Rita Singh

Mrs. Rita Singh is Managing Director MESCO Steel Company. His husband J. K. Singh is Chairman MESCO Steel Company.
She is a Science graduate. Mrs. Rita Singh has earned many laurels and brought recognition to the MESCO group. She has won the Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Award, for the "Best Woman Entrepreneur of the decade". She was also the first lady member on the Board of Trade, Govt. of India's highest body for trade and commerce, advising the then Prime Minister, Chairperson of the Council of Leather Exports and Chairperson of FDDI under Ministry of Commerce.
Rita Singh began with a small dairy and khandsari(cottage sugar) unit at Hapur near Delhi, before getting into the export of leather garments. Her meteoric rise was in the early 1990s when the Mesco group forayed into footwear retailing, aviation, shipping, and putting up a pig iron plant and integrated steel complex in Orissa. The projected investments of around Rs 3,500 crore—for which funds were raised from the public and financial institutions—did not fructify, partly because of the prolonged recession plaguing the economy in the mid 1990s. In the process the Mesco empire went bust and Rita Singh herself landed behind bars on charges of defrauding the institutions and issuing fake company shares. To compound her woes, she fought and lost the 1996 parliament elections on a Congress ticket from Hapur.[1]
External links
- http://www.mescosteel.com/management.htm
- Article in Businessweek magazine
- http://www.zoominfo.com/p/Rita-Singh/142541292