Nagla Sahtiya
Nagla Sahtiya is a village of Solanki gotra Jats in Mathura district.
There are 28 village in mathura district around Village Nagla Sahtiya Located 20km from Mathura and 10 Km from Raya. Names of other Solanki villages are Gudera, Nunera, Nagora, Pavesara etc.
Jat Gotras
Notable persons
- Late Sh. Raghubir Singh - God father of this village (was sarpanch & most respected person for 28 villages even after his demise)
- Sh. Rajendra Singh Solanki - Retired Principle S.B.J.Inter College Bisawar(mathura)
- Prof Baldeo Singh Solanki B.S.A College Mathura Know n as Thakur Sahab at Mathura
- Sh. Sanjay Solanki B.Tech IIT presently working with MNC
- Dr. Ajay Solanki---Rashtriya Sachiv Samajvadi Party ( Lohiya Vahini )- presently at Mandi (Himachal Pradesh)
- M.K Solanki Dy.Genral Manager- Highway & Transportations with Ausie Company
- Mr.Yogesh Solanki ---Agriculture Business
- Advocate Vishnu Solanki -- in HC Delhi (formly President of Akhil bhartiya Jat Maha sabha Agra region ,district president Rastriya Yuva Lokdal)
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