Myths and Legends of the Hindus & Buddhists/Glossary and Index

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Myths and Legends of the Hindus & Buddhists
Sister Nivedita and Anand K. Coomaraswamy

Glossary and Index

Contents: Top   · 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


The pronunciation of Sanskrit names is comparatively easy, for the same letter has always the same sound, and every letter is sounded. It is true that of certain consonants there are several varieties, which are necessarily distinguished in learned works by diacritical marks. For most readers of the present volume, however, it will suffice to remember, regarding the consonants, that while sh is used to represent sounds similar to that of sh in " wishing," in all other cases the letter h following a consonant must be separately pronounced for instance, Bh in " Bhima " as b-h in " cab-horse." n before k or g is usually pronounced like ng in "sing"; n in " Kans," and m in "samsara," " hamsa," " simha," " ahimsa," etc., are pronounced in the same way.

The general rule for vowels is to pronounce as in Italian. It is most important to remember that a is never sounded like a in "man" or a in " late.". The vowels sounds are approximately as follows :

a as a in " America
e as a in "cake"
i as i in "ill"
o as o in " note "
u as u in "full"
ā as a in "father"
ī as ee in "eel"
ū as oo in "fool."

If these general rules are consistently followed, it will suffice to indicate in the Glossary the accent and syllabic division of a few of the longer names, without re-spelling. Where no accent is indicated, approximately level stress should be used. The last syllable should never be clipped.


  • ADHIRATHA. A royal charioteer ; Karna and, 132 ; finds Karna as a babe, 197
  • ADITYA. The Sun; apostrophized by Agastya, 93
  • ADMETUS. See Alcestis
  • AESOP'S FABLES. Reference to, 15
  • AGASTYA. A rishi (sage) ; comes to witness the defeat of Ravana and teaches Rama a hymn to the sun, 93 ; leads hermits to Rama, 104 ; takes leave of Rama, 105; equivalent, Agas-tya-Muni (Agastya the Sage), 386, 387
  • AGHASUR. A dragon sent by Kans to destroy Krishna, 224
  • AGNI . Fire, the god of Fire ; mythology of, 17 ; Fire, equivalent, 99
  • AHIMSA (harmlessness). Hinduism permeated with the doctrine of, 10 ; not forced upon the Kshatriyas or Shudras, 10
  • AIR. The all-pervading, directs Hanuman to Ravana, 67
  • AIRA -VATA. Indra s elephant, 232
  • AJANTA. Frescoes, reference to culture depicted in, 6
  • AJASAT. Prince ; Devadatta plots with, against Buddha, 280-283
  • AKAMPANA (Unconquerable). A rakshasa, slain by Hanuman at siege of Lanka, 83
  • AKSHA. Prince ; leads a host of rakshasas against Hanuman, 71 , 72
  • ALARA. A famous sage, sought out by Siddhartha, 265
  • ALCESTIS AND ADMETUS. Refer ence to, 385
  • AMARA. City of, 250
  • AMARAVATI . The city of Indra ; Ayodhya as fair
  • AMBA . Identical with Shikhandin 173 ; the story of the

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  • AMBA. lady, 173-181. II. Daughter of king of Benares, betrothed to Shalwa, 174 ; won in ournament by Bhishma, 176 ; allowed to depart to Shalwa, 176 ; rejected by the king of the Shalwas, 177 ; Bhishma and, 178, 179 ; combat of Parashu-Rama on behalf of, 179 ; Shiva appears before, 1 80 ; her immolation, 181
  • AMBALIKA. Daughter of king of Benares, 174 ; won by Bishma as bride for Vichitravlrya, 176
  • AMBI-KA. Daughter of king of Benares, 174 ; won by Bhishma as bride for Vichitravlrya, 176
  • ANANDA. A disciple of Buddha ;urges Buddha to admit women to the priesthood, 279, 280 ; his grief at Buddha s death, 284
  • ANANTA . The thousand-headed naga (snake) that issued from Balarama s mouth, 243 ; Vishnu's attendant, 311. Equivalents, Ati-Sheshan, Infinite, 3H
  • ANDROMEDA. Reference to, 385
  • ANGA. Duryodhana installs Karna as king of, 131
  • ANGADA. One of the monkey host ; son of Vali, 65, 68, 74, 80 ; meets Thunder-tooth in battle, 83 laid low by Indra-jit, 88
  • ANGER. The, of Shiva, 290, 291
  • ANGER-CHAMBER. Room set apart for an angry queen ; Kaikeyi enters, 36
  • ANIMAL. The attraction of the animal for childlike races, 16
  • ANIRUDDHA. Son of Pradyumna (a re-birth of Satrughna), 240 ; marries Charumati and Usha, 240
  • ANJALIKA. The greatest of Arjuna's arrows, with which he slays Kama, 207
  • ANJANA. Mother of Hanuman, 65
  • ANSHUMAT. A mighty chariot-fighter, 318
  • ASPARAS. Heavenly nymphs, 20 ;the dancing girls of Indra's court, 391
  • AQUILA. Equivalent, Garuda ; The divine eagle, 385

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  • ARABIA. One of the extremities of breeding-ground of Asia,
  • ARHATS. Princes of the Shakyas and Kolis become, 279
  • ARJUNA. The third of the Pan-davas ; his vow to Drona, 123 ; rival of Kama, 123, 130-132 ;Drona tests his skill in archery, 126, 127, 129 ; the son of Indra, 131 ; leads against the Panhalas, 134 ;captures Drupada,135;Drupada s secret wish that DraupadI should wed, 143;wins Draupadi at the Swayam- vara contest, 146 ; declared invincible once he obtains vision of the great God, 165 ; beholds the great God, 167, 168 ; the Bhagavad gita and, 186, 187 ;his grief regarding Bhishma, 193 ; brings down Kama s standard, 207 ; slays Kama,207 ; Krishna s charioteer, 242 ; at Dwaraka and Kurukshetra, 244 ; with remnant of Krishna's descendants establishes new cities, 244
  • ARUNDHATI . The Northern Crown, reference to, 387
  • ARYAN. Mind, at work in con nexion with the Jdtakas, 15. Brain, its store of great nature gods, 17
  • ASAMANJA. Son of Sagara, 317
  • ASCETICISM. Practised by the four castes in different ages, 1 1 ; of Vishvamitra, 28 ; of a Shudra, punished, in ; of Arjuna, 166; of Siddhartha (Buddha), 266 ; of Uma, 297 ; of Bhagiratha, 320 ; of Chyavana, 370 ; the ultimate vocation, 400
  • ASHRAMAS. Foster-hermitages, equivalent, 178
  • ASHVATTHAMAN. " Strong as a horse " ; son of Drona, 121 ; his knowledge of the theory of war, 125 ; false report of his death, 185
  • ASHVINS, THE. Divine twins ; the story of, 377-378
  • ASHWAMEDHA (horse-sacrifice). Rama s munificence makes a unique, 112
  • ASHWAPATI. Uncle of Bharata and Satrughna, 30

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  • ASHWASENA. Five mighty arrows shot by Karna, 205, 200
  • ASIA. Early history of man in, Western, one of the world's central areas of civilization,
  • ASOKA (Ashoka). Wood of, searched by Hanuman, 68, 69 ; Sita found at, 69-72 ; tree, Sita found beside, 95 A-SU-RAS (identical with Rakshasas, 10).
  • AYODHYA (unconquerable). Val-miki connected with the kings of, 6 ; city of, in the country of Koshala ; Dasharatha, king of, 25 ; messengers sent to, by Janaka, 29 ; Dasharatha returns to, 30 ; decorated for Rama s installation as king, 33 ; wealth of, 43 ; Rama takes farewell of, 45 ; Rama grieves for, 47 ; grief of, for Dasharatha, 49 ; Bharata goes to, 49 ;Rama declines to return to, 52 ; Rama s sandals installed at, 53 ; Rama lord of, 100 ;Rama s return to, 101-104; Rama s reign over, 104-117;Rama at, 112


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  • BALARAMA. Brother of Krishna;guest of the Pandavas, 148 ;Rohini, mother of, 219 ; Krishna and, grow up together, 222 ;married to Rewati, 241 ; Krishna seeks, 243
  • BALI. One of the five great monkeys in the Rdmayana, brother of Sugriva, 21, 22
  • BEHULA. The daughter of Saha,325; weds Lakshmindara, 326-330
  • BENARES. Dog does penance in,110 ; Pandava princes banished to, 137-140 ; their escape from, 140 ; Amba, Ambika, and Ambalika, daughter of king of,174; Bhishma visits, to secure queen for Vichitravirya, 174 ;Buddha at, 247 ; Brahmadatta,king of, 255
  • BHADRA. A mighty elephant, 319
  • BHAGAVAD GITA . The national gospel, contained in the Mahabharata, 118; a partly philosophic, partly devotional, in spired utterance of Krishna, 186-190 ; doctrine of shakti in, 217
  • BHAGAVATAPURA -NA. gends of Krishna s youth and, 217 ; Rdmayana and, 218
  • BHAGAVATI . Alias Parvati. Shiva' s wife. See Parvati
  • BHAGIRATHA. Son of Dilipa ;worships Shiva, 320
  • BHAKTI (devotion). Doctrine of, in Bhagavad Gita, 217, 218
  • BHARADHWAJA. Hermit, welcomes Rama, 46 ; Bharata entertained by, 51 ; Rama greets again, 102 ; father of Drona, 121
  • BHARATA . I. India. Whatever not in Mahdbhurata, not in land of, 5 ; II. One of Dasharatha s four sons, 26 ; Man-davya bestowed on, 30 ; mother,Kaikeyi, schemes to displace Rama in favour of, 34-45 ; Vashishtha sends envoys to, 49 ; reproaches Kaikeyi, 50, 51 ; his regency, 51, 52 ; his search for Rama, 51-52 ; his interview with Rama, 52, 53 ; Hanuman and, 68; Rama and, 101, 102 ; reigns in Ke-kaya, 115; the best of varshas is, 396
  • BHARGAVA. Kama' s divine weapon, 205
  • BHARHUT STUPA. Regents of Indra, Yama, Varuna, and Kuvera, are represented at the, 395
  • BHAUMASUR. A demon, 240 ;slain by Krishna, 241
  • BHIMA. The second of the Pandavas, 125 ; at Drona s tournament, 128 ; his fury in battle against the Panchalas, 1 34 ;sets fire to house in which Pandavas dwell, 141 ; at the Sway-amvara of Draupadl, 143 Yuilhishthira s fatal game of dice and, 161, 162 ; the deception of, 184-186; Damayanti and. 35;
  • BIUMASAHA. King of Rajagriha,becomes disciple of Buddha,274

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  • BHISHMA. The Mahabhdrata and,119; his discovery of Drona as a teacher, 119-122; Yudhishthira s coronation sacrifice, Krishna, and, 153-157; guardian of the house of the Kurus,173 ; Shamtanu, father of,174; Vichitravirya, half-brother of, 174 ; his challenge at Benares to obtain Queen for Vichitravirya, 174-176 ; Amba and, 178, 179 ; combat between Parashu-Rama and, 179 ; Shik-handin and, in battle, 182-186 ; mortally wounded, 1 84 ; Arjuna' s grief and shame regarding, 193 ; his death by Arjuna ordained from of old, 193
  • BHISHMAK, RAJA. Rukmim, daughter of, 239
  • BIG-BELLY. One of Ravana's monsters, 84, 91
  • BIMBISARA, KING. Siddhartha welcomed at Rajagriha by, 266
  • BOAR, Arjuna attacked by, 166
  • BOAR INCARNATION. Took place in the first manvantara, 394
  • BODHISATTVA. Equivalent, Buddha-elect, 259, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270
  • BRAHMA (M). The mythical origin of colour (caste) and, 8 ; the Creator of the World, 23, 225 ;appears to Valmiki, 23 ; Ravana s oppression told to, 26 ;in Sita's abduction foresees Ravana s death, 59, 60 ;weapon, the power of, 72, 91 , 93 ;visits Lanka, 98 ; steals Krishna's calves, 225 ; prays Krishna's pardon, 225 ; Buddha urged by, that the dharma be taught, 273 ; relates the story of Shiva, 286-3 1 3 ; Shiva one with, 291 ; the Prajapatis created by,292 ; Savitri, wife of, 346
  • BRAHMADATTA. King of Benares, 255. 257
  • BRAHMAN(N). The one Reality, 389
  • BRAHMANS. The mythical origin of colour (caste) and, 8 ; Buddha by birth a, 9 ; one of the four fundamental colours, 9 ; asceticism practised by, 1 1 ; perfect enlightenment attained by, 11 ;Rama and, 40, 41 ; prophecy concerning Sita, 42 ; Sita's

