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Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R)

Nishchira (निश्चीरा) refers to the name of a River and Tīrtha (pilgrim’s destination) mentioned in the Mahābhārata (cf. III.82.119). It is same as Niranjana (नीरांजना) of Buddhist literature.




In Mahabharata

Nishchira (निश्चीरा) (Tirtha)/(River) in Mahabharata (III.82.119), (III.82.120)

Vana Parva, Mahabharata/Book III Chapter 82 mentions names Pilgrims. Nischira (निश्चीर) (Tirtha) is mentioned in Mahabharata (III.82.119). [1].... Arriving next at Nishchira (निश्चीरा) (III.82.119) celebrated over the three worlds, one obtaineth the merit of the horse-sacrifice and goeth to the legion of Vishnu. O king, those that give away at the confluence of the Nishchira (निश्चीरा)(III.82.120), ascend to the blessed region of Brahma. There in that tirtha is the asylum of Vasishthashrama (वसिष्ठ आश्रम) (III.82.121) that is known over the three worlds. Bathing there, one obtaineth the merit of the Vajapeya sacrifice.

निश्चिरा नदी

विजयेन्द्र कुमार माथुर[2] ने लेख किया है ...निश्चिरा नदी (AS, p.502): फल्गु (बिहार) की सहायक नदी लीलाजन जो महाना से मिलकर फल्गु की संयुक्त धारा बनाती है. अग्निपुराण 116; मार्कण्डेयपुराण 57 में निश्चिरा का उल्लेख है. यह बौद्ध साहित्य की नीरांजना है.

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  1. निश्चीरां च समासाद्य तरिषु लॊकेषु विश्रुताम, अश्वमेधम अवाप्नॊति विष्णुलॊकं च गच्छति (III.82.119) ये तु दानं परयच्छन्ति निश्चीरा संगमे नराः, ते यान्ति नरशार्दूल बरह्मलॊकं न संशयः (III.82.120)
  2. Aitihasik Sthanavali by Vijayendra Kumar Mathur, p.502