Narayanpur Kasdol
Author: Laxman Burdak IFS (R) |

Narayanpur (नारायणपुर) is a village in tahsil Kasdol of Baloda Bazar district in Chhattisgarh.
- Nârayanapura (नारायणपुर)
Jat Gotras Namesake
- Narayan = Narayanpur is a village in tahsil Kasdol of Baloda Bazar district in Chhattisgarh.
Kharod stone Inscription of Ratnadeva II : Chedi year 933 (1181 AD) mentions Nârâyanapura, which lies 20 miles to the south-west of Kharôd, in the Baloda Bazar tahsil of the Raipur District, has a mediaeval temple of Vishnu. (p.536).....(V.40) At Nârayanapura (नारायणपुर) he (Gangadhara) established a charitable feeding house for all, furnished with savoury food and drink, and also a beautiful flower-garden. (p.542). [1]