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JatLand Wiki Archive

Origin of Jat Race, U S Mahal

Sir, I have the book, Origin of Jat race by Ujagir Singh Mahal of about 1955-6, do I proceed to wikify it here? Ch. Reyansh Singh{Talk}

Send me index page so that I can give you the format. If you can do yourself, it will be better. Laxman Burdak (talk) 17:20, 2 January 2024 (UTC)
Here it is Contents from U. Mahal (1955/6), have a kind look sir. Ch.Reyansh Singh (talk) 08:56, 3 January 2024 (UTC)
The index includes
  1. Sources of Jat history and their country
  2. Different names of Jat race
  3. Charactoristics of Jat race
  4. Manda empire
  5. About Nine Centuries from 400 BC to 528 AD
  6. Jat Conquests in Europe in fourth and fifth century AD
  7. Conquest of Britain by Jats
  8. Jat bravery in modern times

Ch. Reyansh Singh{Talk}

Antiquity of the Jat race

Antiquity of the Jat race is name of his book and we have some content on jatland. Is Origin of Jat Race by U S Mahal different book ? Upload front page of this book on jatland in jpg format. Any variation may create problem? Laxman Burdak (talk) 15:55, 4 January 2024 (UTC)

Sorry sir it's my precise mistake, the name of the book is Antiquity of Jat race. I holds that book. And would like to proceed if granted the permit. Actually there is another book Origin of Jat race by same author published recently few year ago, which is different, of which i got confused but the book I holds is that Antiquity of Jat race. Ch.Reyansh Singh (talk) 16:38, 4 January 2024 (UTC)
Created format for you see- Antiquity of Jat race by US Mahil. Click the link of its each chapter and put content page-wise. There should be no error. Laxman Burdak (talk) 17:15, 4 January 2024 (UTC)
The work will surely presume in few days! Regards. Ch.Reyansh Singh (talk) 17:28, 6 January 2024 (UTC)

Have a look

Sir, on Jat genetics, I found some great details, see
All I wanted is to request you to wikify such information on our Jatland Wiki. As I'm unable to totally understand every term through it, please can you add such info?

-Ch. Reyansh Singh{Talk}

Already there see Genetics_of_Jat_Federation#DNA_study_on_Y-STR_Haplogroup_Diversity_in_the_Jat_Population Laxman Burdak (talk) 06:22, 27 January 2024 (UTC)

Please delete a page.

Sir, please kindly remove/delete the page. page. Ch.Reyansh Singh (talk) 18:58, 30 January 2024 (UTC)

A humble request.

Sir, the work of the book, Antiquity of Jat Race by US Mahil is completed. However I would like to kindly request you about to not to change the format I followed there. As it's like the original format of what written by the author. So please I humbly request you to not to make any change in the format followed. It's just a kind request.Ch.Reyansh Singh (talk) 11:13, 2 February 2024 (UTC)

I appreciate your efforts. Laxman Burdak (talk) 11:45, 2 February 2024 (UTC)
Thank you sir. Ch.Reyansh Singh (talk) 13:02, 2 February 2024 (UTC)

little permission.

Sir, I would like to ask you for the permissions to edit the page Antiquity of the Jat race with respectful regards. -Ch. Reyansh Singh{Talk}

You can edit. Laxman Burdak (talk) 11:42, 4 February 2024 (UTC)

Kindly delete.

Kindly go through Antiwuity of the Jat race. -Ch. Reyansh Singh{Talk}

Deleted Laxman Burdak (talk) 15:49, 4 February 2024 (UTC)

जाट प्राचीन शासक

सिर, किताब जाट प्राचीन शासक (Jāṭ Prāchīn Śāsak) का कार्य शुरू होगया है, अपितु इसे जल्द से जल्द पूरा करने के लिए मेरा आपसे आग्रह है की कृपया MediaWiki:Edittools (ये पेज है) जिसे मैं एडिट नहीं कर पारहा हूँ अपितु इस पुस्तिका के कार्य को जल्द से जल्द पूर्ण करने के लिए यह जरूरी है की मैं इसमें कुछ बदलाव करू, अपितु केसे? मार्ग दिखाए। यदि यह पेज मेरे लिए एडिटेबल हो जाए तो कार्य पूर्ण करने में न सिर्फ आसानी होगी बल्कि कार्य जल्दी भी पूर्ण होगा। अतः आपसे अनुरोध है की सहायता करें।

-- चौ. रेयांश सिंह{Talk}

इस में क्या जोड़ना चाहते हो बताओ? Laxman Burdak (talk) 10:48, 20 February 2024 (UTC)

Sir, the syntax followed below, please kindly add this.

  1. <charinsert>[[|+]]</charinsert> ·
  2. <charinsert><big>+</big></charinsert> ·
  3. <charinsert><br />+</charinsert> ·
  4. <charinsert><span style=padding:1ex;></span>+</charinsert> ·

-Ch. Reyansh Singh{Talk}

Added in MediaWiki:Edittools Laxman Burdak (talk) 06:31, 21 February 2024 (UTC)
Sir, kindly also add this, <charinsert>[[|+]]</charinsert> ·

-Ch. Reyansh Singh{Talk}

Added Laxman Burdak (talk) 15:47, 21 February 2024 (UTC)

little, permission.

