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Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R)

Eraka (एरक) was the name of a Nagavanshi King descended from Kauravya mentioned in Mahabharata (I.52.12).

Jat Gotras Namesake

Various Definitions

  • Eraka (एरक).— A Naga born in the family of the Kauravas. This Naga was burnt to death at the Sarpasatra of Janamejaya. (Śloka 16, Chapter 57, Ādi Parva).[2][3]
  • Eraka (एरक).— An arahant. He was the son of an eminent family of Savatthi. He had many advantages over others, among them beauty and charm. His parents married him to a suitable wife but, because it was his last life, he sought the Buddha. After hearing the Buddha preach he left the world, but for several days he was overcome by evil thoughts. The Buddha thereupon admonished him in a verse, and Eraka gained arahantship (Thag.v.93; ThagA.i.192f; for the name see Brethren, p.86, n.2). In the time of Siddhattha Buddha he was a householder. One day he saw the Buddha and, having nothing to give, cleaned the road along which the Buddha walked and stood looking at him with clasped hands. Fifty seven kappas ago he was a king named Suppabuddha. He is probably identical with Maggadayaka Thera of the Apadana. Ap.i.173.[4][5]
  • Eraka (एरका).—The grass growing on the seashore, supposed to be grown out of the particles of the musala given birth to by Sāmba and thrown into the sea by the order of the Yādava king.[6][7]
  • Erakā (एरका):—[from eraka] f. a kind of grass of emollient and diluent properties, [Mahābhārata; Viṣṇu-purāṇa; Bhāvaprakāśa] etc.[8]

In Mahabharata

External links


  1. K D Bajpai, Indian Numismatic studies, Ch 5, Pl I,4
  2. Source: Puranic Encyclopedia
  4. Source: Pali Kanon: Pali Proper Names
  6. Source: Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries: The Purana Index
  9. (एरक) ऐण्डिलः कुण्डलॊ मुण्डॊ वेणि सकन्धः कुमारकः, बाहुकः शृङ्गवेगश च धूर्तकः पातपातरौ (I.52.12)