Maurya Burma

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Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R)

Map of Myanmar

Maurya (मौर्य) was an ancient city in Burma founded by Mauryas from India. It is located on Irrawaddy river and presently known as Mweyin.



In Burmese it means "near the big river", and Myitkyina is on the west bank of the Ayeyarwady River, just below 40 km from Myit-son (Burmese for confluence) of its two headstreams (the Mali and N'mai rivers). It is the northernmost river port and railway terminus in Myanmar.[1]. The city of Myitkyina lies 50 km south of the confluence and can be reached during the dry season.

Jat clans


Dineschandra Sircar[2] writes.... The name Maurya applied to Mweyin on the upper Course of the Irawadi River is supposed to be the [p.319]: origin of Mareura of Ptolemy's geography (2 nd century AD), while Shrikshetra (Prome) and Hanshavati (Pegu) are believed to be older than-5-6th century AD.[3]

The route by which the Kshatriya princes arrived in Burma was through Manipur which lies within the basin of Irawadi. The northern part of the Kubo Valley, which is the direct route towards Burma from Manipur, is still called Mauria or Maurira, said to be the name of the tribe to which King Ashoka belonged. If we may accept the name Maureura, which occurs in Ptolemy, and is by him given as the name of a city in the country of upper Irawadi, as referring either to this Maurira or to a city of a the same name near Mweyin, east of the river, the building of which is attributed to Indian princes, and the ruins of which still exist. [4]

मौर्य (बर्मा)

मौर्य (बर्मा) (p.767): इरावदी (इरावती) नदी के तट पर स्थित म्वीयन (Mweyin) का प्राचीन भारत के नाम जिसका उल्लेख ब्रह्मदेश के प्राचीन अभिलेखों में मिलता है. टॉलमी (Ptolemy) ने इसी को मारयूरा कहा है और इस प्रकार इस नाम नाम की प्राचीनता कम-से-कम द्वीतीय शती ई. तक तो पहुंच ही जाती है. मौर्य का नामकरण भारतीय औपनिवेशकों ने किया था. [5]

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