Randhir Singh Saran

From Jatland Wiki

Randhir Singh Saran was son of Kajal Singh Saran, who founded the village of Jhandiala in 1580 in Punjab, his descendants are called Randhawa. [1]


Ram Swarup Joon[2] writes about Saran, Randhawa, Kajla: The Saran gotra is a branch of Bhatti gotra and the Saran Jats are associated with the royal dynasty of Jaisalmer. Their capital was in Bikaner State, which was later occupied by the Rathors. The Sarans live in this area even today.

In the history of this gotra there have been two famous men named Kajal Singh and his son Randhir Singh Saran. Kajal Singh is the forefather of the Kajala gotra of the Jats who mostly live in Bikaner and Haryana.

History of the Jats, End of Page-99

Randhir Singh Saran founded the village of Jhandiala in 1580 in the Punjab and his descendants are called Randhawa. His grandson Targha adopted the Sikh religion and while serving as Jathedar in Patiala misl ruled over Targha Pargana.


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