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Jushka (जुष्क) was an Indo-Scythian, (Kushan-Jat) prince, brother of Kanishka and Hushka in Jammu and Kashmir. He founded Jushkapura, which has been identified with present Zukru in Jammu and Kashmir.[1]


Rajatarangini[2] tells us that there were on the throne of Kashmira three kings reigning jointly, namely, Hushka, Jushka and

[p.13]: Kanishka ; they built three cities and called these after their names, Jushka also caused a monastery to be built and another town named Jayasvamipura. Though they were of Turashka origin, they yet built several monasteries and places of worship on the plains of Shushkaletra. During their long reigns Buddhist hermits were all-power-ful in the country, and Buddhist religion prevailed without opposition. From the death of Buddha Shakyashiha to this time of Lokadhatu, one hundred and fifty years had passed. Nagarjuna a great Boddhisattva then stopped for six days in the woods of Kashmira.

Founder of Jushkapura

Jushkapura (जुष्कपुर) was an ancient city built by the Indo-Scythian (Kushan-Jat) prince Jushka, a brother of Kanishka and Hushka in Jammu and Kashmir. It has been identified with present Zukru.[3]

Kasmir visit of Xuanzang in 631 AD

Alexander Cunningham[4] writes that Jushkapura was founded by the Indo-Scythian prince Jushka, a brother of Kanishka and Hushka. The Brahmans of Kashmir identify the place with Zukru, or Zukur, which is still a considerable village, 4 miles to the north of the capital. This is evidently the "Schecroh ville assez considerable," which Troyer and "Wilson[5] have identified with Hushkapura. I visited the place in November, 1847, but the only traces of antiquity that I could discover were a considerable number of stone pillars and mouldings of the style of architecture peculiar to Kashmir, all of which had been trimmed and adapted to Muhammadan tombs and Masjids.


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