Karna Parva/Mahabharata Book VIII Chapter 14
Mahabharata Book VIII Chapter 14 :English
Section 19
"Sanjaya said, 'Wheeling round, like the planet Mercury in the curvature of its orbit, Jishnu (Arjuna) once more slew large number of the samsaptakas. Afflicted with the shafts of Partha, O king, men, steeds, and elephants, O Bharata, wavered and wondered and lost colour and fell down and died. Many foremost of animals tied to yokes and drivers and standards, and bows, and shafts and hands and weapons in grasp, and arms, and heads, of heroic foes fighting with him, the son of Pandu cut off in that battle, with arrows, some of which were broad-headed, some equipped with heads like razors, some crescent-shaped, and some furnished with heads like the calf's tooth. Like bulls fighting with a bull for the sake of a cow in season, brave warriors by hundreds and thousands closed upon Arjuna. The battle that took place between them and him made the hair to stand on end like the encounter between the Daityas and Indra, the wielder of the thunderbolt on the occasion of the conquest of the three worlds. Then the son of Ugrayudha pierced Partha with three shafts resembling three venomous snakes. Partha, however, cut off from his enemy's trunk the latter's head. Then those warriors, filled with rage, covered Arjuna from every side with diverse kinds of weapons like the clouds urged by the Maruts shrouding Himavat at the close of summer. Checking with his own weapons those of his foes on every side, Arjuna slew a large number of his enemies with well-shot shafts. With his arrows Arjuna then cut off the Trivenus, the steeds, the drivers, and the parshni drivers of many cars, and displaced the weapons and quivers of many, and deprived many of their wheels and standards, and broke the cords, the traces and the axles of many, and destroyed the bottoms and yokes of others, and caused all the equipment of many to fall from their places. Those cars, thus smashed and injured by Arjuna in large numbers, looked like the luxurious mansions of the rich destroyed by fire, wind, and rain. Elephants, their vitals pierced with shafts resembling thunderbolts in impetuosity, fell down like mansions on mountain-tops overthrown by blasts of lightning. Large numbers of steeds with their riders, struck by Arjuna, fell down on the Earth, their tongues and entrails pressed out, themselves deprived of strength and bathed in blood, and presenting an awful sight. Men and steeds and elephants, pierced by Savyasaci (Arjuna) with his shafts, wondered and tottered and fell down and uttered cries of pain and looked pale, O sire. Like Mahendra smiting down the danavas, Partha smote down large numbers of his foes, by means of shafts whetted on stone and resembling the thunder of poison in deadliness. Brave warriors, cased in costly coats of mail and decked with ornaments and armed with diverse kinds of weapons, lay on the field, with their cars and standards, slain by Partha. Vanquished (and deprived of life) persons of righteous deeds, possessed of noble birth and great knowledge, proceeded to heaven in consequence of those glorious deeds of theirs while their bodies only lay on Earth. Then the chief, belonging to thy army, of various realms, filled with wrath and accompanied by their followers, rushed against Arjuna, that foremost of car-warriors. Warriors borne on their cars and steeds and elephants, and foot-soldiers also, all desirous of slaying (Arjuna), rushed towards him, shooting diverse weapons with great speed. Then Arjuna like wind, by means of keen shafts, destroyed that thick shower of weapons dropped by those warriors constituting a mass of congregated clouds. People then beheld Arjuna crossing that raftless ocean constituted by steeds and foot-soldiers and elephants and cars, and having mighty weapons for its waves, on a bridge constituted by his own mighty weapons of offence and defence. Then Vasudeva, addressing Partha, said, "Why, O sinless one, dost thou sport in this way? Grinding these samsaptakas, haste thyself for Karna's slaughter." Saying, "So be it" unto Krishna, Arjuna then, forcibly smiting the remnant of the samsaptakas with his weapons, began to destroy them like Indra destroying the Daityas. At that time, with even the closest attention, men could not mark when Arjuna took out his shafts, when he aimed them and when he let them off quickly. Govinda himself, O Bharata, regarded it wonderful. Like swans diving into a lake the shafts of Arjuna, white and active as swans, penetrated into the hostile force. Then Govinda, beholding the field of battle during the progress of that carnage, said these words to Savyasaci, "Here, O Partha, for the sake of Duryodhana alone, occurreth this great and terrible destruction of the Bharatas and other kings of Earth. Behold, O son of Bharata, these bows, with golden backs, of many mighty bowmen, and