas - Government becoming unfit - Resulting distress, famine invasion etc. - Chaotic condition prevailing for 6 years - Dissention among Vaisyas Prabha Vishnu becoming king....51-52
Further details about Prabha Vishnu - Occupation of Bengal by him after 6 years of misrule in the latter days of Bharasiva Nagas - Caste of the Nagas and the Vakatakas.... 52
Condition of the Gauda system under Prabha Vishnu - A king, Bhagavat, installed by him in the East - Bhagavat and the Kota family of Pataliputra - The Gupta-Kota and the Gupta-Vakataka struggles - Guptas being described as Vaisyas - Troubled state of affairs in the Gauda system - Rise of Sisu dominated by women - His fortnight's rule - Killed by weapon - Great famine and invasion - Reign of Terror - Rise of a great king of Mathura Jata family, born of a Vaisali lady, originally a Vaisya - Becoming king of Magadha - Caste of the Guptas - Kota vs. Gupta fight for two generations - Samudra Gupta identified with the 'great king' etc....52-53
Chief personality of the section being P. or Pra. - His son Bh. being a contemporary of Gopa - Bhanu Gupta and Goparaja of inscriptions....53
Wickedness and early life of Pra. - Becoming king of Magadha at Benares as a Hun feudatory - H. (Huna Toramina) - Succeeded by his son Planet (Grahar-Mihirakula) - Huns described as Sudras - Valuable addition to existing knowledge by MMK....53-54
Incidents of Hun conquest - Defeat of Mihirakula by Baladitya....54
Baladitya, Pra. and Bh. (Bhanu Gupta) - Pra. actually becoming king after Planet's death - Bhanu Gupta identified with Baladitya of Yuan Chwang - Pra. (Prakataditya of Sarnath inscription) being son of Bhanu Gupta - Baladitya Two short-lived brothers succeeding Pra. - Order of kings establishing pious foundations at Nalanda according to Yuan Chwang - Agreement of MMK with Yuan Chwang's order of kings and with those of coins and inscriptions - Bhanu Gupta being Baladitya II and flourishing after Kumara Gupta II - Chronological sequence of Tathagata Gupta - Identity of Vajra of Yuan Chwang and V. of MMK.... 54-55
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Line of Krishna Gupta and Adityasena - Imperial position of Baladitya - Evidence of Deo-Barnark inscription bearing on Later Gupta and Maukhari imperial history - Adityasena's family being a Gauda line.... 55-56
Baladitya - Incidents of his successful fight against Huns - Mihirakula holding Kashmir as a fief under Emperor Baladitya....56
Death of Baladitya - Events leading to the rise of Yasodharman Vishnuvardhana....56
Prakataditya becoming Vishnuvardhana's subordinate - Successions between the end of Pra.'s reign and the end of Rajyavardhana's reign - Long life and reign of Pra.- Script of his Sarnath inscription agreeing with Apsaḍ script - Brahmanical Soma becoming Buddhist Pra.'s rival....56-57
Vicissitudes of Pra.'s life and reign - The Maukhari successions and chronology.... 57
The Maukhari imperial period - Isanavarman, first emperor of the line after supersession of Yasodharman's family - Maukharis being conquerors of the Huns -Isanavarman's discomfiture at the hand of Kumara Gupta III of the Later Guptas or the Gauda Guptas accord- ing to MMK - Gauda Gupta line becoming kings of Magadha from Deva Gupta, son of Adityasena under Gauda - Repulsion of the Imperial Maukharis by Magadha gubernatorial family of Baladitya of Gauda - Maukhari overlordship established by the time of Sarva- varman - The boundary between dominions directly under Maukharis and Gauda Gupta possessions - Mahasena Gupta of Gauda defeats Susthitavarman of Assam - Lauhitya being Eastern boundary of Gauda.... 57-58
