
Sasavindu (ससविंदु) or Shashabindu (शशबिन्दु) was ancestor of Prithu and Ushana and was king in Yaduvansh after 6th generation of Yadu. He was a chakravarti king. He had married with large number of queens and thus had many sons. After three generation of him was the king Ushna. Maharaja Ushna performed hundred Ashvamedha Yagyas and got the title of yat. According to the historian Ram Lal Hala, the word Jat is derived from word 'Yat'. The king 'Yat'(Ushna) was in Chandravansh was ancestor of Lord Krishna. The Jats are descendants of King Yat. 'Yat' later changed to 'Jat'.[1]
Ushana (उशना) or Yat (याट) was a brave king in Yadavavansh born after three generations of Maharaja Shashabindu, who was born after six generations of Yadu.
As per Bhagavata Purana ancestry of Sasavindu is as under:
Yadu → Kroshtu → Vrijinavat → Svahita → Visadgu → Chitraratha → Sasavindu → Prithu - Sravas → Dharma → Ushana
Shashabindu had ten thousand wives and one lakh son by each wife. Of these six were famous Prithu Sravas, Prithu Kirti and Punyayasas etc.
Shanti Parva Mahabharata Book XII Chapter 29 mentions Sasavindu as under:
- 98 शशबिन्थुं चैत्ररदं मृतं शुश्रुम सृञ्जय
- यस्य भार्या सहस्राणां शतम आसीन महात्मनः
- 99 सहस्रं तु सहस्राणां यस्यासञ शाश बिन्थवः
- हिरण्यकवचाः सर्वे सर्वे चॊत्तमधन्विनः
- 100 शतं कन्या राजपुत्रम एकैकं पृष्ठतॊ ऽनवयुः
- कन्यां कन्यां शतं नागा नागं नागं शतं रदाः
- 101 रदं रदं शतं चाश्वा थेशजा हेममालिनः
- अश्वम अश्वं शतं गावॊ गां गां तथ्वथ अजाविकम
- 102 एतथ धनम अपर्यन्तम अश्वमेधे महामखे
- शशबिन्थुर महाराज बराह्मणैभ्यः समाथिशत
- ↑ Ram Lal Hala: Jat Kshatriya Itihas
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