these girdles and quivers loosened from their bodies. Behold these straight shafts equipped with wings of gold, and these long arrows washed with oil and looking like snakes freed from their sloughs. Behold these beautiful lances decked with gold lying scattered about, and these coats of mail, O Bharata, adorned with gold and fallen off from the bodies of the warriors. Behold these spears embellished with gold, these darts adorned with the same metal, and these huge maces twined round with threads of gold, and cords of hemp. Behold these swords decked with bright gold and these axes adorned with the same, and these battle-axes equipped with gold-decked handles. Behold also these spiked clubs, these short arrows, these Bhusundis, and these Kanapas; these iron Kuntas lying around, and these heavy Mushalas. These victory-longing warriors endued with great activity and armed with diverse weapons, though dead, still seem to be quick with life. Behold those thousands of warriors, their limbs crushed with maces, and heads split with Mushalas or smashed and trod by elephants and steeds and cars. O slayer of foes, the field of battle is strewn with the bodies of men and elephants and steeds, deprived of life, dreadfully mangled with shafts and darts and swords and lances and scimitars and axes and spears and Nakharas and bludgeons, and bathed in streams of blood. Strewn with arms smeared with sandal-paste and decked with Angadas and graced with auspicious indications and cased in leathern fences and adorned with Keyuras, the Earth looks resplendent, O Bharata. Strewn also with hands having fingers cased in fences, decked with ornaments, and lopped off from arms, and with severed thighs looking like the trunks of elephants, of heroes endued with great activity and with heads adorned with earrings and headgears set with gems, (the Earth looks exceedingly beautiful). Behold those beautiful cars, decked with golden bells, broken in diverse ways. Behold those numerous steeds bathed in blood, those bottoms of cars and long quivers, and diverse kinds of standards and banners and those huge conchs, of the combatants, and those yak-tails perfectly white, and those elephants with tongues lolling out and lying on the field like hills, and those beautiful with triumphal banners, and those slain elephant-warriors, and those rich coverlets, each consisting of one piece of blanket, for the backs of those huge beasts, and those beautiful and variegated and torn blankets, and those numerous bells loosened from the bodies of elephants and broken into fragments by those falling creatures, and those hooks with handles set with stones of lapis lazuli fallen upon the Earth, and those ornamental yokes of steeds, and those armours set with diamonds for their breasts and those rich cloths, adorned with gold and tied to the ends of the standards borne by horsemen, and those variegated coverlets and housings and Ranku skins, set with brilliant gems and inlaid with gold, for the backs of steeds and fallen on the ground, and those large diamonds adorning the head-gears of kings, and those beautiful necklaces of gold, and those umbrellas displaced from their positions, and those yak-tails and fans. Behold the earth strewn with faces adorned with earrings bright as the moon or stars, and embellished with well-cut beards, and each looking like the full moon. The earth, strewn with those faces looking like lilies and lotuses, resembles a lake adorned with a dense assemblage of lilies and lotuses. Behold, the earth possessing the effulgence of the bright moon and diversified as if with myriads of stars, looks like the autumnal firmament bespangled with stellar lights. O Arjuna, these feats that have been achieved by thee in great battle today are, indeed, worthy of thee or of the chief of the celestials himself in heaven." Even thus did Krishna show the field of battle unto Arjuna. And while returning (from the field to their camp), they heard a loud noise in the army of Duryodhana. Indeed the uproar that was heard consisted of the blare of conchs and the beat of cymbals and drums and Patahas and the clatter of car wheels, the neighing of steeds, the grunt of elephants, and the fierce clash of weapons. Penetrating into that force by the aid of his steeds possessing the fleetness of the wind, Krishna became filled with wonder upon beholding the army grinded by Pandya. Like Yama himself slaying creatures whose lives have run out, Pandya, that foremost of warriors skilled in shafts and weapons, was destroying crowds of foes by means of diverse kinds of shafts. Piercing the bodies of the elephants and steeds and men with sharp shafts, that foremost of smiters overthrew and deprived them of life. Cutting off with his own shafts the diverse weapons hurled at him by many foremost of foes, Pandya slew his enemies like Sakra (Indra) destroying the Danavas.'"
