Dhar Kalan
Dhar Kalan (धार कलां) is a village and administrative headquarter of Dhar Kalan tehsil in Pathankot district of Punjab State, India.
Before formation of Pathankot district on 27 July 2011, Dhar Kalan, along with Pathankot district, was part of Gurdaspur district.
For 2011 census, Dhar Kalan is listed under Gurdaspur district as census was completed before formation of the new district of Pathankot.
Villages in Dhar Kalan tahsil
Bakhatpur, Barsudhal, Bhamlada, Bhanguri, Chamrour, Darbahn, Darkha Bungla, Dhar Kalan, Dhar Khurd, Dukhaniyali, Dunera, Ghar, Hara, Hardo Saran, Jalahar, Kot, Lanjera, Lohrun, Nalloh, Narainpur, Phagli Mama, Phangota, Rohg, Sarti, Tarhari, Thara Jhikla, Thara Uparla, Tureti,
As of 2011, The village had a total number of 266 houses and the population of 1441 of which 721 were males while 690 were females according to the report published by Census India in 2011.
Notable persons
External links
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