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  • BRAHMANS. wealth given to, 42 ; Rama chides one for cruelty to a dog, no; counsel of chief eight, summoned by Rama, in ; Drona a, 119-121 ; of Eka-chakra, 143 ; " Self " the, and the Buddhist " void," 249
  • BRAJ. Yaduvamsis at, 218 ; people of, and Krishna, 222 ; girls, Krishna s flute, and the, 229, 230, 232-238
  • BRIHASPATI. Devas appoint as priest, 335
  • BRINDABAN . Not found on map, but to the Vaishnava lover Brindaban is the heart of man, 218 ; Nand and Yasoda reside at, 224, 226 ; perpetual spring in, 228
  • BRYNHILD. Krishna's answer to Arjuna compared to the wisdom of, 187-190
  • BUDDHA. An impulse of religion to China, &c., 3 ; his protest against exclusiveness of caste, 9 ; love of Yashodara and, as set forth in the Jatakas, 15 ;the historical foundation, 245 ; the life of, 245, 246 ; the temp tation of, 247, 248 ; the teaching of, 248-251 ; by enlightenment Gautama becomes, 247 ; lived and died a Hindu, 248 ; Sumedha, equivalent see Sumedha,250-263 ; teaches triple formula to merchants who become disciples, 272-274;Suddhodhana worships, 275 ; visits the Tavatimsa heaven, 277, 278 ; the abhidharma expounded by, 277 ; prevents a war between the Shakyas and the Kolis, 278 ; Devadatta and Ajasat plot against, 280-283 ; the Final Release of (Parinirvana), 283-285
  • BUDDHA-ELECT. See Sumedha, Bodhisattva, Siddhartha, &c.
  • BUDDHISM. The temper that made Jainism and the gentle faiths, 14 ; Ganesha and, 19 ; the age of the making of, 19; the teaching of, to the Indian people, 215
  • BUDDHIST. Hindu theory of caste and Buddhist moral system, 10 ; reference to Birth-

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  • BUDDHIST.stories (Jalakas), 15; orders, and the Christian era, 210 ;" Void," the, and the Brahman "Self," .149


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  • CANOPUS. Identical with the star Agastya, 386, 387
  • CASSIOPEIA. Reference to, 385
  • CASTE. Mythical origin of Hindu system of, 8 ; difficulties in connexion with change of, 9 ;equivalent in modern verna cular, " birth " (jati), 9 ; the four fundamental colours, 10 ;Hindu theory recognizes own-morality (sva-dharma), 10 ;Sister Nivedita says, is race continuity, 399
  • CASUALTY. All conditional exist ence governed by, 393
  • CIIALDEA. Was this the centre from which came the worship of planets ? 382
  • CHAMPA. Kama found as a babe by Adiratha and Radha at, 197
  • CHAN DRA-KETU. A devotee of Manasa, 324
  • CHAND SADAGAR. A merchant-prince of Champaka Nagar ; Manasa Devi woos the devotion of, 322-331
  • CHANNA. Gautama s charioteer, 246, 264
  • CHEDI. Bhishma s story and the queen of, 155; Shishupala, son of ; Krishna s prophecy redeath of, 1 56
  • CHINA. One of the extremities of breeding-ground of Asia, i ; Buddha an impulse of religion to, 3 ; worship in, 17
  • CHITAMBARAM. The sacred city where Shiva s dance is daily beheld, 310 ; the abode of the saint Tiger-foot, 310
  • CHITRAKUTA. Mountain of; Rama advised to go to, 46 ; goes there, 47 ; Bharata visits Rama at . 5 2 . 53 ; Rama quits, 53 ; Sita s and Rama s adventure at, 71 ; Rama passes, 101
  • CHULLASUBHADDA . Wife of Buddha-elect (Sumedha), 252- 255
  • CHUNDA. A good smith who enter tains Buddha, 283
  • CHYAVANA. A great rishi ; story of the kine and, 370-373 ; the Ashvins and, 377-378
  • CIVILIZATION. Breeding-ground of, in Western Asia, i ; Brahmanical, 3
  • COSMIC POWERS. Summary of Indian, 390-392
  • COSMOLOGY, INDIAN. Summary of, 389-400
  • CREATION. The prime cause of inexplicable, 395
  • CYCLOPES. Reference to, 388


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  • DAITYAS. Identical with Rdksha-sas, 10 ; aid in churning the ocean, 314
  • DAKSHA. Story of Shiva and, at flowering - point, 215; Shiva and, 288-294 ; note on Shiva and, re Aryan and Sanskritic views of Brahma, 291-295 ; the chief Prajapati, 293
  • DAMAYANTI AND NALA. The story of, 356-367
  • DANCE. Legend of Shiva s, 310-313
  • DANCE OF LOVE, THE, 232, 233
  • DANCING MAIDENS. Alternative, Spinning Women. Reference to, 387
  • DANDAKA. A forest ; Kaikeyi suggests that Rama be sent as a hermit to, 37, 50 ; Rama wanders through, 53, 54
  • DASHARATHA. King of Koshala ; a Manu amongst men ; father of Santa ; Kashyapa and Markandeya among his counsellors, 25 ; Vasishtha and Vamadeva, his priests, 25 ; gives his daughter Santa to Rishyashringa, 25 ; orders a horse-sacrifice, 25 ; four sons prophesied to, 25 ; Vishnu takes birth as the four sons of, 26 ; story of sons told to Janaka, 29 ; visit to SiiKlhushraiiui, and his return to Ayodhya, 29, 30 ; his rule one of dharma (righteousness),

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  • DASHARATHA. 31 ; orders preparation for Rama s installation as king, 32 ; threatened by the planets, 33 his ancient pledge to Kaikeyi, 36-38 ; curses Kaikeyi, 45 ; his grief and death, 47, 48 ; sons of, at siege of Lanka, 82, 91 ; Rama pro fesses himself the son of, 98 ; Rama pleads forgiveness from, for Kaikeyi, 100 ; his queens attend SIta, 103 ; Kaushalya and Kaikeyi united to, 115
  • DAY OF BRAHMA, A. Equal to 12,000 years of the devas, or 4,320,000,000 earth -years, 392;the " Three Worlds " together with devas, &c., are manifested afresh at the beginning of each, 392 ; the Night of Brahma is of equal length with the, 392
  • DEAD, THE GREAT HOST OF THE, 208, 209.
  • DEATH. The pilgrimage of, 211-216 ; Nachiketas and, 332-
  • DECALOGUE, THE MOSAIC. Commandment of, compared with Hinduism, 10
  • DECEPTION. The, of Bhima, 184-186
  • DEER, THE GOLDEN. Maricha assumes form of, and allures Rama from SIta, 56-58
  • DEITIES. Assemble to Dasharatha s sacrifice, 25 ; presiding, of all weapons, 93
  • DELUGE. Each manvantara is followed by a, 393
  • DEMONS, THE. Are constantly at war with the devas, 392
  • DESIRE. Kamadeva, equivalent ; the god of Love ; Passion the wife of, 296; the Great God utterly consumes, 296
  • DESTROYER, THE. Ravana likened to, 84
  • DEVA". A god other than the supreme God ; lit. a shining one ; Sumedha a, 252
  • DEVADATTA. Buddha s cousin, 268 ; plots evil against Buddha, 280-283
  • DEVAKI. Krishna son of, 217 ; serpent Shesh takes human form at seventh pregnancy of, 219 ; goes to Gokula, 220
  • DEVARATA. Raja ; bow given by the gods to, 28
  • DEVAYANI AND KACHA. The story of, 335-342
  • DHANWANTARI. The churning of the ocean and, 315
  • DHARMA (duty and morality). Hindu caste recognizes, 10; duty of maintaining devolves upon the Kshatriya and the king, ii ; Dasharatha's rule based on, 31 ; Yudhishthira's dog revealed as, 213
  • DHRISHTADYUMNA. Twin brother of Draupadi, 144 ; his declaration at the contest for Draupadi, 144 ; discovers identity of Pandavas, 148-149 ; the Pandava general, slays Drona, 185, 186
  • DHRITARASHTRA. The Mahabhdrata s main theme, a battle between sons of Pandu and sons of, 1 1 8 ; grants Drona permission to test the princes, 127, 128 ; crowns Yudhishthira, 136 ; banishes the Pandavas to Benares, 137-140 ; invites the Pandava princes to their ancestral home, 150, 151 ; consents to game of dice between Sakuni and Yudhishthira, 159-163; renewal of the contest through the decision of, 163-166; his word of peace to the Pandavas, 181 ; Krishna s mission to, 198-200 ; retires to Ganges with Gandharl and Pritha, 208 ; Gautama s elephant takes the form of, 373
  • DHRUVALOK. Hindu equivalent Pole star. The story of, 378-380
  • DHUMRAKSHA (Grey - eye).Leads assault at the siege of Lanka, 82 ; slain by Hanuman, 83
  • DICE. The fatal ; Sakuni challenges Yudhishthira to play with, 157-160; Yudhishthira loses Draupadi at, 161 ; renewal of the contest between Sakuni and Yudhishthira, 164-165
  • DILIPA. Son of Anshumat ; Bhaglratha son of, 320
  • DINESH BABU. Remark of, re the story of Behula, 331

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  • DIPANKARA. Equivalent, One-who-overcame ; birth of, 250 ; proclaims Sumedha as one who should become a Buddha, j ; i (?)
  • DOG, THE. Unholy to tin- Hindu ;Indra objects to Yudhishthira's, from entering heaven, 2 u ; revealed as Dharma. 213
  • DRAUPADI. Daughter of Drupada ; her father s secret wish that she should wed Arjuna, 143 ; Swayamvara of, 143, 144 ; accepts Arjuna as her lord, 146 ; duly weds the Pandavas, 149 ; lost at dice by Yudhishthira to Sakuni, 161 ; Dhritarashtra s boon to, 162 ; put incharge of Pandava forces, i<S2 ; sets forth on her pilgrimage, 211
  • DRONA. A Brahma, discovered by Bhishma, 119-121; equivalent, Brahman-ji, 120; son of the great sage Bhanuhvaja,121 ; Ashvatthaman son of, 121 ; scorned by his friend Drupada, 122 ; Duryodhana a pupil of, 123 ; Ekalavya a would-be pupil of, 123 ; declines to have Ekalavya as pupil, 124 ; demands as fee Ekalavya s thumb, 125 ; tests the princes skill in archery, 126, 127, 128 ; declares his fee as teacher to be the binding of Drupada in battle, 133 ; 1 an-davas do reverence to, 134 ; his vengeance against Drupada, 135,136; Yudhishthira s coronation sacrifice and, i 54 ; Drupada prays Shiva for a son to aid in the destruction of, i(>s ;the Kurus victorious under, 184; slain by Dhrishtadyumna, 185 ; Kama pupil of, 197
  • DRUPADA . Drona s friendship with, 122 ; king of the Panchalas, 122 ; Droma hopes to see vanquished, 127 ; Drona demands as his fee the binding in battle of, 133 ; Arjuna captures, 135 ; Drona s strange vengeance upon, 135, 136; his secret enmity towards Diona, 136 ; his daughter s (Draupadi) Swayamvara, 143 ; Kanipilya the capital of, 143 ; his secret wish that Draupadi might wed Arjuna, 143 ; attends Draupadi s Swayamvara, 145 ; approval of Arjuna as btCO, 146 ,shielded by Arjuna and Bhlma,147 ; his joy at being allied with the andavas, 149 ; Yudhislithira s coronation sacrifice and, 1 54 ; Shiva worshipped by, 168, 169; Shikhandin-Shikhandini, daughter-son of 169
  • DURVASAS. A portion of Shiva ; Indra cursed by, 314
  • DURYODHANA. One of Drona's pupils ; Kama friendly with rather than with the Pandavas, 123 ; Bhlma the cousin of, 125 ; Gandharl, mother of, watches tournament, 127 ; his rivalry against Bhlma at Drona's tournament, 128, 129; installs Karna as king of Anga, 131 ;attacked by Drupada, 1 34 ; his jealousy of his cousins, 137; attends swayamvara of Draupadi, 144 ; guest at Indraprastha, 157, 158; Yudhishthira's fatal game of dice and, 159-165 ; the aggressions of, 181, iSj ; vanquished in the battle between the Pandavas and Kurus, 1 86 ; Karna's gratitude toward, 199 ; weeps for Karna, 207 ; Pandavas oppressed by,241 ; Lakshmana daughter of,241
  • DWARAKA. See Dwarkanath. Krishna and Balaram migrate to, 239, 240 ; people of, known as Vrishnis, 241 ; women of, placed under the Pandavas protection, 243 ; ocean over whelms, 244
  • DWARKANATH. The Lord of Dwaraka, alternative ; Krishna essentially such, 217
  • DYUMATSENA. King of the Shalwas, father of Sat ya van, 347