Mahabharata Book VIII Chapter 14 :Sanskrit
1 [स] परत्यागत्य पुनर जिष्णुर अहन संशप्तकान बहून वक्रानुवक्र गमनाथ अङ्गारक इव गरहः 2 पार्द बाणहता राजन नराश्वरदकुञ्जराः विचेलुर बभ्रमुर नेथुः पेतुर मम्लुश च मारिष 3 धुर्यं धुर्यतरान सूतान रदांश च परिसंक्षिपन पाणीन पाणिगतं शस्त्रं बाहून अपि शिरांसि च 4 भल्लैः कषुरैर अर्धचन्थ्रैर वत्सथन्तैश च पाण्डवः चिच्छेथामित्र वीराणां समरे परतियुध्यताम 5 वाशितार्दे युयुत्सन्तॊ वृषभा वृषभं यदा आपतन्त्य अर्जुनं शूराः शतशॊ ऽद सहस्रशः 6 तेषां तस्य च तथ युथ्धम अभवल लॊमहर्षणम तरैलॊक्यविजये याथृग थैत्यानां सह वज्रिणा 7 तम अविध्यत तरिभिर बाणैर थन्थ शूकैर इवाहिभिः उग्रायुधस ततस तस्य शिरः कायाथ अपाहरत 8 ते ऽरजुनं सर्वतः करुथ्धा नानाशस्त्रैर अवीवृषन मरुथ्भिः परेषिता मेघा हिमवन्तम इवॊष्णगे 9 अस्त्रैर अस्त्राणि संवार्य थविषतां सर्वतॊ ऽरजुनः सम्यग अस्तैः शरैः सर्वान सहितान अहनथ बहून 10 छिन्नत्रिवेणुजङ्घेषान निहतपार्ष्णि सारदीन संछिन्नरश्मि यॊक्त्राक्षान वयनुकर्ष युगान रदान विध्वस्तसर्वसंनाहान बाणैश चक्रे ऽरजुनस तवरन 11 ते रदास तत्र विध्वस्ताः परार्ध्या भान्त्य अनेकशः धनिनाम इव वेश्मानि हतान्य अग्न्यनिलाम्बुभिः 12 थविपाः संभिन्नमर्माणॊ वज्राशनिसमैः शरैः पेतुर गिर्यग्रवेश्मानि वज्रवाताग्निभिर यदा 13 सारॊहास तुरगाः पेतुर बहवॊ ऽरजुन ताडिताः निर्जिह्वान्त्राः कषितौ कषीणा रुधिरार्थ्राः सुथुर्थृशः 14 नराश्वनागा नाराचैः संस्यूताः सव्यसाचिना बभ्रमुश चस्खलुः पेतुर नेथुर मम्लुश च मारिष 15 अणकैश च शिला धातैर वज्राशनिविषॊपमैः शरैर निजघ्निवान पार्दॊ महेन्थ्र इव थानवान 16 महार्हवर्माभरणा नानारूपाम्बरायुधाः स रदाः स धवजा वीरा हताः पार्देन शेरते 17 विजिताः पुण्यकर्माणॊ विशिष्टाभिजन शरुताः गताः शरीरैर वसुधाम ऊर्जितैः कर्मभिर थिवम 18 अदार्जुन रदं वीरास तवथीयाः समुपाथ्रवन नानाजनपथाध्यक्षाः सगणा जातमन्यवः 19 उह्यमाना रदाश्वैस ते पत्तयश च जिघांसवः समभ्यधावन्न अस्यन्तॊ विविधं कषिप्रम आयुधम 20 तथायुध महावर्षं कषिप्तं यॊधमहाम्बुथैः वयधमन निशितैर बाणैः कषिप्रम अर्जुन मारुतः 21 साश्वपत्तिथ्विपरदं महाशस्त्रौघम अप्लवम सहसा संतितीर्षन्तं पार्दं शस्त्रास्त्रसेतुना 22 अदाब्रवीथ वासुथेवः पार्दं किं करीडसे ऽनघ संशप्तकान परमद्यैतांस ततः कर्णवधे तवर 23 तदेत्य उक्त्वार्जुनः कषिप्रं शिष्टान