Yasodharman's imperial power passing into the hand of Isanavarman Maukhari - His part in the annihilation of the Huns - Final dis- appearance of Gupta imperial power in the reign of Prakataditya - Later Guptas to be counted from Prakataditya - Two lines of Later Guptas up to Rajya vardhana - Bengal branch shifts to Magadha after Harsha, enjoying imperial position again Phenomenal recuperative powers of Guptas - Race of Vikramadityas and Hindu Napoleons - Adityasena becoming Sakala-Uttarapatha Natha again and reaching up to the Chola country.... 58
Shifti of imperial centre of gravity from East to Madhyadesa - the Hun problem - Metropolis of India shifted from Pataliputra to Kanauj - Yasodharman's seat at Thanesar - Maukhari seat at Kanauj and Srikantha family at Thanesar - Maukhari dominance in West and South - Kanyakubja fully established by Harsha as India's imperial capital - Position lasting till Mahmud of Ghazni - Yasovarman and Lalitaditya bidding for imperial power by claiming to be lords of Kanauj in generations following Adityasena - Contest between Kanauj and Pataliputra continuing till Pala times - Pratihara Empire of Kanauj.... 58 - 59
Kindom of Prakataditya - Details of his reign period and of the period following it.... 59
Dha. (rasena IV) being mentioned as next emperor after Rajyavardhana - Dha.'s empire and successor V. - Caste of Dha.... 59-60
Re-establishment in Gauda of a Gupta branch to which Pra. (kataditya) belonged - First king of the revived line called Sri - Reference to Adityasena and his successors - Evidence of MMK and of coins - End of the Dynasty - Rise of the Sudra king - His 17 'years' rule - Rise of Gopala Sudra king's name in Sanskrit and Tibetan texts.... 60
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End of the independence of the Gupta line of Sri after Kumara Gupta III - Kumar Gupta III being in Gauda under Prakataditya of Magadha - Kumara Gupta assuming full sovereignty of Bengal while Prakataditya succumbing to the Maukhari Isanavarman - Kumara Gupta III defeating Isanavarman and ruling peacefully till end - His self-immolation at Prayaga in token of his successful career - Kumara Gupta III, leading monarch of Northern India of his time Isnavarman's imperial position to be dated after Kumara Gupta's death - MMK marking the end of the Gupta Empire with the death of Kumara Gupta III.... 60-61
Prakatadity - The Francis Joseph of the Gupta period - Many changes during his time - The remaining matter - The defection of the 'traitorous' prince of the Vindhya country i.e., Malwa, who declare himself king in Durga - Gauda becoming split up - King Jaya Mahavisha in South-East - Rise of Kesari or Simha and King - Soma Identity of Jaya - Malwa in Prakataditya's time....61
Table showing the disruption of the Gupta Imperial Dynasty, the rise and fall of the Gauda Dynasty of the Later Guptas, and the Succession of Empires.
Fro Budha Gupta to Baladitya II - Succession of Empires during Prakataditya Period - Imperial Dynasty of Vishnuvardhana - Gupta Imperial Revival - The Maukhari Imperial Dynasty - The Imperial Dynasty of Srikantha [Thanesar] - The Imperial Dynasty of Valabhi - Revival and fall of the Later Guptas of Gauda- Magadha Pala Paramountcy.... 61-62
Bh[anu Gupta] in the East -His son P. [rakataditya] in the East - His antecedents....63
King Gopa's identity -Circumstances of Prakataditya's incarceration in his youth....63-64
The Battle of Eran between the Huns and Bhanu Gupta.... 64
H. (Huna) the Sudra coming from West invading Gauda - Circumstances of Prakataditya's release from prison and installation as king of Magadha by H. - H. dying at Benares.... 64
Identification of H. (Huna) with Toramana - Huns being called Sudras....64
'Graha' crowned as minor at H's death - Established at Benares - Attack from Neighbour - Kingdom full of Brahmins - Graha an erring man and arbitrary - Struck by enemy and died....64-65
Name of all haters of Buddhism concealed in MMK.... 65
Soma's rise preceded by mutual disunion in Magadha monarchy - Pra. ruling in Magadha at the time Period of rule - Extent of his Dominions - Conquest of Pancha Kesari of Orissa - His rule in the North-East - Defection of Provinces - Vindhyas Jaya in S-E, Kesari in Orissa and Soma in Gauda - Pra. living up to 94 years...65-66
