Khanda, Sonipat

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Khanda (खांडा) is very big and historical village in Sonipat district of Haryana. Nearby village is Sehri so it is often called as Sehri - Khanda (सेहरी - खांडा). It is 2 miles away from Kharkhoda. Khanda is part of National Capital Region (NCR). The village has Two Gram Panchayats Khanda Khas & Khanda Alman and 2 Sarpanch elects from the village in every five years.

Village Social Structure

  • Khanda contains 12 Chaupals (Community Centres)
  • Khanda has many temples named as following:
  1. Dada Kishor Das Mandir
  2. Dada Godha Mandir
  3. Dada Sondas Mandir
  4. Khandeshwar Mahadev Mandir
  5. Baniya Wala Mandir
  6. Brahmin Wala Mandir
  7. Gorakhnath Mandir
  8. Hanuman Mandir
  9. Sati Mata Mandir
  10. Sheetla Mata Mandir
  11. Baade Wali Mata
  12. Shiv Mandir
  13. Jai Ram Ashram
  14. Narayan Ashram
  15. Anup Das Ashram

Area & Population

The Khanda village has population around 12000. Khanda is very big village area wise. Khanda is most powerful village. Khanda inhabited 12 villages that's why Khanda is the head of 12 villages of Dahiya Khap.

Khanda is one of the biggest village in Haryana (area wise). Village own total 35000 Kanal land and share the border with Kharkhoda, Sisana, Silana, Sehri, Cholka, Bhadana, Nirthan, Kheri Dahiya, Jharoth and Jharothi villages.


The village lies on District Road that connects many villages. It is 4 km away from National Highway 334B and State Highway 18. It is 8 km away from National Highway 344P and Western Peripheral Expressway (KMP) and 22 km away from National Highway 44 Asian Highway AH1 & AH2 also known as GT Road Grand Trunk Road.

The nearby airport is Indira Gandhi International Airport and nearby railway station is Sonipat Junction railway station. Nearby holy river is Yamuna and nearby major canal is Western Yamuna Canal. NCR channel and the Reliance canal flows from the village.

Khanda village is 8 km far away from Maruti Suzuki manufacturing plant across 900 acre in IMT Kharkhoda. Property prices hike in Khanda village due to Maruti Suzuki new manufacturing unit in Kharkhoda. Land cost increased in Khanda village due to the proximity of Maruti Suzuki manufacturing unit in Kharkhoda.


The following 12 villages of Dahiya Khap in Sonipat district derived from Khanda: Jharoth, Jharothi, Nasirpur Cholka, Sehri, Bidhlan, Nirthan, Nakloi, Kheri Dahiya, Bhatgaon, Tihar, Ratangarh and Garhi Hakikat.

Some Dahiya Jats goes from Khanda Sonipat village and settled Birdhana in Jhajjar, Adiyana in Panipat, Dhanwapur in Gurgaon and Harsoli Alwar and Jharka in Alwar Rajasthan.

खांडा गांव सोनीपत में दहिया खाप के 12 गाँवो का जनक है जिसमे मुख्यतः झरोठ, झरोठी, नसीरपुर चौलका, सेहरी, बिधलान, निरथान, नक्लोई, खेड़ी दहिया, भटगांव, तिहाड़, रतनगढ़, गढ़ी हकीकत गांव शामिल हैं। अन्य जिलों के भी कुछ गांव खांडा गांव से ही निकले हैं जैसे बिरधाना (झज्जर), अदियाना (पानीपत), धनवापुर (गुड़गांव), हरसौली (अलवर)।

प्राचीन काल में राजस्थान से आकर दहिया जाट सबसे पहले बरोणा गांव के पास ठहरे। वहाँ से आकर सबसे बड़े भाई खांडा गांव की भूमि पर आबाद हुए। इसलिए खांडा गांव को खांडा बारहदादा खांडा भी कहा जाता है।

Gorar village is known as 5th pana of Khanda village. Gorar village is only village of Tomar gotra between Dahiya Khap villages. Some villages of Dahiya Jats opposed the inhabitance of Tomar gotra village in the land of Dahiya Khap. After that Pradhan of Tomar Khap from Uttar Pradesh came to Pradhan of Dahiya Khap of Khanda Baraha and request to settle the village. Then Chaudharies of Khanda village of Dahiya Khap come forward and assembled Maha Panchayat and announced that from Today Gorar village will be known as fifth Pana of Khanda village after that Panchayat not any village of Dahiya Khap made any objection in inhabitance of Tomar gotra village.

गोरड गांव सोनीपत में तोमर गोत्र का इकलौता गांव है जिसके चारों तरफ दहिया गोत्र के गांव आबाद है। गोरर गांव के बसने का कुछ दहिया खाप के गावों ने विरोध किया तो तोमर खाप के प्रधान उत्तर प्रदेश से खांडा गांव में आए और गांव को बसाने में मदद मांगी। खांडा गांव में महा पंचायत का आयोजन किया गया जिसमे दहिया खाप के तमाम चौधरी उपस्थित हुए पंचायत में ये निर्णय लिया गया की आज से गोरर गांव खांडा गांव का पांचवा पाना माना जाएगा खांडा गांव इसकी ज़िम्मेदारी लेता है इसके बाद दहिया खाप के किसी गांव ने गोरड गांव के बसने का विरोध नही किया।


This Mahabharata era place earlier known as "Khandavaprastha" forest where Pandvas spent their Agyatvasa (Living in unknown place without coming to anyone's knowledge), today it is known as Khanda village. Khanda village named after Khandavavana खांडव वन or Khandavaprastha.