संशप्तकांस तथा आक्षिप्य शस्त्रेण बलाथ थैत्यान इन्थ्र इवावधीत 24 आथधत संथधन नाषून थृष्टः कैश चिथ रणे ऽरजुनः विमुञ्चन वा शराञ शीघ्रं थृश्यते सम हि कैर अपि 25 आश्चर्यम इति गॊविन्थॊ बरुवन्न अश्वान अचॊथयत हंसांस गौरास ते सेनां हंसाः सर इवाविशन 26 ततः संग्रामभूमिं तां वर्तमाने जनक्षये अवेक्षमाणॊ गॊविन्थः सव्यसाचिनम अब्रवीत 27 एष पार्द महारौथ्रॊ वर्तते भरतक्षयः पृदिव्यां पार्दिवानां वै थुर्यॊधनकृते महान 28 पश्य भारत चापानि रुक्मपृष्ठानि धन्विनाम महताम अपविथ्धानि कलापान इषुधीस तदा 29 जातरूपमयैः पुङ्खैः शरांश च नतपर्वणः तैलधौतांश च नाराचान निर्मुक्तान इव पन्नगान 30 हस्तिथन्त तसरून खड्गाञ जातरूपपरिष्कृतान आकीर्णांस तॊमरांश चापांश चित्रान हेमविभूषितान 31 वर्माणि चापविथ्धानि रुक्मपृष्ठानि भारत सुवर्णविकृतान परासाञ शक्तीः कनकभूषिताः 32 जाम्बूनथमयैः पट्टैर बथ्धाश च विपुला गथाः जातरूपमयीश चर्ष्टीः पट्टिशान हेमभूषितान 33 थण्डैः कनकचित्रैश च विप्रविथ्धान परश्वधान अयः कुशान्तान पतितान मुसलानि गुरूणि च 34 शतघ्नीः पश्य चित्राश च विपुलान परिघांस तदा चक्राणि चापविथ्धानि मुथ्गरांश च बहून रणे 35 नानाविधानि शस्त्राणि परगृह्य जय गृथ्धिनः जीवन्त इव लक्ष्यन्ते गतसत्त्वास तरस्विनः 36 गथा विमदितैर गात्रैर मुसलैर भिन्नमस्तकान गजवाजिरदक्षुण्णान पश्य यॊधान सहस्रशः 37 मनुष्यगजवाजीनां शरशक्त्यृष्टितॊमरैः निस्त्रिंशैः पट्टिशैः परासैर नखरैर लगुडैर अपि 38 शरीरैर बहुधा भिन्नैः शॊणितौघपरिप्लुतैः गतासुभिर अमित्रघ्न संवृता रणभूमयः 39 बाहुभिश चन्थनाथिग्धैः साङ्गथैः शुभभूषणैः स तलत्रैः स केयूरैर भाति भारत मेथिनी 40 साङ्गुलित्रैर भुजाग्रैश च विप्रविथ्धैर अलंकृतैः हस्तिहस्तॊपमैश छिन्नैर ऊरुभिश च तरस्विनाम 41 बथ्धचूडा मणिवरैः शिरॊभिश च सकुण्डलैः निकृत्तैर वृषभाक्षाणां विराजति वसुंधरा 42 कबन्धैः शॊणिताथिग्धैश छिन्नगात्रशिरॊ धरैः भूर भाति भरतश्रेष्ठ शान्तार्चिर्भिर इवाग्निभिः 43 रदान बहुविधान भग्नान हेमकिङ्किणिनः शुभान अश्वांश च बहुधा पश्य शॊणितेन परिप्लुतान 44 यॊधानां च महाशङ्खान पाण्डुरांश च परकीर्णकान निरस्तजिह्वान मातङ्गाञ शयानान पर्वतॊपमान 45 वैजयन्ती विचित्रांश च हतांश च गजयॊधिनः वारणानां परिस्तॊमान सुयुक्ताम्बर कम्बलान 46 विपाटिना विचित्राश च रूपचित्राः कुदास तदा भिन्नाश च बहुधा घण्टाः पतथ्भिश चूर्णिता गजैः 47 वैडूर्य