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Low Age after Pra.-Confusion by his servants - V. king for a week P.'s brother or descendant V. (Vajra) ruling for 3 years.... 66
Rajyavardhana for 1 year - Both V. and Rijyavardhana haying unnatural ending.... 66
Dh. (arasena IV) for 3 years - Youngest in the family, V. becoming emperor - His pious achievements and original ancestry - His character and long life.... 66
Lauhitya conquered by Mahasena Gupta - A part of Gauda under Prakataditya's reign - Gauda-tantra, rendered as Gauda-System, including Bihar-Bengal-Orissa and Assam Defection of Provinces in the latter days of Pra's rule.... 66-67
'Separatist Gaudas' breaking away from Prakataditya from the time of Kumara Gupta III and assuming imperial titles - Kumara Gupta III, only independent king among Later Guptas - Date of Maukhari accession to imperial power.... 67
Rajyavardhana regarded as coming directly after Prakataditya and his successors Prakataditya and Vajra - Their order of succession....67
Rajyavardhana's successors - Harsha and Dh.(Dharasena IV) - V. or
J. and Dhruvasena II - Valabhi kings maintaining a navy.... 67
Date of Dharasena's succession to Harsha's imperial position - Dharasena claiming imperial position both in the North and the South....67
Adityasena wresting imperial power from Dharasena....68
Inter-regnum of Harsha's minister Arjuna after Harsha's death exaggerated.... 68
Next, Sri, a maharaja, arising in Gauda- System with capital at V. - His conquest of neighbouring rivals - His able minister Sakaja a Brahmin - Sri living up to 81 years - Killed by women - His feudatory Y. ruling as sovereign for 8 years - A dynast of P.-dynasty ruling again.... 68
'Pa.-Vamsa beginning again with Sri i.e., Sri Adityasena, son of Srimati and Madhava Gupta of Gauda - His identity established by his successors - Deva Gupta- Vishnu Gupta Chandraditya and Dvadasaditya - MMK. giving R.'s elder brother and R. i.e., Vishnu Gupta - Y. in place of Deva Gupta - Identity of Y. - Evidence of Nalanda stone inscription of Yasovarman's minister - Malada and the Gaudavaho read with MMK. - The Battle of Sone between Yasovarman and Deva Gupta....68-69
Long reign and three AsVamedhas of Adityasena - His dynasty being short-lived - His capital V. being Varunika (Deo-Barnark)....69
Adityasena's defeat by the Chalukyas in his last days - His Chalukya contemporaries - Adityasena, Emperor of All-Northern India
An Imperial History Of India-Contents:End of page xiii
between 680-694 A.D. - Imperial insignia of Ganga and Yamuna being wrested from the Northern Emperor by the Chalukyas - Antiquity of these imperial symbols going back to the Vakataka time.... 69
Confirmation of proposed chronology by Hwui Lun's account - The Chalukya temple and Jih-kwan's temple under construction near Nalanda as seen by Hwui Lun in 690 - Deva Gupta 'King of Eastern India' - Approximate time of Hwui Lun's visit Yuan-chau and Hwui Lun.... 69-70
Identification of Y. with Yasovarman - Testimony of the Nalanda inscription, Gaudavaho, Hwui Lun and MMK. - Deva Gupta being the Magadha king killed by Yasovarman.... 70
Y. not treated as Emperor - His defeat at Lalitaditya's hand - V. Smith's mistake in taking Yasovarman as having been slain by Lalitaditya - Kalhana's testimony to the contrary Yasovarman's embassy to China following his defeat at the hand of Lalitaditya - Lalitaditya, a protege of the Chinese Emperor....70
Yasovarman ousted from Magadha before 731 A.D....70
R's elder brother succeeding Deva Gupta, killing ministers and being
killed by enemies while drunk His only brother R's short rule....71
R. being Vishnu Gupta Chandraditya - Genealogy from Deva Gupta to Jivita Gupta II - Their succession, reign periods and scope of rule - Jivita Gupta being the Gauda king captured by Lalitaditya Date of the close of the Gauda dynasty....71