One of the oldest math of Nirmohi Akhada is situated at Khanda. Saint Kishor Das was the first mahant of this math.

The two princely states of Chattisgarh Rajnandgaon and Chhuikhadan were established by two followers of Baba Banda Singh Bahadur. His two followers were Rup Dahiya and Prahlad Dahiya came from Khanda, Sonipat village who belonged to famous Nirmohi Akhara of Khanda.

The Bravery and sacrifice of Veer Banda Bahadur is well known to the people of India. The very brave man of India fought against the foreign aggression and happily sacrificed his life in June, 1716. This brave son of Bharat Mata was born on Oct, 16, 1670. After getting blessings of Guru Gobind Singh in 1708, he came to the Khanda village in Feb, 1709 and stayed for some time for creation of his army and planning of war against Mogul.

It has been written in many history books that Khanda village was the first headquarter of Banda Bahadur in 1709. Some of the history books read as under:-

  • (i) In 1709-10, Banda Bahadur a disciple of Guru Gobind Singh, in an effort to continue the fight against the oppression, collected an army of Sikhs and occupied the whole of the country, west of the Yamuna. He laid waste the whole neighbourhood of Karnal, where he killed the faujdar. He was repulsed by Bahadur Shah about 19 kilometres north-east of Sadhaura. Banda Bahadur set-up his headquarters at Khanda in Sonipat district. He also trampled under his feet the paraganas of Mustafabad, Ambala and Sadhaura.

Source: Haryana State Gazetteer, Volume-I.

  • (ii) While on his way to Punjab, Banda Bairagi broke his journey at Khanda, a Jat Village of Dahiya Gotra, 20 miles west of Delhi. From there he dispatched letters to all the Jathedars of the Panth to concentrate forthwith. He planned to attack and loot the Royal treasury by and by the Sikhs started arriving and the strength of the force rose to 1400$. He attached Samana, overran, Sadhora, Kunjpura etc and finally overpowered and killed the Ruler of Sirhind named Wazirkhan.

Source: History of the Jats/Chapter XI, The Book by Ram Swarup Joon, 1938,1967 (Eng Tr).

  • (iii) After making successful raids into several territories en route, Banda Singh Bahadur moved into the parganah of Kharkhoda and established himself near the village of Khanda. 13 From here, Banada Singh dispatched the Guru’s letters to the Sikhs of the Malwa, Doaba and Majha areas of the Punjab, calling upon them to join him in the laudable object of uprooting the tyrannous rule of the intolerant Mughals.

Banda Bahadur’s companions from Nanded also wrote a number of letters to the leading Sikhs all over the country telling them that Banda Singh had been appointed by the Guru as jathedar of the Khalsa and called upon every Sikh to fall in under his banner to punish Wazir Khan of Sirhind who had so cruelly butchered the two sons of the Guru. The letters containing this sentimental appeal had the desired effect on the minds of the Sikhs who were already waiting for an appropriate opportunity to agitate against the State atrocities.

Source: Banda Singh Bahadur by Dr.M S Alhuwalia.

  • (iv) Thus raised to the position of the commander of the Khalsa, Banda Singh proceeded to the north, On approaching Khanda, he dispatched Guru Gobind Singh’s Hukamnamas to the leading Sikhs in the Punjab. He called upon them to join him. He told them that he had come to punish Wazir Khan and his assistant Sucha Nand for having killed The Guru’s younger sons. He added that he would also punish the hill-rajas who had ill-treated the Guru.

Source from Baba Banda Singh Bahadur, search Sikhisam,

  • (v) Banda Singh proceeded further and put up his next camp at the village Khanda. While coming here, he sent written messages to Punjab addressing these epistles to the prominent Singh by names. Sri Gur Panth Prakash, Institute of Sikh Study, Chandigarh Vol.1, P.211 Further, khushwant Singh, in his book-A History of Sikhs, volume I P.104, has also confirmed that Khanda village was the Headquarter of Baba Banda Bairagi.
  • (2) It is clearly evident from the history books quoted above that the Khanda village has been the host a great warrior and great son of Bharat Mata. In fact, this village was the first place where Banda Bahadur stayed after entering into Punjab. When Banda Bairagi came to this village in Feb, 1709, the present Punjab was not even aware of his name. It is the place from where he dispatched Guru Gobind Singh’s Hukamnamas to the follower of Guruji in Punjab and called them to join him.
  • (3) It is also supported by the Historical evidence that Banda Bahadur created his first Army in this village and hundreds of farmers from this village and other villages of Rohtak and Sonipat Districts joined his army. The farmers of this area participated in the war under the leadership of Banda Bairagi and sacrificed their life for the mother land.

