Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R) |

Kajalabedha (काजलाबेड़ा) is a village in Badamba tahsil of Cuttack district of Orissa, India.
Kajalabedha is a small Village/hamlet in Badamba Tehsil in Cuttack District of Odisha State, India. It is located 64 KM towards west from District head quarters Cuttack. 61 KM from State capital Bhubaneswar. Kajalabedha is surrounded by Banki Tehsil towards South , Tigiria Tehsil towards East , Bhapur Tehsil towards South , Khandapara Tehsil towards west . Dhenkanal , Khordha , Jatani , Bhubaneswar are the near by Cities to Kajalabedha.[1]