Next, Sva being king Sva, a Sudra and a cripple and non-religious - Destroying Brahmin feudal lords, recluses etc. - Maintaining law and order with firm hand - Nature of his administration - Suppressing all rascals practising religious hypocricy Sva, a freedom-giver and donor - Ruling for 17 years - His death.... 71
Sva, a popular Bengali leader elected to kingship - A successful and impartial ruler.... 72
A King of a distant branch of P. (ra) dynasty ruling under P. (ra) in the East Country - His power and achievements and pious foundations - A devotee of the Buddhas and follower of Mahayana - Leading the life of a Sakya monk - Known by the name K.,- Ruling for 21 years - Dying of Cholera - His descendants being subordinate rulers....72
MMK description of K. verified from inscriptions about Kumara Gupta III - Evidence of Gaudavaho - Kumara Gupta III and Aditya- sena being only paramount sovereigns of the line - Adityasena - Not counted owing to his being defeated by the Chalukyas in the end....72
Next, Gopalas of menial caste being kings - Dominance of Brahmins- Decline of Buddhism - Time being irreligious.... 72
An Imperial History Of India-Contents:End of page xiv
Efficacy of mantras - Tara worship - Mantras for different quarters of India.... 72-73
Insulindia and Further India coming in the system of Southern India....73
Brief notices of kings and ministers of Madhyadesa who were mostly weak and of little intelligence - List of such kings - General degeneration and decay in that Low Age - People having short lives....73
Similar kings in Gangetic provinces, in the Himalayan tracts and in
- Kamarupa + . . . . 73
- Kings of Angadesa . . . . . . . . . . 73
- Kings of Kamarupa . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
- King of Vaisali .... ... 73
Kings of Kapilapura Suddhodana being the last king . . . . . . 73
Numerous kings of different parts and quarters of India described....74
End of dynastic history - Notices of political leaders, monks, Brahmins and others.... 74
Part III:Religious and Social Leaders
Part III
54. Monks (Yatis) connected with the State
Matricheta or Matri-china, Kusumara, Naga (Nagarjuna) whose name was Ratna Sambhava, Kumara or Kukura, Asvaghosha who was a contemporary of Buddhapaksha (fiuddhayaksha).....75
- A. and Th. in the South . . . . 75
- Apara and other monks in Ceylon . . . . . . . . 75
- Monk S. under King Balaka or Kala 75
- Those who will carp at others' view . . . . . . . 75
- Heretical Buddhists 75
- Philanthropic physicians . . . . . . . . . . 75
- Iconographists 75
- Artist-monks . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
- Leading class in the 8th century . . . . . . . . . . 76
Nagarjuna arising before Asvaghosha - Latter arising a generation before Kanishka.... 76
Regular school of philosophers giving meaning to various images of the Buddha - Another school producing beautiful images . . . 76
Religious Brahmins practising Mantra and Tantra, receiving maintenance from the State....76
V. the rich Brahmin who went all over the three Oceans and engaged himself in controversies -Other Brahmins belonging to this category.... 76
An Imperial History Of India-Contents:End of page xv
Raghava the Sudra and others Saka-born....76
V. the angry, miracle-working Brahmin at Pushpapura - Throwing his anger at king's life.... 76
S. the famous Brahmin expert in political counsel....76-77
V., the Buddhist Dakslwiapatha Buddhist Brahmin Reaching two Seas for artistic executions.... 77
Wealthy Brahmin Bh. famous in the South.... 77
Sampurna, Vinaya, Suvinaya; Purna and Bh., the Chancellor of royal exchequer....77
Description of Mahayana pantheon and morals....77
Close connection between the South and Insulindia - Vishnugupta - Nanda and Subandhu.... 77
Index.... i-xiv
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