Dhariwal Kalan
Dhariwal Kalan (Hindi: धारीवाल कलां, Punjabi: ਧਾਰੀਵਾਲ ਕਲਾਁ) is a village in tahsil and district Gurdaspur in Punjab.
Dehriwal Daroga (3 KM) , Roranwali (3 KM), Thikriwal (4 KM), Bakhatpur (4 KM), Bhumbli (5 KM) are the nearby villages to Dhariwal Kalan.
Jat Gotras
At the time of Census-2011, the total population of Dhariwal Kalan village stood at 2068, with 396 households.
Notable persons
External links
- Dhariwal Kalan village at villageinfo.in website
- Information on Dhariwal Kalan at onefivenine.com website
- https://soki.in/dhariwal-kalan-dhariwal-gurdaspur
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