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  • EAGLE. The thought of Aryan man played about the, 16; Aquilla or Garuda, the divine, 385
  • EARTH. Sita born of, 97 ; Sita taken home by, 114

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  • EGYPT. One of the extremities of breeding-ground of Asia, 1
  • EKACHAKRA. The Pandavas arrive at town of, 142
  • EKALAVYA. Drona declines, as a pupil, 123 ; worships clay image of Drona, 124 ; son of the king of the Nishadas, 124 ;his skill as an archer, 124 ; his thumb paid as Drona s fee, 125
  • ELEPHANT. The thought of Aryan man played about the, 16 ; the six-tusked, 252-254
  • ELEPHANT-HEADED. Indian imagination conceives the universe as the, 17 ; meaning of, 18
  • EPICS. Stories from the, 314 to end
  • EPIC, THE. Of Hinduism, 19-21


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  • FIRE. Sita prays to, 73 ; Indrajit sacrifices to, 88 ; tests, and restores Sita, 99 ; Agni equivalent, 99 ; Sita and, 107 ; Shiva's gift to, 298 ; offerings to, by Lord-of -Horses, 345
  • FIRE-GOD. Nila, son of, 84 ;accepts Indra jit s sacrifice, 88
  • FISHING. Shiva s, 300, 301
  • FLUTE. Krishna s, and its in fluence on the herd-girls, 228,230, 232, 233, 235
  • FRANCE, ANATOLE. Penguins of, reference to, 13
  • FULFILLER OF DESIRE. See Ganesha, 18


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  • GANDHARI. Mother of Duryodhana, watches the tournament to test the princes, 127 ; the game of dice between Sakuni and Yudhishthira and, 164 ;Dhritarashtra retires with, 208 ;the curse of, 243
  • GANDHARVA . Musical ministrants of the upper air, 20
  • GANDIVA. See Arjuna, 168 ; Arrjuna' s bow, 195, 196, 205, 207
  • GANESHA or GANAPATI (Lord of the Multitudes, or Lord of the Territory). Cosmical significance and attributes of, 18 ;the Fulfiller of Desire, 18 ; the god of merchants, 19 ;chapels of, 21 ; second son of Shiva and Parvatl, 298 ; eldest son of the Mother of the Universe, 381
  • GANGA. Equivalent, Ganges. Story of birth of, told by Vishvamitra to Rama, 29 ;Rama eaches, 45 ; Sita prays t. 45 ; Jamna joins with, at Prayag, 46 ; follows Ocean, 78 ; Rama passes cross, 101 ;Sita and hermitages by, 106-108 ; Bharadwaja s ashrama near, 121 ; Drona grants lands to south of, to Drupada, 135, 136; ship found on, by the Pandavas, 141 ; Amba bathes in, 1 80 ; messengers to Bhishma from, 195 ; Dhritarashtra retires to, 208 ; Yudhishthira bathes away his mortal grief in, 2 1 5 ; elder sister of Uma, 295 ;Fire gives Shiva's gift to, 298 the birth of, another version,317-322 ; King Dilipa ponders how to bring down, 320 ; Bhagiratha brings down, 320 ;about the city of Brahma flows the, 396
  • GANGES. See Ganga. The name of ship made by Vidura for Kunti and her sons, 139
  • GARUDA . Hanuman and, heroes,15 ; the divine bird, attendant of Narayana, 22 ; Vishnu appears, riding on, 26, 291 ;Hanuman and, 66 ; at siege of Lanka, 82 ; weapon, a, 92 ;Kaliya fears, 227 ; Siddhartha and a, 267 ; equivalent, Aquila ;the divine eagle, 385
  • GAURI. Rukmim prays to image of, 239
  • GAUTAMA. Alias Siddhartha;son of Suddhodana, 245, 246 ;marries Yashodhara, 246 ;Channa charioteer of, 246 ;seeks superhuman insight after the manner of Brahman as cetics, 246 ;Mara tempts, 247 ;by enlightenment becomes Buddha, 247 ; the story of his elephant and, 373-374

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  • GEOGRAPHY, MYTHICAL. Sum mary of Indian, 395, 396
  • GIRIVRAJA. Wealthy city in Kekaya ; envoys sent to Bharata at, 49
  • GITA. Equivalent, song see Bhagavad Gita.
  • GOD. Krishna the incarnation of, 153; Arjuna seeks vision of the great, 166 ; Arjuna beholds the great, 167, 168 ; Mahadeva, alternative, 168 ; Krishna hides his godhead, 238 ; Shiva the great, 293 ; every true Shaivite Master is an incarnation of , 312 ;millions of Hindus who think of, habitually as SHE, 399
  • GODAVERI. River ; Sita appears to, 59
  • GODS, INDIAN. Surrounding of, 389 ; their different names,390 ; cosmic powers, 390-393
  • GOPAS. Equivalent, herd-boys, 222
  • GOPIS. Equivalent, herd-girls,218, 221 ; leave all to follow Krishna, 218 ; Krishna and the effect of his flute on the, 228-230, 232-235 ; Balaram delights with his music, 241
  • GOKULA. Yaduvamsis at, 218 ;Devakl takes Krishna to, 220 ;Putana at, 221 ; Krishna and Balaram grow up at, 222
  • GOSPEL, The. The Mahabharata compared with, 118
  • GOVARDHAN, MOUNT. Krishna teaches people of Braj to worship, 231 ; Krishna lifts, 231
  • GOVINDA AND GOPALA (herds-man). Names indicate Krishna's origin as a god of flocks and herds, 217; gopis dance around, 234
  • GREAT BEAR. Early fancy of men and the seven stars of the, 387
  • GREAT BEING. Buddha-elect, equivalent, 252
  • GREAT -FLANK. One of Havana's monsters, 91
  • GREECE. One of the extremities of breeding-ground of Asia, 1
  • GUHA. KIng of Nishadha ; greets Rama, 451 Bharata passes through realm of, 51
  • GUPTA EMPIRE. Represents an epoch in which foreign cultures were welcomed in India, 3
  • GURU. A teacher in matters of religion, &c., 43


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  • HANUMAN. The story of the siege of Lanka and, 1 3 ; Garuda and, heroes, 15; a monkey that figures in the Ramdyana, 21 ; the Hindu ideal of the perfect servant, 22 ; son of Vayu, 22 ;sent by Sugriva to Rama, 62 ; son of the wind-god, 64 ; goes in search of Ravana, 64 ; Arjana, mother of, 65 ; Jambavan recounts the wonderful deeds of, 65 ; his search for Sita, 66-73 ;returns to Rama, 73, 74 ; takes counsel with Rama, 77 ; Prince Indrajit and, 80 ; slays Dhumraksha, 83 ; presses Ravana in battle, 84 ; Pot-ear and, 87 ; comes to Himalaya, 88, 89 ; precedes Rama to Ayodhya, 102 ; goldenjar given to, 103 ; reference to origin of, 105
  • HARI. Alternative, Vishnu. Kans gives instructions for all worshippers of, to be slain, 931; eopis sing in praise of, 229 ;Krishna recognized as, alternative, the Prime Mover, 243 ; the churning of the ocean and, 315
  • HARE. Buddha born a, 257
  • HAREMARK. Brahmadatta and the, on the moon, 257
  • HASTINAPURA. Bhishma discovers Drona in the forest out side, 119; wanders to, 1 36 ; Kunti and her sons set out from, for Benares, 138 ; Pandava princes return to, 150; Duryodhana compares Indrapastha with, 158 ; Yudhishthira invited to, 159, 160 ; Bhishma escorts daughters of king of Ben to, 176; Amba and, 177, i;S; Adiratha leaves Champa for, 197; Krishna at, 198, 200; Krishna s messengers at
  • HEAVEN. Indra objects to Yudhishthira's dog entering, 195; Dharma enters, 213;

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  • HEAVEN. Yudhishthira dissatisfied with, 214; tastes the happiness of, 215
  • HELL. Kumbhakarna vast as 85, 86; Yudhishthira in, 214, 215
  • HEPHAISTOS. The Smith of Heaven ; reference to, 388
  • HERAKLES, LABOURS OF. How many of, were really stories of his constellation, 385
  • HERD-GIRLS. Equivalent, the gopis ; prophesy that child born to Nand and Yasoda should be called Lord of the, 221
  • HERMIT-S. Their joy in the know ledge of Havana s impending death, 60 ; Hanuman disguised as, meets Rama, 62 Rama visited by, 104 ; the, of Benares 273, 274
  • HIMALAYAS. The, 21 ; monkey host gather from, 63 ; Lakshman and, 85 ; Hanuman at, 88, 89; Arjuna visits, to gain the vision of the Great God, 165 ; messengers to Bhishma from, 195 ; the Pandavas with Draupadi, climb the, 211 ; Buddha-elect born near lake in the, 252 ;Agastya-Muni, ancient village in valley of the,386
  • HINDU. Ideals, approached through hero-worship, 7 ; theory of colour distinct from Mosaic or Buddhist moralities, 10 ;idea, formation of, 1 5 ; ideal Hanuman the perfect servant in, 22 ;difference between early worship of cosmic deities by the people and their spiritualized deities and demi-gods,212 ; Buddha, a, 248
  • HINDUISM. A synthesis of religion, 3 ; Mosaic Decalogue com mandment compared with, 10 permeated with the doctrine of ahimsa (harmlessness), 10 ;the Epic of, 19 ; symbols of,in the Himalayas, 2 1 ; time in development of, when religion eschewed deities of worldly food, 210; folk-lore of, amiliar with name of Agastya Canopus, 386

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  • HIRANYA - KASHIPU. Identical with Shishupala and Ravana ;an impious king who hated Vishnu; his sin of blasphemy and his choice of expiation slain by Vishnu, 242
  • HISTORY, THE. Of Indian theology, 396, 397
  • HOMER. Iliad of, compared with Ramayana, 6
  • HUMAN SOCIETY. The four aims of human life laid down by the ancient rishis, Dharma (Morality), Artha (Wealth -winning), Kama (Fulfilment of Desires), Moksha (Release), 398, 399


