Mul Dwarka
Mul Dwarka (मूल द्वारका) (also Mool Dwarka, Mool Dwarika, Mul Dwarika) is a village in Junagadh district in Gujarat.
It is located 35 kms from Veraval (Somnath) in east direction near Kodinar.
Mul Dwarka is a small seashore village near Kodinar, a historic place of the original Dwarka of Mahabharata. Marine archaeological explorations have found many artifacts that date to the 10th century AD (Sampura,1968). One find, an ancient temple, is a circular structure about 4 meters high, constructed of dressed limestone blocks. Locally, this structure is called Diva Dandi (lighthouse). If the structure is a lighthouse, it may be the oldest lighthouse remains on the Saurashtra coast.
Archaeologist have found many artifacts, including ancient achors and a medieval well with potable water near the jetty. Another site, Mul Dwarka, dates from the Dwarka of Mahabharata period and has been surveyed extensively for submerged archaeological remains. Remains of the ancient port of Mul Dwarka have been destroyed by construction of a cement jetty. However, discovery of a composite stone anchor and report on some grapnel type anchors from Mul Dwarka suggest that this was also an active port in historical times. An ancient lighthouse may date to the 12th-15th century AD—another indication of active maritime activities.
A tidal river—blocked by a sand bar that may be caused by a cement jetty—flows on the western side of Mul Dwarka village. Archaeological findings from Mul Dwarka suggest that this was a historical period settlement and was very active port during the medieval period. This site also show the presence of Harappan and late Harappan settlement, for example, Kindar Kheda near Mul Dwarka (Visawada) and Kanjetar and which dates to around the 10th to 12th century AD.[1]