S. S. Sirohi

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Sh. S.S. Sirohi is Chief Sugar Technologist of National Federation of Co-operative Sugar Factories Ltd (NFCSF).He has wide experience in advising over 250 Sugar Mills on technological aspects during his working with NFCSF, India as their Chief Sugar Technologist.He underwent fortication-related training by MI.He also served with UNIDO as Chief Technical Adviser for about four years when he rehabilitated the Sugar Mills in Vietnam by improving their energy consumption,technical efficiencies and quality of sugar.For the last seven years, he has been working in the field of nutrition.

He has also arranged many training programs for technical personnel and has been invited in many workshops as a faculty member.Mr. Sirohi has published and presented many papers in Sugar Technology,in the meetings of National and International Organizations.The paper presented by him "Configuration of evaporator bodies for energy savings" was well taken at the International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (ISSCT) meet in Colombia, where he emphasized that in processing of sugar cane, utilization of bled vapors above temperature 106 degrees centigrade affects sugar recovery and also increases the color of syrup.

Nutrition and Sugar consultants (N&S)(A-28 Sector 19,NOIDA,UP) is a private holding of S.S. Sirohi.At present N&S is providing consultancy to the working Sugar Mills in India for improvement of their technical efficiencies, quality aspects, and conservation of energy by way of incorporating improved system designs for processing of sugarcane.N&S will assist in fortification of sugar being distributed to the people living below the poverty line (BPL) on receipt of positive report from NIN. N&S will assist the sugar manufacturers to fortify sugar for value addition in their products.


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