मणिथण्डांश च पतितान अङ्कुशान भुवि बथ्धाः साथिध्वजाग्रेषु सुवर्णविकृताः कशाः 48 विचित्रान मणिचित्रांश च जातरूपपरिष्कृतान अश्वास्तर परिस्तॊमान राङ्कवान्पतितान भुवि 49 चूडामणीन नरेन्थ्राणां विचित्राः काञ्चनस्रजः छत्राणि चापविथ्धानि चामार वयजनानि च 50 चन्थ्र नक्षत्रभासैश च वथनैश चारुकुण्डलैः कॢप्त शमश्रुभिर अत्यर्दं वीराणां समलंकृतैः वथनैः पश्य संछन्नां महीं शॊणितकर्थमाम 51 स जीवांश च नरान पश्य कूजमानान समन्ततः उपास्यमानान बहुभिर नयस्तशस्त्रैर विशां पते 52 जञातिभिः सहितैस तत्र रॊथमानैर मुहुर मुहुः वयुत्क्रान्तान अपरान यॊधांश छाथयित्वा तरस्विनः पुनर युथ्धाय गच्छन्ति जय गृथ्धाः परमन्यवः 53 अपरे तत्र तत्रैव परिधावन्ति मानिनः जञातिभिः पतितैः शूरैर याच्यमानास तदॊथकम 54 जलार्दं च गताः के चिन निष्प्राणा बहवॊ ऽरजुन संनिवृत्ताश च ते शूरास तान थृष्ट्वैव विचेतसः 55 जलं थृष्ट्वा परधावन्ति करॊशमानाः परस्परम जलं पीत्वा मृतान पश्य पिबतॊ ऽनयांश च भारत 56 परित्यज्य परियान अन्ये बान्धवान बान्धवप्रिय वयुत्क्रान्ताः समथृश्यन्त तत्र तत्र महारणे 57 पश्यापरान नरश्रेष्ठ संथष्टौष्ठ पुटान पुनः भरुकुटी कुटिलैर वक्त्रैः परेक्षमाणान समन्ततः 58 एतत तवैवानुरूपं कर्मार्जुन महाहवे थिवि वा थेवराजस्य तवया यत्कृतम आहवे 59 एवं तां थर्शयन कृष्णॊ युथ्धभूमिं किरीटिने गच्छन्न एवाशृणॊच छब्थं थुर्यॊधन बले महत 60 शङ्खथुन्थुभिनिर्घॊषान भेरी पणवमिश्रितान रदाश्वगजनाथांश च शस्त्त्र शब्थांश च थारुणान 61 परविश्य तथ बलं कृष्णस तुरगैर वातवेगिभिः पाण्ड्येनाभ्यर्थितां सेनां तवथीयां वीक्ष्य धिष्ठितः 62 सहि नानाविधैर बाणैर इष्वास परवरॊ युधि नयहनथ थविषतां वरातान गतासून अन्तकॊ यदा 63 गजवाजिमनुष्याणां शरीराणि शितैः शरैः भित्त्वा परहरतां शरेष्ठॊ विथेहासूंश चकार सः 64 शत्रुप्रवीरैर अस्तानि नानाशस्त्राणि सायकैः भित्त्वा तान अहनत पाण्ड्यः शत्रूञ शक्र इवासुरान
Mahabharata Book VIII Chapter 14 :Transliteration
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pratyāgatya punar jiṣṇur ahan saṃśaptakān bahūn vakrānuvakra gamanād aṅgāraka iva grahaḥ 2 pārtha bāṇahatā rājan narāśvarathakuñjarāḥ vicelur babhramur neduḥ petur mamluś ca māriṣa 3 dhuryaṃ dhuryatarān sūtān rathāṃś ca parisaṃkṣipan pāṇīn pāṇigataṃ śastraṃ bāhūn api śirāṃsi