Kalwan Jind
- Note - Please click → Kalwan for details of similarly named villages at other places.
Kalwan (कालवन) is a large, Jat village in Narwana tahsil in Jind district, Haryana. Pincode of Kalwan is 126116.
Jat Gotras
The village has a population of about 10000 with 2000 families and is having about 6000 voters. Jats have a population of about 1500 families. It is a village of Nain Jat gotra only. Out of 52 Nain villages it is one of the big Villages. 24 Nain gotra villages are around this village.
Other castes
Other castes dwelling in the village with number of families are Brahman (250), Harijan(200), Kumhar (15), Sunar (15), Nai (50), Gosai (10), Bairagi (20), Doom (15) etc. Present MLA from INLD, Mr Peerthi Ram, a Harijan by caste is from this Village. Presently there are five military officers besides many in various ranks from this village .
It is situated at a distance of 20 km from Narwana in west direction on Delhi-Firozpur rail line. It is just 3 km from another famous village called Dhamtan Sahib a religious and historical place. It is a well connected village by roads and rail. This is the last Village of Haryana sharing border with Distt Sangrur of Punjab.
(Data as per Census-2011 figures)
Total Population | Male Population | Female Population |
9473 | 4954 | 4519 |
Villagers of this village have the blessings of Sethala Mata, Baba Bhawa Dass and Baba Ratigir.
Notable persons
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