Govt. of Haryana developed Banda Singh Bahadur Memorial and acquired 50 acres of land for Haryana's first Armed Forces Preparatory Institute in Khanda.

Ancient History

खांडा गांव महाभारत कालीन खांडव वन का हिस्सा था। यहाँ पर पांडवों ने विश्राम ओर तप किया। खांडवप्रस्थ या खांडव वन को पांडवो ने अपनी राजधानी भी बनाया।

प्राचीन काल में राजस्थान से आकर दहिया जाट सबसे पहले बरोणा गांव में ठहरे फिर वहाँ से आकर बड़े भाई खांडा गांव की भूमि पर आबाद हुए। खांडा गांव को खांडा बाराह व दादा खांडा भी कहा जाता है। यह गांव दहिया गोत्र के जाटों के लिए बहुत महत्वपूर्ण स्थान रखता है। खांडा गांव दहिया खाप के 12 गाँवो का जनक है जिसमे झरोठ, झरोठी, नसीरपुर चौलका, सेहरी, बिधलान, निरथान, नक्लोई, भटगांव, खेड़ी दहिया, तिहाड़, रतनगढ़, गढ़ी हकीकत गांव शामिल हैं।

खांडा गांव में निर्मोही अखाड़े का सबसे पुराना मठ स्थित है जिसके महंत सुदन दास व किशोर दास जी थे। यहाँ पर पांच सौ वर्ष पुराना नागा वाला सरोवर भी है।

1708 में गुरु गोबिंद सिंह जी से आशीर्वाद लेकर बाबा बंदा सिंह बहादुर खांडा गांव में आये और यहां अपना सबसे पहला सेना मुख्यालय बनाया ओर सैनिक तैयार किए। यह ऐतिहासिक साक्ष्यों से भी समर्थित है कि बंदा बहादुर ने अपनी पहली सेना खांडा गाँव में बनाई। खांडा ओर आसपास के अन्य गाँवों के हजारों किसान उनकी सेना में शामिल हुए। इस क्षेत्र के किसानों ने बन्दा बहादुर के नेतृत्व में अनेक युद्धों में भाग लिया और मातृभूमि के लिए अपने प्राणों की आहुति दी।

सोनीपत में लड़ी गई एकमात्र लड़ाई का साक्षी रहा है गांव खांडा। 1709 में बाबा बन्दा सिंह बहादुर जी के सैन्य नेतृत्व में खांडा ओर आसपास के दहिया जाटों ने मुगलों के खिलाफ सोनीपत की लड़ाई में भाग लिया उसे बड़ी वीरतापूर्वक लड़ा ओर उसमें विजय प्राप्त की।

3 नवंबर 2018 को शौर्य दिवस के अवसर पर माननीय मुख्यमंत्री श्री मनोहर लाल जी ने खांडा में विशाल जनसभा का आयोजन किया और बाबा बन्दा सिंह बहादुर जी के स्मारक का अनावरण उनके कर कमलो द्वारा हुआ और उन्होंने खांडा में सशस्त्र बल तैयारी संस्थान के लिए 50 एकड़ भूमि का अधिग्रहण किया।

खांडा गांव में 4 प्राइवेट ओर 2 सरकारी स्कूल हैं। यहाँ पर एक कॉलेज ओर प्राथमिक स्वास्थ्य केन्द्र भी है। यहाँ करीबन 70 ईंट भट्ठे संचालित हैं। यहाँ पर हर वर्ग के लिए अनेक मंदिर ओर चौपाल स्थित है। अंतरराष्ट्रीय पहलवान विनोद कुमार दहिया, क्रिकेटर रोहित दहिया, जज गौरव दहिया, DSP राजवीर दहिया, सीनियर IAS डॉक्टर राज सिंह खांडा गांव से ही हैं।

इनेलो पार्टी से विधायक रहे पदम सिंह दहिया भी खांडा गांव से हैं। आज़ाद हिंद फौज में सुभाष चन्द्र बोस जी के निजी अंगरक्षक रहे कुंदन सिंह भी इसी गांव से थे।

हरयाणवी संस्कृति के शेक्सपियर व कालिदास ओर सांग प्रणाली के प्रथम रचियता कहे जाने वाले ओर पंडित लख्मी चंद जी के बड़े आदरणीय दीप चंद बाह्मण, पंडित दीप चंद, दादा दीप चंद जी भी इसी गांव के थे।

जय राम ब्रह्मचारी महाराज जी ने यहाँ तप किया और जय राम आश्रम की स्थापना की। ये आश्रम हरिद्वार स्थित जय राम आश्रम की ही शाखा है।

सैकडों वर्ष पूर्व खांडा में स्वामी ब्रह्मप्रकाश Swami Brahmprakash नारायण महाराज जी हुए यहाँ उन्होंने कई सालों तक तप किया और नारायण आश्रम का निर्माण करवाया।

Jat Gotras

Khanda village is the head of 12 villages of Dahiya Khap.

Notable persons

See also



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