  • ILIAD. Compared with the Ramayana, 6 ; compared with the Mahdbhdrata, 118
  • INDIAN. One of the extremities of breeding-ground of Asia, 1 ; epochs in culture in, 1 ; the genius of, 2 ; Gupta empire, and foreign cultures in, 3 ; rise of Islam in, and effect on people of, 3 ; The Mahdbhdrata conserves ancient beliefs of the people of, 4 ; mythology still a controlling influence in, 4 ;whatever not in Mahdbhdrata, not in land of, 5 ; humane disposition of people of, 15 mythology of Indra and Agni , born outside, 17 ; imagination conceives the universe as the Elephant-headed, 17 ; worship of Ganesha in, 18 ; people, teaching of uddhism to, 215 ;the pseudo-historical legend of Krishna, deep in the heart of, 218; theology, philosophy, geography, society, 389 to 400
  • INDIAN THEOLOGY. Summary of, 389-400 ; the gods, 389 ;names of gods, 390 ; cosmic powers, 390-392 ; the universe, 392-395 ; mythical geography, 395, 396 ; history of the theology, 396, 397 ; philosophy, 397 398 ; human society, 398, 399 ; marriage, 399, 400 ; renunciation, 400

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  • INDRA. Mythology of, 17 ; Sita refers to his wife, 58 ; Angada and, 65 ; Brahma and, 65; shaft, used by Lakshman, 90 ;grants boon to Rama, 100 ;visits Arjuna, 165 166 : Kama and, 197, 198; the King of Heaven, seen by Pandavas, 211 ; objects to Yudhishthira's dog entering, 212 ; admits Yudhishthira to heaven, 215; people of Braj worship, 230 ;submits to Krishna, 231 ; places ladders from heaven to earth for Buddha, 277 ; cursed by Durvasas (a portion of Shiva), 314 ; Narada relates story of Damayanti to, 357-358 ; Agni, Varuna, Yama and, compete with Nala, 358 ; the story of the Parrot and, 367-368 ; Gautama's elephant and, 373, 374
  • INDRAJIT. Son of Havana ; devises a way to bind Hanuman, 72 ; leads warfare against Rama, 76, 80, 81 ; his magic shafts, 82 ; victorious at siege of Lanka, 87, 88 ; his deceit on Rama, 89 ; his death, 90
  • INDRA-PRASTHA. A noble city, built by the Pandavas, 151 ;Duryodhana, guest at, 157, 158; the Pandavas sent to, and then brought from, by Dhritarashtra, 163 ; Yudhishthira demands restoration of, 181
  • INDRASENA. Son of Nala and Damayanti, 366
  • INDRASEN. Daughter of Nala and Damayanti, 366
  • ISHVARA. Three aspects of, as Brahma, Shiva, and Vishnu, 389 ; world created by the Brahma aspect of, 392
  • ISLAM. Rise of, in, and effect on people of, India, 3


  • JAINISM. Buddhism and, tintemper that made them the gentle faiths, 14
  • JACKALS. Manikka Vacagar and the, 306-310
  • JAMBAVAN. A noble monkey, 65, 74 ; bears ruled by, 75 ; wounded at siege of Lanka, 81 ;laid low by Indrajit, 88 ; golden jar given to, 103
  • JAMBUDWIPA. Sons of Sagara undermine, 318
  • JAMBUMALI. Ravana sends to slay Hanuman, 71
  • JAMNA. A river, joining with Ganga, 46 ; SitS. prays to, 47 ;Rama passes across, 101 ;Amba s funeral pyre on banks of, 181 ; the Yadavas dwell beside, 217 ; not found on map, 218 ;Vasudeva and Devaki cross, 220 ; Kaliya in, 226 the Braj girls bathe in the, 229, 230
  • JANAKA. History in the Ramayana, of daughter of, 23 ; raja of Mithila ; his sacrifice before Devarata's bow, 28 ; welcomes Vishvamitra and Rama, 29; Sita, daughter of, 98
  • JAPAN. Worship in, 17 ; Ganesha known as the god of the villages, in, 18
  • JATAKA-S. Story of Rama told in one of the, 6 ; deal with animal life as the vehicle of a high philosophy, 1 5 ; the age of the making of, 19 ; book, story of Sumedha s re-births given in,
  • JATAYU. King of all the eagle-tribes, 20 ; Sampati, brother of, 20 ; son of Vayu, 22 in vulture-form meets and be friends Rama, 54 ; Sita appeals to, for help, 59 ; his conflict with Ravana, 59 ; his wounding, 59 ; Rama sees traces of conflict and finds, 60 ; his death, 60
  • JARASINDHU. A rakshasa. father-in-law of Kans, invades Mathura, 238 ; city of Mathura possessed by, 239

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  • KACHA AND DEVAYANI. The story of, 335-34- ; significance, 339-
  • KAIKEYI. Not made ignoble. 12 ;one Dasharatha's three wives ;mother of Bharata ? the scheming of, against Rama 45 ; cursed by Dasharatha, 45 ; evil heart of, feared by Rama, 46 ; reproached by Bharata, 50 ; Rama pleads for, 52, 100 ; Dasharatha forgives, 100 ; Rama and, 106 ; death of, 115
  • KAILAS. Monkey host gather from, 63
  • KALPURUSH (the Time-man). Bengali name of Orion, 384, 385
  • KALAYAVAN. Slain by Krishna, 239
  • KALI. A demon, genius of the Fourth Yuga, in, 393; possesses Nala, 360
  • KALI. An aspect of Devi, 390
  • KALINDI. Daughter of the Sun, alternative. Marries Krishna, 241
  • KALIYA. A poisonous hydra that lived in the Jamna, 226 ; quelled by Krishna and sent to Ramanaka Dwipa, 226, 227
  • KALNAGINI. Serpent who kills Lakshmindara, 327
  • KALKI. Incarnation of Vishnu yet to come, 389
  • KALUDA. A disciple of Buddha, 274
  • KAMADEVA (desire). The god of Love ; visited by Indra, 296 ; Passion, wife of, 296 ; Shiva and, 296-298 ; with his wife Rati, amongst the Devas, 391
  • KAMBAN. Hindu poet, translator of the epics into the vernacular, 8
  • KAMPILYA. Capital of Drupada ; the Pandavas set out for, 143
  • KANS. King of Mathura ; son of Ugrasena and Pavandrekha, 218 ; prophecy re death of, 219; Vasudev and, 220, 221 ;Krishna honoured by fear of,233 ; tournament between Krishna and, 236-238
  • KANVA. Father of Shakuntala, 354
  • KAPILA-VASTU. The Shakyas established at, 245 ; Buddha preaches at, 248 ; Suddhodana, king of, 259
  • KARMA. The conception of, 9
  • KARNA. Reference to, as em bodied in the Mahabharata, 412, 118 ; pupil of Drona, 123, 197;arival of Arjuna, 123, 129-132 ; the sun and Kunti the parents of, 130, 196; installed as king of Anga, 131 ; saluted by Adhiratha, 132 ; attacked by Drupada, 134; rejected as a suitor by Draupadi, 145 ; Draupadi admired by, 162 ; pledge not to fight, 182 ; Indra and, 197, 198 ;Krishna and, 198 ;elder brother of Yudhishthira, 198 ; Pritha pleads with, to reveal his dentity, 201 ; leader of the Kuru host, 202 ; Arjuna brings down standard of, 207 ;Arjuna slays with arrow Anjalika, 207 ; accepts Kunti as his mother and the Pandavas as brothers, 209
  • KARTTIK. Krishna dances with the gopis in the month of, 232
  • KASHYAPA. One of Dasharatha's counsellors, 25
  • KAURAVAS, OR KURUS. Alternative name of sons of Dhritarashtra, 1 1 8 ; pupils of Drona, 123 ; Drona tests their skill in archery, 126, 127 ; forces, put in charge of Bhishma, 182
  • KAUSHALYA. One of Dasharatha's three wives ; mother of Rama, 26 ; worships Vishnu, 39 ; her grief for her son, 40, 41 ;reproaches Dasharatha, 47 ;greets Bharata, 51 ; Rama's victory and, 100 ; decks the monkeys wives, 103 ; death of, 115
  • KEKAYA. Bharata reigns in, 115
  • KESHINI. Wife of Sagara, 317
  • KHARA. Younger brother of Ravana ; seeks to slay Sita, 54-57 ; slain by Rama, 55 ;supposed revenge for, 61 ; Maharaksha, son of, slain, 89
  • KINNARAS. Human birds with instruments of music under their wings, 20
  • KIRATA. See Kirat- Arjuna
  • KIRAT-ARJUNA, THE. Arjuna's vision of Mahadeva, the Great God, as a kirata, or huntsman, 165-168
  • KISHKINDHA. Rama passes by city of, 101
  • KOLI. Yashodhara, daughter of raja of, 246
  • KOLIYANS. Two daughters of raja of, the wives of Suddhodana, 245
  • KOSHALA. Rama reaches boun dary of, 45
  • KRISHNA (Narayana). Identified with Vishnu and Rama, ? 210, 217 ; son of Vasudev and Devaki, an incarnation of Vishnu. I. IntheMahabharata, cousin of the Pandavas ; the story of a divine incarnation wrought into a military epic, 1 1 8, 241 ; recognizes Arjuna and Bhima at Draupadi s swayamvara, 147 ; at Yudhishthira's coronation sacrifice, 151-155; worshipped by Narada, 153; takes Shishupala on his lap, 156; slays Shishupala, 157, 242 ; utters Bhagavad Gltd, 1 86-1 90, 242 ; mission to Dhritarashtra, 198 ; Arjuna's charioteer, 203, 206, 242. II. A pastoral divinity and incarnation of Vishnu ; birth, 217-221 ; grows up with his brother, Balaram, 223; "Three worlds " found in his mouth, 223 ; miracles of, 222-231 ;pardons Brahma, 225 ; quells Kaliya, 226, 227 ; recognized as Primal Male, 227, 231 ; steals the gopis clothes, 229 ; his flute, 228, 232, 235, 238 ; lifts Mount Govardhan, 230 ; darling of Nand, 34 ; vanishes from Radha, 234 ; dances with gopis, 235 ; slays Kans, 237 ; goes to Dwaraka, 238 ; fights Vanasur and Shiva, and proclaims himself identical with the latter, 240 ; Pradyumna, his son, 240 ; Sambu, his son, 241 ;marries Kalindi, 241 ; lord of Dwaraka, visited by Narada, 241 ; passes through Indra's paradise to his own place, 244
  • KSHATRIYA-S. The mystical origin of colour (caste) and, 8 ; one of the four fundamental colours, 10 ; duty of maintaining dharma devolves upon the, 11
  • KUMARA. Son of Shiva and Parvati, 298 ; slays demon Taraka, 298 ; Ganesha brother of,
  • KUMBHA. Leads rakshasas, and is slain, 89
  • KUMBHAKARNA (" Pot-car "). Ravana s brother ; his amazing capacities, 85, 86 ; partakes in battle of Lanka, 87 ; slain by Rama, 87 ; the boon won by, 105
  • KUNDALPUR. Rukmini born at, 239
  • KUNTI. Mother of the Pandavas ; watches the tournament planned by Drona to test the prin 127; sets out with her five sons from Hastinapura for Benares, 138 ; her escape with the Pandava princes, 140-142 ; her welcome to Draupadi, 148 ;equivalent, Pritha, 196 ; birth of Karna, son of, 196, 197 ;pleads with Kama to reveal his identity, 201
  • KURUKSHETRA. Plain of, scene of great battle between the Pandavas and Kurus, 181-186, 191, 200 ; victory of, and Yudhishthira, 208 ; Krishna utters the Bhagavud Gild on field of, 242
  • KURUS. The house of ; Bhishma the guardian of the, 173 ; battle between Pandavas and, 1X3-186, 202-208
  • KUSHA. Alternative, Kusi. One of Sita s two sons, 112, 113
  • KUSI. Alternative, Kusha. Son of Rama and Situ, 6, 24
  • KUVERA. The god of Wealth 171, 172


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  • LABBERTON, D. VAN HINLOOPN. The story of Shakuntala. taken almost literally from Javanese version published by, 353
  • LAC, THE HOUSE OF. The story of, 136-142
  • LAKSHMANA. Brother of Rama, his companion in exile ; history in the Kdtndyana, 23 ;one of Dasharatha s four sons.Irnnla bestowed on, JO; Rama invites him to rule the earth witli him, 33 ;

