Maliya Rajkot

Maliya (मलिया) is a village in Rajkot district in Gujarat.
- Maliya मलिया, जिला राजकोट, गुजरात, (p.717)
Jat Gotras
मलिया, गुजरात
मलिया, जिला राजकोट, गुजरात, (p.717): इस स्थान से वलभिनरेश महाराज धरसेन द्वित्तीय का एक तामरदानपट्ट प्राप्त हुआ है जिसकी तिथि 252 गुप्त-संवत 571-572 ई. है. इसमें उल्लेख है कि धरसेन द्वारा अंतरता, डोंभिग्राम और वज्रग्राम का कुछ भाग ब्राह्मणों को पंचयज्ञ संपन्न करने के लिए दिया गया था. इस अभिलेख में कई तत्कालीन अधिकारियों के पदों के नाम हैं: अयुक्तक, विनियुक्तक, द्रंगिक, महत्तर, ध्रुवाधिकरण, दंडपाशिक, राजस्थानीय, कुमारामात्य आदि. [1]
Maliya Copper-Plate Inscription of the Maharaja Dharasena II (571-572 CE)
- Ôm! Hail! From (the city of) Valabhi:-(There was) the illustrious Senapâti Bhatarka, a most devout worshipper of (the god) Mahêshvara,-who was possessed of glory acquired in a hundred battles fought with the large armies, possessed of unequalled strength, of the Maitrakas, who had by force bowed down (their) enemies; (and) who acquired the goddess of royalty through the strength of the array of (his) hereditary servants and friends, who had been brought under subjection by (his) splendour, and had been acquired by gifts and honourable treatment and straightforwardness, and were attached (to him) by affection.
- (Line 3.)-His son, whose head was purified by being bowed down in the red dust his feet, (was) the illustrious Sênâpati Dharasêna (I.), a most devout worshipper of (the god) Mahêshvara,-the rays of the lines of the nails of whose feet diffused themselves among the lustre of the jewels in the locks of hair (Jata) on the tops of the heads of (his) enemies when they bowed down with (their) heads (before him); (and) whose wealth was the sustenance of the poor, the helpless, and the feeble.
- (L. 4.)-His younger brother, whose spotless jewel [in the lock of hair on the top (his) head] was made more lustrous (than before) by the performance of obeisance to (his) feet, (was) the Mahârâja Drônasimha, like unto a lion, a most devout worshipper of (the god) Mahêshvara,-who had as (his) law the rules and ordinances instituted by Manu an other (sages); who, like (Yudhishthira) the king of justice, adhered to the path of the maintenance of good behaviour; whose installation in the royalty by besprinkling was performed by the paramount master in person, the sole lord of the circumference of the territory of the whole earth; (and) the glory of whose royalty was purified by (his) great liberality.
- (L. 6.)-His younger brother (was) the illustrious Mahârâja Dhruvasêna (I.), a most devout worshipper of the Divine One,-who was victorious, by himself alone, through the prowess of his own arm, over the troops of the array of the elephants of (his) enemies; who was the asylum of those who sought for protection; who was the teacher of the real meaning of the sacred writings; (and) who, like the kalpa-tree, granted the enjoyment of fruits which were the desires, in accordance with (their) wishes, of (his) friends and favourites.
- (L. 8.)-His younger brother, whose sins were all washed away by doing obeisance the waterlilies that were his feet, (was) the illustrious Mahârâja Dharapatta, a most devout worshipper of the Sun,-by the water of whose very pure actions all the stains of the Kali age were washed away; (and) who forcibly conquered the renowned greatness the ranks of (his) enemies.
- (L. 10.)-His son, who acquired an increase of religious merit by doing service to his feet, was the illustrious Mahârâja Guhasêna, a most devout worshipper of (the god) Mahêshvara,-whose sword was verily a second arm (to him) from childhood; the test of whose strength was manifested by clapping (his) hands on the temples of the rutting elephants of (his) foes; who had the collection of the rays of the nails of (his) left foot interspersed with the lustre of the jewels in the locks of hair on the tops of the heads of (his) enemies who were made to bow down by his prowess; whose title of ‘king’ was obvious and suitable, because he pleased the hearts of (his) subjects by properly preserving the path prescribed by all the traditionary laws; who in beauty, lustre, stability, profundity, wisdom,, and wealth, surpassed (respectively) (the god) Smara, the moon, (Himâlaya) the king of mountains, the ocean, (Brihaspati) the preceptor of the gods, and (the god) Dhanêsha; who, through being intent upon giving freedom from fear [to those who came for protection], was indifferent to all the (other) results of his actions, as if they were (of as little value as) straw; (and) who was, as it were, the personified happiness of the circumference of the whole earth.
