Mardatu Chhoti

Mardatu Chhoti (मरडाटु छोटी) is a village in Fatehpur tahsil of Sikar district in Rajasthan.
There are only Jats of gotra Balhara (15). Location of Mardatu Chhoti is in south of Karanga.
Other castes dwelling in the village are Rajputs and Kaimkhanis.
Jat gotras
As per Census-2011 statistics, Mardatoo Chhoti village has the total population of 1169 (of which 530 are males while 639 are females).[1]
Notable persons
External Links
- Information on Manrdatoo Chhoti village - website
- Geo Location of Mardatu Bari, Mardatu Chhoti & Shekhiwas
- Villages in the Fatehpur tehsil, Sikar district
- Delimtation Commission Report
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