ca 4 bhallaiḥ kṣurair ardhacandrair vatsadantaiś ca pāṇḍavaḥ cicchedāmitra vīrāṇāṃ samare pratiyudhyatām 5 vāśitārthe yuyutsanto vṛṣabhā vṛṣabhaṃ yathā āpatanty arjunaṃ śūrāḥ śataśo 'tha sahasraśaḥ 6 teṣāṃ tasya ca tad yuddham abhaval lomaharṣaṇam trailokyavijaye yādṛg daityānāṃ saha vajriṇā 7 tam avidhyat tribhir bāṇair danda śūkair ivāhibhiḥ ugrāyudhas tatas tasya śiraḥ kāyād apāharat 8 te 'rjunaṃ sarvataḥ kruddhā nānāśastrair avīvṛṣan marudbhiḥ preṣitā meghā himavantam ivoṣṇage 9 astrair astrāṇi saṃvārya dviṣatāṃ sarvato 'rjunaḥ samyag astaiḥ śaraiḥ sarvān sahitān ahanad bahūn 10 chinnatriveṇujaṅgheṣān nihatapārṣṇi sārathīn saṃchinnaraśmi yoktrākṣān vyanukarṣa yugān rathān vidhvastasarvasaṃnāhān bāṇaiś cakre 'rjunas tvaran 11 te rathās tatra vidhvastāḥ parārdhyā bhānty anekaśaḥ dhaninām iva veśmāni hatāny agnyanilāmbubhiḥ 12 dvipāḥ saṃbhinnamarmāṇo vajrāśanisamaiḥ śaraiḥ petur giryagraveśmāni vajravātāgnibhir yathā 13 sārohās turagāḥ petur bahavo 'rjuna tāḍitāḥ nirjihvāntrāḥ kṣitau kṣīṇā rudhirārdrāḥ sudurdṛśaḥ 14 narāśvanāgā nārācaiḥ saṃsyūtāḥ savyasācinā babhramuś caskhaluḥ petur nedur mamluś ca māriṣa 15 aṇakaiś ca śilā dhātair vajrāśaniviṣopamaiḥ śarair nijaghnivān pārtho mahendra iva dānavān 16 mahārhavarmābharaṇā nānārūpāmbarāyudhāḥ sa rathāḥ sa dhvajā vīrā hatāḥ pārthena śerate 17 vijitāḥ puṇyakarmāṇo viśiṣṭābhijana śrutāḥ gatāḥ śarīrair vasudhām ūrjitaiḥ karmabhir divam 18 athārjuna rathaṃ vīrās tvadīyāḥ samupādravan nānājanapadādhyakṣāḥ sagaṇā jātamanyavaḥ 19 uhyamānā rathāśvais te pattayaś ca jighāṃsavaḥ samabhyadhāvann asyanto vividhaṃ kṣipram āyudham 20 tadāyudha mahāvarṣaṃ kṣiptaṃ yodhamahāmbudaiḥ vyadhaman niśitair bāṇaiḥ kṣipram arjuna mārutaḥ 21 sāśvapattidviparathaṃ mahāśastraugham aplavam sahasā saṃtitīrṣantaṃ pārthaṃ śastrāstrasetunā 22 athābravīd vāsudevaḥ pārthaṃ kiṃ krīḍase 'nagha saṃśaptakān pramathyaitāṃs tataḥ karṇavadhe tvara 23 tathety uktvārjunaḥ kṣipraṃ śiṣṭān saṃśaptakāṃs tadā ākṣipya śastreṇa balād daityān indra ivāvadhīt 24 ādadhat saṃdadhan