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  • LAKSHMANA. his loyalty to his brother Rama, 40-48 ; follows Rama into exile, 42-54 ; Dasharatha s last words concerning, 50 ; quits Panchavati, urged by Sita, in search of Rama, 57, 58 ; informs Rama of SIta s abduction, 60 ;accompanies Rama on his search, 61-64 ;wounded in the siege of Lanka, 81, 85, 90, 92 ; anoints Vibhishana as lord of Lanka, 95 ; prepares Sita's funeral pyre, 97 ; Bharata and, 102, 103 ; accompanies Rama to Valmiki s hermitage, 107-110 ; sons of, found kingdoms, ?
  • LAKSHMANA. Daughter of Duryodhana ; wed by Sambu, 241
  • LAKSHMI. Consort of Vishnu (Narayana) ; Brahma pronounces Sita to be, 98 ; the sages pronounce Sita to be, 105 ; story of the birth from the Milky Sea of, 316
  • LAKSHMINDARA. Son of Chand, 325 ; weds Behula, 326-330 ; slain by the serpent Kalnagini, 327 ; restored to life by Manasa Devi, 329
  • LANKA. An island city, generally identified with Ceylon, the home of Ravana ; the siege of, how told, 13 ; Ravana returns home to, 55 ; Sampati informs monkey host that Ravana and Sita are at, 64 ; Sita found in, 65, 66 ; Hanuman at, 68-73 ;throne of, promised to Vibhishana, 77 ; besieged by Rama, 79-94 ; gods come down to, 98 ; Vibhishana repairs to, 104 ;story of rakshasas coming to, 105
  • LAVA. Kusa and, sons of Sita, 6, 112, 113
  • LAW, WHEEL OF THE. Buddha turns, 247, 274
  • LIFE, HUMAN. The four aims of, laid down by the ancient rishis, 398, 399
  • LORD OF CREATION. See Sky,Hero of the, 215
  • LION. The thought of Aryan man played about the, 16
  • LOTUS-EYED. The story of Dhruva and the, 378

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  • LOVE. Kamadeva, the god of, 296-298
  • LUCKY-TREE. Alternative, Buddha-elect, 256
  • LUTHER. The story of Dhruva and, 378-380


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  • MADHU. Satrughna, king of, 115
  • MAHABHARATA, THE. The result of an effort to conserve the ancient beliefs of Indian race, 4, 5 ; its influence on Indian society, 5 ; primal forms of mythology in, 5 ; stages of mythology in, 5 ; chief account of system of caste found in, 8 ;introduction to the, 118-119;compared with the Iliad, 118 ;its theme, battle between sons of Pandu and the sons of Dhritarashtra, 118 ; constitutes a supreme appeal to the heart and conscience, 119; embodies national morality, 119; contrasted with Greek epics, 119 ;worship of SatyaNarayana promulgated in the great epic,210 ; Krishna prominent figure in, 217 ; story of Kacha and Devayanl in opening volume of, 339; history of Bharata's Erowess in the, 356 ; events reited in, took place in the Tretayuga of our mahd-yuga, 393
  • MAHADEVA. See Shiva
  • MAHAMAYA. Wife of Suddhodana, king of Kapilavastu ;Buddha conceived by, 259-261
  • MAHAPADMA. A mighty elephant, 319
  • MAHAPARSHWA. One of Ravana's generals, 80
  • MAHARAKSHA. Son of Khara ;slain at Lanka, 89
  • MAHASUBHADDA. Wife of Budda-elect (Sumedha), 252
  • MAHENDRA. Mountain, up which Hanuman rushes, 65 ; Hanuman returns to, 74 ; monkey host at, 75
  • MAINAKA. Mount, 66
  • MAKARAS. Mythical fish-reptiles of the sea ; distressed by Rama, 77

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  • MALWA PRINCES. Ceremonial care of the body of Buddha, 285
  • MANA-SA DEVI. The goddess of Snakes ; daughter of Shiva by a mortal woman ; the i of, 322-331 ; restores Lakshmindara to life, 329 ; restores Shankara to life, 330; tin-legend as old as the Mykenean stratum in Asiatic culture, 330
  • MANA-SAR OWAR. A pool around which the gopts gather, 233 ;tournament at, between Krishna and Kans, 236-238
  • MANDARA. Weight in Rama's Brahma weapon, 93 ; churning-stick for churning the ocean, 3H
  • MANDAVYA. Daughter of Kushadhwaja ; bestowed on Bharata, 30
  • MAN-DEVOURER. One of Havana's monsters, 84
  • MANDODARI. Wife of Ravana ;the story of the siege of Lanka and, 13 ;grieves for Ravana, 13, 94; Ravana's queen, 68
  • MANIKKA VACAGAR. A Dravidian saint ; the jackals and, 306-310
  • MANTRAS. Spoken over dead body of Jatayu by Rama and Lakshmana, 61 ; Rama's Brahma shaft blessed with, 94
  • MAN-SLAYER. One of Ravana's counsellors, 83, 84
  • MANTHARA. Kaikeyi's evil nurse, who plots Rama s ruin, 34-36
  • MANU. Lawgiver ; conception of his own literary art, 7 ; chief account of system of caste found in, 8 ; history of Hindu society and, 8 ; Dasharathaa, 25 ; a teacher or, presides over each of the fourteen tnam iui-turas into which the Day of Brahma is divided, 393
  • MARA. The evil one, tempts Gautama, 247, 267-270
  • MARICHA. Rakshasa, who helps disturb Vishvamitra s sacrifices, 27 ; sought out by Ravana, 55 ; his counsel to Ravana, 50"; appears to Sita in form of the Golden Deer, 56, 57 ; si. tin by Karna, ;/ , Karna returns from, 60
  • MARKANDEYA. One of Dasharatha s counsellors, 25
  • MARRIAGE, i i<- Hindu, indissoluble except in the fourth 399 ; in the Hindu social system great stress is laid on, 399
  • MARS. Planet of, threatens Dasharatha, 33
  • MATALI. Sakra s charioteer, 92
  • MATANGA. Rama passes by her mitage Oi
  • MATHURA. Capital of the Yadavas, 217, 218 ; Nand returns from, 221 ; invaded by Kans, 238
  • MAYA (Illusion). Time, begotten by Narayana on, 115; the universe born of, 312
  • MENAKA . One of the most beautiful dancers in heaven, 354
  • MERU. Mythical centre of the universe ; place of sunrise, 78 ;Rama's Brahma weapon heavy as, 93 ; the city of Brahma situate on summit of, 396
  • MILKY OCEAN. See Ocean
  • MILKY SEA. See Ocean
  • MILKY WAY. Yudhishthira puts on immortality in the, 215
  • MIRACLES. The, of Krishna, 244
  • MITHILA. Janaka raja of, 28 ;Vishvamitra at, 28
  • MONKEY-S. Counterplot of the Ramayana provided by five great, 21 ; deemed by some scholars to be connected with some ancient cosmogony, 21 ;hosts created to be the helpers of Vishnu in battle, 26; Sita casts her jewels to five, 60 ;host, summoned by Sugriva, 63 ; Jambavan, a noble, host marches to lay a siege to Lanka, 75 ; the host at Mahendra, 75 ; Nala, son of Vishvakarama, 78 ; hostt gathers under Nala's orders, 78 ;host, build bridge over Ocean, 79 ; accompany Rama home, 101-104
  • MOON. The Hare-mark on the, 257
  • MORRIS, WILLIAM. Quoted, 187

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  • MOSAIC. System of morality, compared with Hindu theory of caste, 10 ; Decalogue, commandment of, compared with Hinduism, 10
  • MUGALANA. A disciple of Buddha, 276
  • MYTHOLOGIES. Contributions that enriched the early, 16
  • MYTHOLOGY. The study of, 1-2 ;Indian, permeates whole life of the people as a controlling influence, 4 ; reference to Aryan, 17 ; of Indra and Agni, Vayu and Varuna, 17


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  • NACHIKETAS AND YAMA. The story of, 332-335
  • NAGAS. Distressed by Rama, 77 ;significance (lit. snakes), 114;Sita goes to abode of, 114
  • NAHUSHA. King ; Chyavana and, 371-372
  • NAIRANJARA. River, along banks of which Gautama wanders, 247
  • NAKULA. One of the Pandava twins ; skilled in horseman ship, 125 ; at the swayamvara of Draupadi, 143-146
  • NALA. One of the monkey host ;son of Vishvakarma, 78
  • NALA AND DAMAYANTI. The story of 356-367 ; Indra, Agni, Varuna, and Yama become competitors at the swayamvara, 358, 359 ; Nala becomes the charioteer of Rituparna, 363; Indrasena and Indrasen, children of, 366
  • NAME IDENTITIES. Different, by which one and the same Supreme Divinity may be known, 390
  • NAND. Yasoda, wife of ; rejoicings in Gokula for birth of a son to, 221 ; Krishna the Darling of, 234
  • NANDI. Servant of Shiva, 301
  • NARADA. The great rishi, musician and messenger of the gods ; relates Ramayana to Valmiki, 23; Rama and, in;worships Krishna, 153; visits Krishna, 241 ; Savitri and, 346-348 ; the story of Damayanti told to Indra by, 358, 359
  • NARAYANA. Brahma pronounces Rama to be, 98 ; sages Pronounce Rama to be, 105 ; Time begotten by, 115; serpent Shesh and, 219 ; Vishnu identical with, 221, 286 ; Kans plots to slay, 221, 222 ; the emergence of Brahma, from lotus sprung from navel of, 394
  • NETA. Daughter of Shiva, .322 ; friend of Manasa, 328
  • NIKHUMBILA. Indrajit sacrifices at, 89
  • NIKUMBHA. One of Ravana's generals, 76 ; slain at Lanka, 89
  • NILA. Son of Agni ; one of the monkey host ; placed at gate guarded by Prahasta, 80, 81 ; slays Prahasta, 83 ; laid low by Indrajit, 88
  • NILE. Ideas contributed to world as we know it by the people of, 2
  • NIRVANA. Buddha entered into about 483 B.C., 248 ; term common to Buddhism and Hinduism, 249 ; controversy as to meaning, 249, 250 ; Buddha experiences, 272 ;Yashodhara attains to, 277 ; is a state swarga a place, 391
  • NISHADHA. Guha, king of, 45
  • NIVEDITA, SISTER. Brief summary of her life and work, v ; quoted, on Caste, 399
  • NOISY-THROAT. One of Ravana's counsellors, 83


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  • OCEAN. Rama threatens, 77 ; counsels Rama, 78 ; monkey host build bridge over, 79 ;magic herb by, gathered by Wind-god s son, 81, 82 ;Balarama met by, 243 ; the churning of the, 314-316 ; the churning of, took place in the sixth manvantara, 394
  • ODIN. Reference to, 388

Myths and Legends of the Hindus & Buddhists:End of page 416

  • OM ! Sound symbolizing the unconditioned Brahman ; the goal of sacred wisdom, &c., is, 334
  • OWN-CHOICE (swayantvara). See 96 and 356
  • OWN - MORALITY (sva-dharma ). Conception of, explained, 10 ;extreme form of the doctrine fully realized only in the Golden Age, ii