- (L. 15.)-His son, whose sins have been all washed away by the torrent of the waters of (the river) Jâhnavî that was constituted by the diffusion of the rays of the nails of his feet,-whose wealth and riches are the sustenance of a hundred thousand favourites; who is with appreciation, as if from a desire for (his) beauty, resorted to by (all) the virtuous qualities of an inviting kind; who astonishes all archers by the speciality of (his) innate strength and (skill acquired by) practice; who is the preserver of religious grants bestowed by former kings; who averts calamities that would afflict (his) subjects; who is the exponent of (the condition of being) the one (joint) habitation of wealth and learning; whose prowess is skilful in causing annoyance to the goddess of the fortunes of the compact ranks of (his) enemies; (and) who possesses a spotless princely glory, acquired by inheritance,-(is) the Mahârâja, the illustrious Dharasêna (II.), a most devout worshipper of (the god) Mahêshvara, who, being, in good health, issues a command to all the Âyuktakas, Viniyuktakas, Drângikas, Mahattaras, irregular and regular troops, Dhruvâdhikaranikas, Dândapâshikas, Râjasthânîyas, Kumârâmâtyas, and others, according as they are concerned;-
- (L. 21.)-"Be it known to you, that, for the purpose of increasing the religious merit of (my) parents, and in order that I myself may obtain the reward that is wished for both in this world and in the next, there is given by me, with libations of water, in accordance with the rule of bhûmichchhidra, to the Brâhman Rudrabhûti, an inhabitant of Unnata, (a student) of the Vâjasanêyi-Kanva (shâkhâ), and a member of the Vatsa gôtra,-for the maintenance of the five great sacrificial rites of the bali, charu, vaishvadêva, agnihôtra, and atithi; to endure for the same time with the moon, the sun, the ocean, the rivers, and the earth; (and) to be enjoyed by the succession of (his) sons and sons’ sons,-at (the village of) Antaratrâ, in the common-land called Shivakapadraka, one hundred pâdâvartas (of land), (known as) the holding of Vîrasênadantika; (and) fifteen pâdâvartas on the west of this; also, in the western boundary, one hundred pâdâvartas, increased by the twentieth, (known as) the holding of Skambhasêna, (and) ten pâdâvartas in the eastern boundary;-in the village of Dombhigrâma, in the eastern boundary, ninety pâdâvartas, (known as) the holding of Vardhaki;-in the village of Vajragrâma, in the western boundary, one hundred pâdâvartas in the highest part of the village, (and) an irrigation-well with an area of twenty-eight pâdâvartas, (known as) the holding of the Mahattara Vîkidinna; (and) in the common-land called Bhumbhusapadraka, one hundred pâdâvartas, (known as) the holding of the cultivator Bôtaka, and an irrigation-well;-(the whole of) this (being given) together with the udranga and the uparikara; with the vâta, bhûta, grain, gold, and âdêya; with (the right to) forced labour as the occasion for it occurs; (and with the privilege that it is) not to be (even) pointed at with the hand (of undue appropriation) by any of the king’s people.
- (L. 29.)-" Wherefore, no one should behave so as to cause obstruction to this person in enjoying (it) in accordance with the proper conditions of a grant to a Brâhman, (and) cultivating (it), (or) causing (it) to be cultivated, or assigning (it to another).
- (L. 30.)-" And this Our gift should be assented to and preserved by future pious kings, born of Our lineage, bearing in mind that riches do not endure for ever, that the life of man is uncertain, and that the reward of a gift of land belongs in common (both to him who makes it and to him who continues it). And he shall become invested with (the guilt of) the five great sins, together with the minor sins, who may confiscate this (grant), or assent to its confiscation."
- (L. 32.)-And it has been said by the venerable Vyâsa, the arranger of the Vêdas :-The giver of land abides in heaven for sixty thousand years; (but) the confiscator (of a grant), and he who assents (to an act of confiscation), shall dwell for the same number of years in hell! O Yudhishthira, best of kings, carefully preserve land that has previously been given to the twice-born; (verily) the preservation (of a grant) is more meritorious than making a grant! The earth has been enjoyed by many kings, commencing with Sagara; whosoever at any time possesses the earth, to him belongs, at that time, the reward (of this grant that is now made, if he continue it)!
- (L. 35.)-(This charter) has been written by the Sâmdhivigrahika Skandabhata. (This is) the sign-manual of me, the Mahârâja, the illustrious Dharasêna. The Dûtaka (is) Chirbira. The year 200 (and) 50 (and) 2; (the month) Vaishâkha; the dark fortnight; (the lunar day) 10 (and) 5.
- From: Fleet, John F. Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum: Inscriptions of the Early Guptas. Vol. III. Calcutta: Government of India, Central Publications Branch, 1888, 167-171.