Sarangpur Shahdol
Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R) |

Sarangpur (सारंगपुर) is a village in Sohagpur tahsil in Shahdol district in Madhya Pradesh. It is located on Ram Van Gaman Path.
Sarangpur is a Village in Sohagpur Tehsil in Shahdol District of Madhya Pradesh State, India. It belongs to Shahdol Division . It is located 25 KM towards South from District head quarters Shahdol. 11 KM from Sohagpur. Sarangpur Pin code is 484110 and postal head office is Burhar. Khairha ( 5 KM ) , Madwa ( 5 KM ) , Chirhati ( 5 KM ) , Bhanpur ( 6 KM ) , Samatpur ( 6 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Sarangpur. Sarangpur is surrounded by Shahdol Tehsil towards North , Pushprajgarh Tehsil towards South , Jaithari Tehsil towards East , Burhar Tehsil towards North.[1]