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  • PAN. The great God ; reference to, 388
  • PANCHALAS. Drupada, king of, laughs Drona to scorn, 122 ; Arjuna leads attack against the, 1 34 ; Kunti and sons visit country of, 143
  • PANCHAVATI . Place beside River Godaveri ; Rama, Sita, and Lakshmana at, 54-61 ; Jatayu comes to, 54 ; Surpanakha, sister of Ravana, entices Rama at, 54 ; Rama hurries back to, 57 ; finds Sita missing, 60
  • PANDAVAS. Alternative name of sons of Pandu, 1 18 ; Arjuna, the third of the, 123 ; pupils of Drona, 123 ; Bhima, the second of the, 125 ; twins Nakulaand Sahadeva, the, 125 ; Yudhishthira, the eldest of the, 125 ; tested in archery by Drona, 126, 127 ; Kunti, mother of, 127 ; do reverence to Drona, 134 ; jealousy of the princes, 136 ; banished to Benares, 137-140 ; their escape, 141 ; in disguise, they attend the swayamvara of Draupadi, 143-145 ;recognized by Krishna, 147 ; Draupadi duly weds, 149 ; set out for city of Hastinapura, 150 ; Yudhishthira s fatal game of dice and, 157-166; doomed to twelve years exile, 164 ; Yudhishthira broods over their weakness, 165 ; period of exile over, 1 8 1 ; forces, put in charge of Dhrishtadyumna, 182; battle between the Kurus and, 183-186, 200-208 ; Karna reconciled with, as brothers, 209 ;climb the Himalayas, 211 ; 2D Krishna a friend to the, 233 ; oppressed by Duryodhana, 241 ; Krishna joins, 243
  • PANDIAN COURT. Manikka Vacagar at the, 307
  • PANDU. The Mahdbhdrala s main theme, the battle between sons of Dhritarashtra and sons of, 118 ; resigns monarchy through blindness, 136
  • PARAMAHAMSA. The supreme swan ; Shiva the prototype of the, 292
  • PARASHURAMA. Story of mythical combat between Bhishma and, on behalf of Amba, 179
  • PARIJATA TREE. The, of Paradise, 315
  • PARVATI . Identical with Uma. Sati, &c. ; see Sati, 295-300: wife of Shiva, 322 ;protects Chand's ship, 323
  • PASSION. Wife of Desire, 296-298
  • PAVANA-REKHA . Wife of Ugrasena ; mother of Kans, 218
  • PERSEUS. Reference to Andromeda, Cassiopeia, and, 385
  • PHILOSOPHY. The prevailing Indian, 388, 397
  • PLEIADES, THE. Reference to, 387
  • PILGRIMAGE. The, of Death, 211, 212
  • POLE-STAR. Equivalent, Dhruva-lok, or place of Dhruva. The story of Dhruva a statement of the steadiness of the, 378-380 ; earliest of the male anthropomorphic gods, 387, 388
  • PRADYUMNA. Son of Krishna and Rukmini (a re-birth of Kamadev), 240 ; Aniruddha (a re-birth of Satrughna), son of, 240
  • PRAHASTA (" Long-hand "). One of Ravana s generals, 76, 80, 83 ; slain by Nila, 84
  • PRAJAPATI-S. Admitted to priesthood and permitted to attain release, 279, 280 ; the eight lords of creation created by Brahma, 292
  • PRAYAG. Holy place at, where Ganga and Jamna meet, at Allahabad ; Rama and Sita reach, 46 ; Bharata at, 51, 52
  • PREACHING. The, of Buddha, 274-276

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  • PREM SAGARA. Legends of Krishna's youth and, 217; Ramayana and, 218
  • PRESERVER. Vishnu the, 22
  • PRIMAL MALE (Adi-Purusha); Krishna recognized by Kaliya as, 227 ; recognised by Indra, 231
  • PRITHA. Mother of Kama, and of the Pandavas ; equivalent, Kunti, 200 ; Dhritarashtra retires with, 208
  • PURANAS. Later legendary scrip tures of the Hindus ; many of the, made familiar to the unlettered, 8 ; stories from the, 314-400
  • PUROCHANNA. Minister of Duryodhana ; departure for Benares, 138
  • PURURAVAS AND URVASHI. The story of, 342-344
  • PUSHKARA. Nala's brother ; his game of dice with the king, 360-367
  • PUSHPAKA, Rama's car ; given by Vibhishana, 101 ; Rama commands to return to Vaishravan, 103 ; appears again at Rama's wish, in
  • PUTANA. A rakshasi ; poisons Nand s son, 221 ; her death, 221


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  • RADHA. I. Wife of Adhiratha ;finds Karna, 197. ii. a gopi of Brindaban and lover of Krishna ; represents the human soul, the lover of God, 218, her pride, 234 ; Krishna vanishes with, 234
  • RAHU (planet). Threatens Dasharatha, 32, 33
  • RAHULA. Son of Siddhartha and Yashodhara, 264
  • RAJPUT. Clan ; boy-Krishna represents the local god of a, 217
  • RAKSHASA-S (demons and devils). Suggestion of Sita to Rama to refrain from laying, 10 ; sinful world of, 12 ; city of, built by Vishvakarman, 12 ; their estate described, 13 ; monkey -host created to help Vishnu in battle against, 26 ; ruin of all, prophesied by Sita, 60 ; one directs Rama to the monkeys on Rishyamukha, 61, 62 ; Sinhikha a, 66 ; send to Ravana for help, 71 ; spy out Lanka, 80 ; their cunning, 82 ; host led by avana, 84 ; mourn over Ravana, 94 ; accompany Rama home, 101, 104 ; assembly of, under Vibhishana, 105
  • RAKSHASI-S. Female rakshasas, wives of the subjects of Ravana ;Putana a, 221 ; one tries to kill Krishna, 222 ; Balaram slays a, 228
  • RAMA. Alternative, Rama-Chandra, incarnation of Vishnu and husband of Sita. The story of, told in the Jatakas, 6; Valmiki a contemporary of, 6 ;Rama s Saga, date of complete form A.D. 400, and belongs to the earlier phase of the Hindu renaissance, 6 ; highest aspiration of Hindu boy or girl to be like Sita, or, 8 ; Sita's suggestion to, to adopt yogi-morality, 10 ; Shudra slain by, ii ; repudiation of Sita by, 12 ; Ravana chosen as a friend by,13 ; myth of Sita and, educational influence of, 14 ; the story of, as told by Valmlki,23-32, &c. ; Kusi (Kusha) and Lava, sons of, 24 ; one of Dasharatha s four sons, 26 ; accompanies Vishvamitra on sacrifice, 27, 28, 29 ; weds Sita, daughter of Janaka, 28 ; preparations for installation as king, 32-39 ; requests his mother, Kaushalya, to prepare for his fast, 33 ; Kaikeyi s plot against, 34-45 ; his farewell to Guha, 45 ; Bharata's love for, 50 ; Bharata s search for, 51, 52 ; Bharata s inter view with, 52, 53 ; his sandals installed by Bharata, 52, 53 ;his similarity to Brahma, 52 ; quits Chitrakuta, 53 ; wanders through forest of Dandaka, 53, 54 ; dwells at anchavatl, 54-56 ; his conflict with Khara, 54, 55 ; slays Khara, 55 ; allured from Sita by pursuit of the Golden Deer (Maricha), 56-58 ;

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  • RAMA. his wrath over Sita's abduction, 60 ; his grief over Jatayu's death, 61 ; Hanuinan returns to, 74 ; praises Hanuman, 75 ; takes counsel with Ocean, 77 ; Ocean advises, 78 ;besieges Lanka, 79-94 ; slays Ravana, 94 ; Sita brought to,95. 96 ;renounces SIt, 97 ; Sita restored to, 99 ; Shiva reveals Dasharatha to, 99 ; Lord of Ayodhya, 100 ; returns to Ayodhya, 101-117; consecrated as king, 104 ; Sita's second trial and, 106-110; returns to Ayodhya, 112 ; prepares a horse-sacrifice, 112; hears song of Kusha (Kusi) and Lava, H2; hears Valmiki's song, 113; last days of, 1 1 5- 117; Vishvamitra relates tale of Ganga to, 322
  • RAMANAKA DWIPA. Home of Kaliya, a poisonous hydra, 226, 227
  • RAMAYANA, The. Compared with the Iliad, 6 ; both epics probably go back to common legendary sources, 6 ; taught to Kusi and Lava by Valmiki, 6 ;date of latest redaction A.D. 400, 6 ; present version a condensed translation, 7 ; ethic of the, 7 ; no Hindu child unfamiliar with, 8 ; suggestion of Sita recorded in, to adopt yogi-morality, 10 ; idea of a true aristocratic society explains some of the most significant episodes in the Rama-yana, 11 ; the significance of, 13 ; the, as animal epos, 14 ; first of popular scriptures of Hinduism, 19 ; the counter plot of, provided by five great monkeys, 21 ; Hanuman figures in, 21, 22 ; related to Valmiki by Narada, 23 ; taught to Kusi and Lava, 24 ; Valmiki and the, 112; the Vishnu Purana and, 217 ; events re lated in, took place in the Dvapara yuga, 393
  • RATI (Passion). Wife of Kamadeva, god of Love, 391
  • RAVANA. Equivalent Ravan. Demon king of Lanka ; the story of the siege of Lanka and, 13; Mandodari grieves fur. 13 ; his oppression complained of, 2(y ; disturbs Vishvamitra's sacrifices, 27 ; Surpanakha, sister of, 54 ; Khara younger brother of, 54 ; his wrath, 55-(>4 ; description of, 55, 56 ; in yogi guise appears to Sita, 58 ;abducts Sita, 58, 60 ; his conflict with Jatayu, 59 ; monkey host sent in search of, 63 ;Hanuman s search for, 66-75 ; by subtle falsehood seeks to be tray Sita, 79 ; called to battle, 80 ; battle between Rama and, 80-94 ; slain by Rama, his funeral pyre, 95 ; the boon won by, 105 ; renown of Rama's conquest of, 106 ; identical with Hiranyakashipu, 242 *RELEASE. Buddha declares that Yashodhara will obtain, 276; princes of Shakyas and Kolis obtain, 279 ; women admitted to the priesthood and attain, 279, 280 ; is the knowledge of Reality (Self), 398
  • RELIGION. The motives of, 3 ; primitive science and, 383 ; the old Vedic, the worship of the per sonified powers of Nature, 397
  • REMUS, UNCLE. Tales of, reference to, 1 5
  • RENUNCIATION (vairagya, turning away), 400
  • REWATI. Daughter of Raja Rewat of Arnta ; marries Balaram, 241
  • RIGHTEOUSNESS. Dharma, the god of, 213
  • RIG-VEDA. The early scripture of India ; the Tenth Book of the, 17 ; references to Aja-Ekapada in, 388
  • RISHABHA. Golden jar given to, 103
  • RISHIS. Sacrificial priests associated with the devas in Swarga, 391
  • RISHYAMUKHA. Mountain on which Sugriva dwelt, 61
  • RISHYA-SHRINGA. Santa given to, 25
  • RITUPARNA. King of Ayodhya ; Nala becomes the charioteer of, 363

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  • ROHINI. I. Husband of Vasudev and mother of Balarama ; the latter exchanged with child of Devaki, 219. II. A star, 387
  • RUDRA. A name of Shiva ; shaft, Ravana lifts a, 92
  • RUKMA. Rukmini s eldest brother, 239 ; slain by Balaram, 240
  • RUKMINI. Daughter of Raja Bhishmak, born at Kundalpur, 239 ; prays to image of Gauri that the Lord of the Yadus be given her for husband, 239 ; betrothed to Shishupala but wed by Krishna, 239, 240 ; Pradyumna (a re-birth of Kamadev), son of, 240 ; becomes Sati, 244
  • RUP-REKHA (Streak of Beauty). A statue in the throne of Vikramaditya, 375-377


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  • SACRIFICE. A coronation, devised by Yudhishthira, 151-155; Shishupala reproaches Bhishma and Yudhishthira at, 153
  • SAGARA. King of Ayodhya ;Keshini and Sumati, wives of, 317 ; Asamanja, son of, 317 ; death of, 320
  • SAHA-DEVA. One of the Pandava twins, skilled in swordsman ship, 125 ; at the Swayamvara of Draupadi, 143-146
  • SAINTS, THE. Of Shiva, 301-313
  • SAKRA. Hanuman s tail like banner of, 66 ; sends his car and Matali to aid Rama, 92 ;the Hare in the Moon (Buddha) and, 258 ; Siddhartha and, 264, 267
  • SAKUNI. Cousin of Duryodhana ; his challenge to Yudhishthira to play dice, 157-160; wins Draupadi from Yudhishthira, 161 ; renews contest with Yudhishthira, 164-166
  • SAMBU. Son of Krishna ; marries Lakshmana, 241
  • SAMPATI. Elder brother of Jatayu, 20, 64 ; informs monkey host of whereabouts of Sita, 64, 65
  • SAMSARA (Wandering). The Three worlds constitute the, 394