nāṣūn dṛṣṭaḥ kaiś cid raṇe 'rjunaḥ vimuñcan vā śarāñ śīghraṃ dṛśyate sma hi kair api 25 āścaryam iti govindo bruvann aśvān acodayat haṃsāṃsa gaurās te senāṃ haṃsāḥ sara ivāviśan 26 tataḥ saṃgrāmabhūmiṃ tāṃ vartamāne janakṣaye avekṣamāṇo govindaḥ savyasācinam abravīt 27 eṣa pārtha mahāraudro vartate bharatakṣayaḥ pṛthivyāṃ pārthivānāṃ vai duryodhanakṛte mahān 28 paśya bhārata cāpāni rukmapṛṣṭhāni dhanvinām mahatām apaviddhāni kalāpān iṣudhīs tathā 29 jātarūpamayaiḥ puṅkhaiḥ śarāṃś ca nataparvaṇaḥ tailadhautāṃś ca nārācān nirmuktān iva pannagān 30 hastidanta tsarūn khaḍgāñ jātarūpapariṣkṛtān ākīrṇāṃs tomarāṃś cāpāṃś citrān hemavibhūṣitān 31 varmāṇi cāpaviddhāni rukmapṛṣṭhāni bhārata suvarṇavikṛtān prāsāñ śaktīḥ kanakabhūṣitāḥ 32 jāmbūnadamayaiḥ paṭṭair baddhāś ca vipulā gadāḥ jātarūpamayīś carṣṭīḥ paṭṭiśān hemabhūṣitān 33 daṇḍaiḥ kanakacitraiś ca vipraviddhān paraśvadhān ayaḥ kuśāntān patitān musalāni gurūṇi ca 34 śataghnīḥ paśya citrāś ca vipulān parighāṃs tathā cakrāṇi cāpaviddhāni mudgarāṃś ca bahūn raṇe 35 nānāvidhāni śastrāṇi pragṛhya jaya gṛddhinaḥ jīvanta iva lakṣyante gatasattvās tarasvinaḥ 36 gadā vimathitair gātrair musalair bhinnamastakān gajavājirathakṣuṇṇān paśya yodhān sahasraśaḥ 37 manuṣyagajavājīnāṃ śaraśaktyṛṣṭitomaraiḥ nistriṃśaiḥ paṭṭiśaiḥ prāsair nakharair laguḍair api 38 śarīrair bahudhā bhinnaiḥ śoṇitaughapariplutaiḥ gatāsubhir amitraghna saṃvṛtā raṇabhūmayaḥ 39 bāhubhiś candanādigdhaiḥ sāṅgadaiḥ śubhabhūṣaṇaiḥ sa talatraiḥ sa keyūrair bhāti bhārata medinī 40 sāṅgulitrair bhujāgraiś ca vipraviddhair alaṃkṛtaiḥ hastihastopamaiś chinnair ūrubhiś ca tarasvinām 41 baddhacūḍā maṇivaraiḥ śirobhiś ca sakuṇḍalaiḥ nikṛttair vṛṣabhākṣāṇāṃ virājati vasuṃdharā 42 kabandhaiḥ śoṇitādigdhaiś chinnagātraśiro dharaiḥ bhūr bhāti bharataśreṣṭha śāntārcirbhir ivāgnibhiḥ 43 rathān bahuvidhān bhagnān hemakiṅkiṇinaḥ śubhān aśvāṃś ca bahudhā paśya śoṇitena pariplutān 44 yodhānāṃ ca mahāśaṅkhān pāṇḍurāṃś ca prakīrṇakān nirastajihvān mātaṅgāñ śayānān parvatopamān 45 vaijayantī