Ashoka of Mahabharata

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Ashoka (अशॊक) is mentioned in Mahabharata as a great Asura King.


In Mahabharata

Adi Parva, Mahabharata/Mahabharata Book I Chapter 61 gives Genealogy of the Danavas, Asuras, Kauravas, Pandavas, Gandharvas, Apsaras, Rakshasas. Ashoka is mentioned in verse (I.61.14). ...."That great Asura who was known as Ashwa became on earth the monarch Ashoka of exceeding energy and invincible in battle. [1]


  1. यस तव अश्व इति विख्यातः शरीमान आसीन महासुरः, अशॊकॊ नाम राजासीन महावीर्यपराक्रमः (I.61.14)

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