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  • SANSKRIT-SPEAKING PEOPLE, religious consciousness of the, 17
  • SANTA. Daughter of Dasharatha ; given to Rishyasringa, 25
  • SANTUSITA. Buddha-elect known in (Tusita) heaven as, 259 ; enters womb of Mahamaya, 260
  • SARASVATI. The tongue of Rama, 98
  • SARAYU. The river; Dasharatha's sin there, 47, 48 ; Lakshman practises austerities at, 115; Asamanja and, 317
  • SATI (Suttee). Daughter of Daksha and Prasuti, 287 ; wife of Shiva, 287-313 ; soul of, worships the Great God (Shiva), 293 ; Egyptian myth (Osiris) and, 295 ; identical with Uma, surnamed Haimavati ; identical with Parvati, 295 ; Ganga sister of, 295 ; Desire and Passion and, 296-298 ; her sport with Mahadeva, 298-300 ; story of, compared with Greek and Egyptian myths, 295
  • SATRUGHNA. One of Dasharatha's four sons, 26 ; Srutakirti bestowed on, 30, 46 ;accompanies Bharata to Ayodhya, 49-53 ;Hanuman and, 68 ; king of Madhu, 115
  • SATYA-NARAYANA, or VISHNU. His embodiment as Krishna, 210
  • SATYAVAN (Truth speaker). Husband of Savitri ; her devotion to, 42 ; called the " Horse-painter," 347 ; chosen for Savitrl by Narada, 347
  • SATYAVATI . A fisher-maid, wife of Bhishma s father, Shamtanu, 173, 174 ; Bhishma escorts daughters of king of Benares to, 176
  • SAUMANAS-A . A mighty elephant, 319
  • SAVATTHI. Chullasubhadda born as, 255
  • SAVITRI. The devotion of, to Satyavan, 42 ; the story of, related by Markandeya to Yu

dhishthira, 34S-35 2

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  • SCRIPTURES. MaliabJulrata compared with, 1 1 8
  • SECTS. The most important Indian, 389
  • SECTS, INDIAN. Summary of, 3 the three most important, the Shaivas, Vaishnavas, and Shaktas, 389
  • SELF. The Buddhist " Void " and, 249; Brahma and Shiva, the triune, 291 ; Death defines and describes, 334 ; our true, obscured in us by personality, 398
  • SELF-CONQUEST. The greatness of, 215, 216
  • SENDING OF VISHNU, THE. Devaki and ; takes birth in Yasoda s womb, 219
  • SERIYUT. A disciple of Buddha, 276
  • SEVEN SAGES, THE. Dhruva and, 380
  • SHAIVAS OR SHAIVITES, worshippers of Shiva. Shaiva myths, 286-313 ; Shaiva saints, 301-310 ; Manasa (Padmfi) recognized as a form of Shakti, and her worship accepted by the, 330
  • SHAKTIS, or " POWERS." wives or feminine counterparts of the gods, 390
  • SHAKUNTALA . The story of, an episode of the Mahdbharata giving an account of Bharata, 352-356; taken almost lite rally from Javanese version by D. Van Hinloopen Labberton, 353
  • SHAKYAS. One of the Aryan tribes established at Kapilavastu, 245 ; Suddhodana, raja of, 245
  • SHALWA. King ; betrothed to Amba, 1 74 ; Amba presents herself before, 176; rejects Amba, 177
  • SHAMTANU. Father of Bhishma ; weds Satyavatl, 173, 174
  • SHANI (Saturn). The story of, 381, 382
  • SHANKARA. I. A great magician, friend of Chand Sadagar, 323 ; slain by guile, 323 ; restored to life by Manasa Devi, 330. II. A name of Shiva, 32 1
  • SHESH. Ananta, Ati-sheshan, equivalent. A serpent that takes human birth through Devaki, 219; beholds Shiva's dance, 311; assumes a human form and dwells with Saint Tiger-foot, 312
  • SHIKHANDIN - SHIKHANDINI. A heroine of the mahabharata, her name spoken as a taunt by Bhishma, 119; daughter-son of Drupada, 169; become disciple of Drona, 169 ; proposed marriage for, 169-173 ; Sthuna and, 171-173 ; revealed to Bhishma as Amba, born a second time, 173 ; Bhishma and, in battle, 182-186, 194
  • SHISHUPALA. The story of, 149-157; reproaches Bhishma and Yudhishthira at coronation sacrifice, 153-157 ; son of Queen of Chedi ; Krishna s pro phecy re, 156; his death, 157, 241 ; identical with Hiranya-kashipu, 242 ; king of Chandni ; suggested as Rukmini s hus band, 239, 240
  • SHIVA, or MAHADEVA. The great God ; worshipped by Hanuman, 68 ; reveals Dasharatha to Rama, 99 ; annual festival, 138 ; meeting and conflict with Arjuna, 166-168 ; worshipped by Drupada, 168 ; appears to Amba, 180 ; beginnings of Shiva cult, 210, 215, 292, 313 ; the supremacy of, 286-287 ; husband of Sati, 287-294 ; his wrath, and punishment of Daksha, 290-294 ; husband of Uma (re-birth of Sati), 295-301 ; destroys the god of Love his third eye, 209 ; as a fisherman, 300-301 ; the saints of Shiva, 301-310 ; Shiva s dance, 310-313 ; his dance is in the heart of man, 313 ; drinks the world-poison, 315 ; receives Ganga upon his head. Manasa Devi, his daughter by a mortal woman. 322 ; father of Ganesh and Kartikk 324 ; as Ishvara, 389, 390
  • SHLOKA-S. Metre, the, invented by Valmiki, 6, 112
  • SHRl, or LAKSHMI. A goddess, the delight of Vishnu, 315

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  • SHRI KRISHNA. See Krishna
  • SHUDRA-S. One of the four funda mental colours (caste), 10 ; slain by Rama, 1 1 ; penance of one in Rama s kingdom, 111
  • SHYAMA (The Dusky). A tree ; Rama passes, 46 ; Sita prays at, 46, 47
  • SIDDHARTHA. Alias bestowed on Gautama see Gautama, 246, 261 ; Channa, harioteer of, 264 ; his wanderings, 264-272 ; attains Buddhahood and is worshipped by Suddhodhana, 275. See Buddha for further details
  • SIDDHAS. Musical ministrants of the upper air, 20
  • SIDDH-AS HRA MA. The Shiva hermitage, 27 ; Rama and Vishvamitra at, 28 ; birds and beasts in, follow Vishvamitra, 28
  • SIGURD. Krishna s answer to Arjuna like that of Brynhild to Sigurd, 187-190
  • SINDHU. A noble river ; follows Ocean, 78
  • SINHIKHA. A grim rakshasi ;Hanuman and, 66
  • SIRIUS. The Dog-star ; reference to, 387
  • SITA. Daughter of the Earth, adopted by Janaka, and wife of Rama ; Kusi and Lava, sons of, 6 ; sheltered by Valmlki, 6 ; highest aspiration to be like, 8 ; suggestion of, re yogi- morality, 10 ; repudiation of, by Rama, 12 ; myth of Rama and significance of, 14 ; five great monkeys seen by, 21 ; weds Rama, 29 ; fasts with Rama, 33, 34 ; follows Rama into exile, 41-54 ; Dasharatha's last words concerning, 50 ; wanders through forest of Dandaka, 53, 54 ; Viradha seizes, 53 ; treachery of Ravana to ward, 56 ; Maricha appears before, as the Golden Deer, 56, 57 ; forces Lakshman to quit Panchavati in search of Rama, 57, 58 ; Ravana in yogi form abducts, 58-60 ; Rama s search for, 60-65 ; Sampati gives tidings of, to the monkey host, 64 ;

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  • SITA. Hanuman and, 66-75 ; Ravana seeks to betray by subtle falsehood, 79 ; shown by Ravana to Rama, 81 ; shown by Indrajit, 89 ; brought to Rama, 95-98 ; ; her ordeal by fire, 97, 98 ; pronounced pure, 99 ; restored to Rama, 99 ; accompanies Rama home, 101-104; consecrated as queen, 104 ; second trial of, 106-115 ; gives birth to sons named Kusha (Kusi) and Lava, 112, 113; taken home by Earth, 1 14
  • SKY, HERO OF THE. Appears no longer as a great Prajapati, Lord of Creation, or Wild Huntsman, but as a man, 215
  • SOCIETY. Valmiki s ideal, 9 ; scheme of, 398-400
  • SQUINT-EYE. One of Ravana's monsters, 91
  • SRUTAKIRTI. Daughter of Kusha-dhwaja ; bestowed on Satrughna, 30
  • STAR-PICTURES. Primitive science and religion, and the reverence of primitive man for the starry sky, 383-388
  • STHUNA. A yaksha, follower of Kuvera, exchanges his identity with Shikhandini, 172, 173
  • STURDY. Equivalent, Eye-saint (Kan-A ppan), Shiva and, 303-306
  • SUBRAHMANIAN. A mountain deity; son of Shiva; worshipped by Sturdy, 303
  • SUDDHODANA. Raja of the Shakyas, 245 ; two daughters of raja of the Koliyans the wives of, 245 ; Mahamaya, wife of, conceives Buddha, 259-263 ; vain endeavours of, to get Siddhartha to return home, 266 ;Buddha worshipped by, 275
  • SUGRIVA. The chief of the five great monkeys in the Ramayana, 21 ; Bali, brother of, 21, 22 ; Rama seeks aid of, 62-64 ; Hanuman and, 68 ; Angada and, 74 ; takes counsel with Rama, 77 ; comforted by Vibhishana, 81 ; conflict with Ravana, 84 ; conflict with Pot-ear, 87 ; laid low by Indrajit, 88 ; burns Lanka, 89 ; slays Squint-eye and Big-belly, 91 ; accompanies Rama home, 101-104 ; reference to origin of, 105

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  • SUJATA. Siddhartha entertained by, 266, 267
  • SUKANYA (Fair-maid). The wife of Chyavana ; the Ashvins and, 377, 378
  • SUMAN. Son of Asamanja, 317
  • SUMANTRA. A noble Brahman ; pleads with Kaikeyi, 43 ; yokes horses to Rama s car, 44 ; his return to Ayodhya, 45
  • SUMATI. Wife of Sagara, 317
  • SUMEDHA. A righteous Brahman who dwelt in city of Amara, 2 50 ; Dipankara proclaims him as one who should become a Buddha, 251 ; story of rebirths is given in the Jataka book, 252 ; re-birth as the Six-tusked elephant, 252-255; Chullasubhadda and Mahasubhadda, wives of, 252; re-birth as the Tree-god, 255-257 ; the Hare in the Moon, 257, 258 ; known in heaven as Santusita, 259 ; incarnation as King Vesantara, 259 ; conceived in womb of Mahamaya, 259-263 ; his perfect enlightenment as Supreme Buddha, 270-272. See Buddha for further details
  • SUMITRA . One of Dasharatha's three wives ; mother of Lakshmana and Satrughna, 26
  • SUN. The ; threatens Dasharatha, 33 ; Rama urged to worship, 93
  • SUNITI. Mother of Dhmva, 378
  • SUPARSHWA. One of Ravana's counsellors, 90
  • SUPREME BEING. The elephant, the crocodile, and, 331, 332
  • SURABHI. The wish -bestowing cow, 315
  • SURPANAKHA . A rakshasl ; sister of Ravana ; desires Rama ; seeks to become Lakshman's wife ; attempts to slay Sita, 54 ; Khara, her brother, 54
  • SUSHENA. A monkey chief ; at siege of Lanka, 81, 92
  • SUVAHU. Rakshasa, who helps disturb Vishvamitra s sacrifices, 27
  • SWARGA. An Olympian paradise, a place where nil wishes and drsires arc gratified, 300-392 ; the home of a variety of mythical brings, the apsaras, gandharvas, tS:c., 391
  • SWAYAMVARA (Own-choice). Drupada announces the, of his daughter Draupadi, 143-149 ; Daksha holds, on behalf of his daughter Sati, 288 ; Bhima plans a, for Damayanti, 357-360