vicitrāṃś ca hatāṃś ca gajayodhinaḥ vāraṇānāṃ paristomān suyuktāmbara kambalān 46 vipāṭinā vicitrāś ca rūpacitrāḥ kuthās tathā bhinnāś ca bahudhā ghaṇṭāḥ patadbhiś cūrṇitā gajaiḥ 47 vaiḍūrya maṇidaṇḍāṃś ca patitān aṅkuśān bhuvi baddhāḥ sādidhvajāgreṣu suvarṇavikṛtāḥ kaśāḥ 48 vicitrān maṇicitrāṃś ca jātarūpapariṣkṛtān aśvāstara paristomān rāṅkavānpatitān bhuvi 49 cūḍāmaṇīn narendrāṇāṃ vicitrāḥ kāñcanasrajaḥ chatrāṇi cāpaviddhāni cāmāra vyajanāni ca 50 candra nakṣatrabhāsaiś ca vadanaiś cārukuṇḍalaiḥ kḷpta śmaśrubhir atyarthaṃ vīrāṇāṃ samalaṃkṛtaiḥ vadanaiḥ paśya saṃchannāṃ mahīṃ śoṇitakardamām 51 sa jīvāṃś ca narān paśya kūjamānān samantataḥ upāsyamānān bahubhir nyastaśastrair viśāṃ pate 52 jñātibhiḥ sahitais tatra rodamānair muhur muhuḥ vyutkrāntān aparān yodhāṃś chādayitvā tarasvinaḥ punar yuddhāya gacchanti jaya gṛddhāḥ pramanyavaḥ 53 apare tatra tatraiva paridhāvanti māninaḥ jñātibhiḥ patitaiḥ śūrair yācyamānās tathodakam 54 jalārthaṃ ca gatāḥ ke cin niṣprāṇā bahavo 'rjuna saṃnivṛttāś ca te śūrās tān dṛṣṭvaiva vicetasaḥ 55 jalaṃ dṛṣṭvā pradhāvanti krośamānāḥ parasparam jalaṃ pītvā mṛtān paśya pibato 'nyāṃś ca bhārata 56 parityajya priyān anye bāndhavān bāndhavapriya vyutkrāntāḥ samadṛśyanta tatra tatra mahāraṇe 57 paśyāparān naraśreṣṭha saṃdaṣṭauṣṭha puṭān punaḥ bhrukuṭī kuṭilair vaktraiḥ prekṣamāṇān samantataḥ 58 etat tavaivānurūpaṃ karmārjuna mahāhave divi vā devarājasya tvayā yatkṛtam āhave 59 evaṃ tāṃ darśayan kṛṣṇo yuddhabhūmiṃ kirīṭine gacchann evāśṛṇoc chabdaṃ duryodhana bale mahat 60 śaṅkhadundubhinirghoṣān bherī paṇavamiśritān rathāśvagajanādāṃś ca śasttra śabdāṃś ca dāruṇān 61 praviśya tad balaṃ kṛṣṇas turagair vātavegibhiḥ pāṇḍyenābhyarditāṃ senāṃ tvadīyāṃ vīkṣya dhiṣṭhitaḥ 62 sahi nānāvidhair bāṇair iṣvāsa pravaro yudhi nyahanad dviṣatāṃ vrātān gatāsūn antako yathā 63 gajavājimanuṣyāṇāṃ śarīrāṇi śitaiḥ śaraiḥ bhittvā praharatāṃ śreṣṭho videhāsūṃś cakāra saḥ 64 śatrupravīrair astāni nānāśastrāṇi sāyakaiḥ bhittvā tān ahanat pāṇḍyaḥ śatrūñ śakra ivāsurān