Thebari (थेबड़ी) , known as Veer Nagri, is a small village in Didwana tehsil of Nagaur Distinct in Rajasthan.
It was founded by "Theba Jats.
Jat Gotras
Population of Thebri according to Census 2001 is 1955, Where male population is 986, While female population is 969[1]
Notable persons from this village
Considerable number of people of this village have served in Indian Army and there has always been minimum one serving Officer in the Army.
- Major Magan Singh of this village was quite famous in his time and contested Assembly Election in 1962 however he lost by a narrow margin.
- Major Baksha Ram Bhakar - Outstanding sportsman from this village.
- Major Nand Kishor Dhaka - Presently serving in the "Sikh Regiment"
- Major Ravindra Singh - of this village presently serving in the "Gorkha Rifles" *Prevently one more person is undergoing training at IMA Dehradun.
- Subedar Bhanwar Lal Bhakar of this village made supreme sacrifice during Kargil war and was awarded "VEER CHAKRA".
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