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  • TAGORE, MR. ABANINDRO NATH. Vice-Principal of the Calcutta School of Art, eference to, vi
  • TALL. One of Ravana s coun sellors, 83
  • TAMILAKAM (S. India). Shiva charges Manikka Vacagar to establish the faith roughout, 309
  • TARA. Sugriva s wife ; Rama takes to Ayodhya, 101
  • TARAGAM. Forest of ; Shiva's dance in, 310, 313
  • TARAKA. Demon, slain by Kumara, 298
  • TAVATIMSA HEAVEN. Visited by Buddha, 277, 278
  • TEACHING. The, of Buddha, 248
  • TEMPTATION. The, of Gautama (Buddha), 247, 248
  • TEN-NECKED-ONE. Alternative for Ravana, 93
  • THEOLOGY, INDIAN. Summary of, 389-400
  • THREE-HEADS. One of Ravana's monsters, 84
  • THREE WORLDS." Found in Krishna s mouth, 223 ; the prosperity of the, 316 ; Vishvamitra able to destroy at will. 354 ; Chyavana able to destroy, 372 ; the physical plane (Bhur), the astral plane (Bhurvar), and Heaven (Swarga) comprise- the. 394
  • THUNDER-TOOTH. Leader of the rakshasas at siege of Lanka, ?
  • TIGER-FOOT (Vyaghrapada). Shiva and, 301-303
  • TOURNAMENT. The, at Mathura, 236-238
  • TREE. The Wisdom, 268-270

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  • TREE-GOD, THE. Brahmadatta and, 255
  • TULSI Das. Hindu poet ; trans lator of the epics into the vernacular, 7, 8
  • TURUNBULUN. Star-god of the wild tribes of Australia, 388
  • TUSITA HEAVEN. The Buddha-elect in, 259


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  • UGRASENA. One-time king of the Yadavas ; deposed by his son Kans, 217, 218 ; Pavanarekha wife of, 218 ; established on throne by Krishna, 238
  • UJJAYINI, or UJJAIN. Old Hindu city near which the ancient throne of Vikramaditya was discovered, 375
  • UMA. Krishna a worshipper of,217 ; Sati re-born as see Uma, 295-300 ; the Mahdbhdrata declares that all that is feminine is a part of, 330
  • UNIVERSE, MOTHER OF THE. The conception of, in Hindu cosmology, 392-395
  • URMILA. Second daughter of Janaka ; bestowed on Lakshman, 29
  • URVASHI AND PURURAVAS. The story of, 342-345
  • USHA. Wife of Aniruddha, daughter of Vanasur, 240
  • USHANAS. The asuras appoint as their priest, 335
  • UTTARA KANDA. Added to work of Valmiki, 6 ; Rama hears,


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  • VAISHRAVANA. Ravana younger brother of, 94 ; Rama returns car Pushpaka to, 103
  • VAISHYAS. The mythical origin of colour (caste) and, 8 ; one of the four fundamental colours, 10
  • VAIVASVATA . The name of our Manu is, 393
  • VAJRAHANU. One of Ravana's generals, 76

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  • VALI. The cruel brother of Sugriva, 62 ; dethroned by Rama, 63 ; origin of, reference to, 105
  • VALMIKI. A name as shadowy as Homer, 6 ; a Brahman by birth, connected with the kings of Ayodhya, 6 ; songs of Rama (alternative, Rama-Chandra) collected by, 6 ; a contemporary of Rama, 6 ; invented the shloka metre, 6 ; the Uttara Kanda added to his work, 6 ;sheltered SIta, 6 ; taught the Rdmdyana to Kusi and Lava, 6 ; ethic of his epic, 7 ; history of Hindu society and, 8 ; the nature of his new society, 9 ; justified as a teacher by Sita's ordeal, 12 ; significance of his Ramayana, 1 5 ; epic poem of, written early in Christian era, 19 ; Hanuman creation of, 22 ; story of Rama as told by, 23-32, &c. ; Brahma appears to, 23 ; hermitage of, 47 ; greets Rama, 47 ; sons of, find Sita ; 108, 109; Kusha and Lava recite the Rdmdyana to, 112 ; song of, 113
  • VAMADEVA. One of Dasharatha's priests, 25
  • VANASUR. Usha, daughter of, 240
  • VARNA (Colour). Equivalent in modern vernacular, " birth " (jati), 9
  • VARUNA. Mythology of, 17 ; the ocean the home of, 64 ; monkey host arrive at, 64 ; Rama threatens, 77 ; the goddess of Wine, 315
  • VASAVA. The arrow of Death ; given by Indra to Kama, 198
  • VASISHTHA. One of Dasharatha's priests, 25 ; Dasharatha s sons named by, 26 ; Dasharatha's heart cheered by, 27 ; the king summons, 32 ; blesses Rama's fast, 33 ; sends Rama s charioteer to the king, 38 ; rebukes Kaikeyl, 43 ; sends convoys to Bharata, 49 ; greets Bharata, 51 ; Rama refuses to take the advice of, 52 ; Rama consecrated as king by, 104
  • VASUDEV. Descendant of Yadu, husband of Rohini and Devaki, father of Krishna, 219 ; claims precedence for Krishna at the coronation sacrifice, 154-157
  • VASUDEVA. A name of Narayana or Vishnu, 221, 286; the Earth the consort of, 318, 319
  • VAYU. Mythology of, 17 ; the god of the Winds ; the parent of Hanuman, 22
  • VEDANTA. The prevailing philosophy, a form of uncompromising monism, called the, 397
  • VEDAS. The, belong to the learned the epics to all, even the unlettered, 7, 8 ; Vayu known as the god of the Winds in, 22 ; Rama learned in, 30 ;Brahma and the, 113; stories from, 314-400
  • VEDIC. Mantras, 94 ; hymns, 127 ; religion the worship of the personified powers of nature, 397
  • VEGADARSHI. Golden jar given to, 103
  • VIBHISHANA. Though a rakshasa, not evil at all, 13 ; deserts Havana, 76, 77 ; rallies the monkey host, 81 ; visits battle field of Lanka, 88 ; anointed as lord of Lanka, 95 ; gives the car Pushpaka to Rama, 101 ; the boon won by, 105 ; Rama invites to horse-sacrifice,112
  • VICHITRAVIRYA. Bhishma's half-brother, 174 ; Bhishma's effort to secure queen for, 174, 176
  • VIDURA. Friend of the Pandavas ;his warning against Dhritarashtra, 137 ; his help to the Pandavas, 137-142 ; conveys news to Dhritarashtra that the Pandavas are alive, 149; sent to Indrapastha to invite Yudhishthira to Hastinapura, 159, 160
  • VIJAYA. Karna's bow, 203
  • VIKRAMADITYA. A king identified with Chandragupta II ;the story of the throne of, 574
  • VINDHYA. Monkey host gather from, 63
  • VINDHYAS. A range of mountains, 386, 387
  • VlRABHADRA. A demon that sprang from Shiva s lock of hair, 290
  • VIRADHA. A fierce rakshasa ; seizes Sita, 53 ; slain by Rama,
  • VIRUPAKSHA. The elephant who bears the whole world, 319
  • VISHNU. The Preserver, 22 ; birth of, 25, 26, 218; Kaushnlva. found worshipping, 39 ; Lakshman part of, 85 ; Brahma declares Rama to "be, 98 ; the heaven of, 105 ; Krishna identical with, in many instances, 217; the sending of, 219;blessed arc those slain by, 221 ;slays iranyakashipu, 242 ;identical with Narayana, 2 seated on Garuda, saves the royal elephant, 332
  • VISHNU PURANA. Legends of Krishna's youth mainly compiled from the, 217 ; Ramayana and, 218
  • VISHVAKARMAN, or Vishvakarma. City of the rakshasas built by, 12,
  • VlSHVAMITRA. Stories of, show theoretical difficulty regarding transference of caste, 9 ; a great rishi, originally a Kshatriya ; by austerities earned title of brahmd-rishi : asks a boon of Dasharatha ;Rama and Lakshman accompany, for sacrificial rites, 27 ; sets out for Mithila, 28 ; birds and beasts follow, 28 tells story of Dasharatha's sons, 29 ; the tale of Ganga related by, to Rama,
  • VOID, THE BUDDHIST. The Brahman " Self " and, 249
  • VRISHADARBHA. King of Benares ; story of the Pigeon, the Hawk, and, 369-370
  • VRISHASENA. Son of Karna ; slain by Arjuna, 203
  • VRIHNIS. The people of Dwaraka known as, 241 ; prophecy concerning, 244
  • VULTURE. See Jatayu, 20, 22, 54, 59, 60
  • VYASA. Chief of the royal chaplains; Dhritarashtra and, 208

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  • WHEEL OF THE LAW. Buddha turns, 247, 274
  • WILD HUNTSMAN. See Sky, Hero of the, 215; reference to weird tales regarding, 387
  • WILL. No motive can be assigned for, a fact which is mythically represented by calling the world-process Lild, 395 ; the life of each individual soul follows the primal Will to Experience and the later Will to Denial, 398
  • WIND-GOD. Son of, at siege of Lanka, 81, 82, 84, 88 ; Sita and, 107
  • WISDOM, TREE OF. Siddhartha seeks perfect enlightenment beneath, 267-271
  • WOMAN, THE SPINNING. Reference to, 387 ; status of Indian, 399
  • WORLD. Created by the Brahma aspect of Ishvara, 392
  • WORLDS OF FORM. The devas of, and Siddhartha, 267 WORSHIP. Elements of earth- sun-, nature-, sky-, &c., in eluded within Hinduism, 3 Hindu, of cosmic deities, 212 all Indian, monotheistic, no confusion of God with gods, 389


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  • YADAVAS. A Rajput clan, descendants of Yadu ; dwelt by the Jamna, 217
  • YADU. A prince of the Lunar dynasty ; Yadavas descendants of, 217 ; Rukmini prays for lord of the, as husband, 239
  • YADUVAMSIS. Those of the clan of Yadu ; some dwell at Mathura, 218 ; Vishnu born among, 218 ; conveyed to a city amidst the sea, 239
  • YAKSHA-S (identical with Rakshasas, 10). Sthuna a, 171
  • YAMA. God of Death ; Indrajit goes to abode of, 90 ; the lord of Death, 349 ; Savitri and, 349-352 ; though one of the devas is the lord of Hades,
  • YASODA. Wife of Nand, 221 ; Putana poisons child of, 221
  • YASHODHARA DEVI. The love of Buddha and, as set forth in the Jdtakas, 1 5 ; birth of, 260 wife of Buddha-elect, 15, 260 263 ; Rahula son of, 264 Buddha worshipped by, 275 attains Nirvana, 277
  • YOGA. Mental concentration lit. union, 24
  • YOGI. One who practises Yoga an ascetic or hermit, 24 ; Ravana assumes likeness of a, for the purpose of abducting Sita, 58, 59 ; Rama questions one, in ; Time the mighty, 115
  • YOGI -MORALITY. Not compulsory upon the Kshatriyas, ?
  • YUDHISHTHIRA. The eldest of the Pandavas, a great sold or, 125 ; his skill as an archer tested by Drona, 126; at Drona s tournament, 128 ; regards Karna as invincible, 132 ; crowned by Dhritarashtra, 136 ; at the Swayamvara of Draupadi, 143-146 ; admits the identity of the Pandavas, 149 ; holds a coronation sacrifice, 151-157; Sakuni challenges to play dice, 158-160; Draupadi staked and lost by, to Sakuni, 161 ; contest renewed with Sakuni, 164-165 ; broods on weakness of Pandavas, 165 ;rejects peace overtures of Dhritarashtra, 181 ; the battle between the Pandavas and Kurus and, 185, 186; counsels how to compass death of Bhishma, 192 ; Karna elder brother of, 198 ; victory of Kurukshetra makes him king, 208 ; his dog, 210-211 ; declines to enter heaven without his dog, 212, 213 ; finally admitted to the happiness of heaven, 215


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