Sir, with most respectful regards, I would like to edit the page Gokula from beginning to the bottom, if permitted? Should proceed? Ch.Reyansh Singh (talk) 07:57, 7 March 2024 (UTC)

Which section do you want to edit? What is in your mind?Laxman Burdak (talk) 11:51, 7 March 2024 (UTC)
Sir, all I want is to re-inaugurate the followed page, as it has a lot of mess there, likewise the village Tilpat of Haryana. I don't prefer spreading the wrong writings even if god created (or wrote) it; However, I am not going to remove any kind of content there but just wants to gain access over an article in which I already know, "I knows better on this topic". There's no issue with wrongly written facts there, but they should be less-ly repeated and in most cases the actual truth should be revertibily used, this is my point, likewise on the top it should be mention that he was a Jat chieftain of village Tilhu of Sadabad and then in others sections "Capt. D. S. Ahlawat says he belongs to Sinsini" it would be better fine, than every line repeating the same mistake with no clarification in them, without clarifications (any author's citation or reference) only true fact should be mention at every costs there. Recently published book, "Hindu Dharam Rakshak Veer Gokula Jat" authorized by Dr. Th. Bhanu Pratap Singh Ji Parihar, it clearly says that the modern day village "Tilhu - Chihattar" of Sadabad was Gokula's paternal village and not the modern Tilpat of Haryana state, the author says about Sinsini that at the time of Gokula, Sinsini was not even raised or established. Am not going to put this debate there, just first few lines saying "of Tilpat, Haryana, or Sinsini" such wrong facts should be terminated from my point of view without exceptions in the opening lines at least. With best regards. Ch.Reyansh Singh (talk) 14:46, 10 March 2024 (UTC)
Reyanshji your version has already been added under title - Gokula was a warrior of Hanga clan. But it is full of grammatical mistakes. For example 'I remembers', 'renowned historians, who claims', etc. It needs re-editing. It is better you write complete article about Gokula in Hindi which will be added with your own authorship. More people will understand Hindi. Regards, Laxman Burdak (talk) 15:54, 10 March 2024 (UTC)
Sorry to hear such things sir but, what I have written "I began to pursue the references of other renowned historians, who claims about the theory of Sinsinwar chief. As far as I have studied Thakur Deshraj was the very first historian to claim this by referring to "Brajendra Vansha Bhasakara"." has been translated by Google Translator as, "मैंने अन्य प्रसिद्ध इतिहासकारों के संदर्भों का अध्ययन करना शुरू किया, जो सिनसिनवार प्रमुख के सिद्धांत के बारे में दावा करते हैं। जहां तक मैंने अध्ययन किया है, ठाकुर देशराज पहले इतिहासकार थे जिन्होंने "ब्रजेंद्र वंश भास्कर" का हवाला देकर यह दावा किया था।" Actually it's not a matter to debate, what I wanted to convey was conveyed through the lines I have written there. If still there's any kind of issue please help me then. Ch.Reyansh Singh (talk) 16:18, 11 March 2024 (UTC)
आप सभी सन्दर्भों सहित एक लेख हिंदी में लिखिए जिसको अलग से प्रकाशित करेंगे. उसका लिंक गोकुला के अंग्रेजी पेज से रहेगा. इतिहास में मत भिन्नता संभव है. इतने बड़े इतिहासकारों को अपन दरकिनार नहीं कर सकते. Laxman Burdak (talk) 16:38, 11 March 2024 (UTC)
Sir I totally agrees with you, we can not just aside them, they did a great effort of their era and their work should be respected, about article in hindi, I will add/write it in future, currently has a lot to do like Jat Prachin Shasak. Ch.Reyansh Singh (talk) 15:53, 12 March 2024 (UTC)

Jats the Ancient Rulers (A correction study)

Sir, in Chapter 01 on page 18, I found that it has been superscripted "reference number 20" which is totally false; Actully it is "reference no. 30" and should written as <sup>30</sup>. And also, at the bottom it says, "30. JKI, p. 41." as you can please see, जाट प्राचीन शासक पृ. 20 ॥ Kindly correct it, as I am unable to, with best regards.

-Ch. Reyansh Singh{Talk}

Corrected. Thanks for pointing out error. Laxman Burdak (talk) 06:14, 15 March 2024 (UTC)

Have a kind look.

Sir, again on the site I found some wrong infos that being circulated, on page Jats in Jammu and Kashmir this section says that "Historically, the Rajput branch received daughters in marriage from the Jat section but did not give girls to them." I never remember if any Jat gave daughters to others? Especially Rajput clans. Such infos should be terminated in my point, the decision should make by you respectfully. Regards. Ch.Reyansh Singh (talk) 04:21, 23 March 2024 (UTC)

Line removed. Laxman Burdak (talk) 05:42, 23 March 2024 (UTC)

Need your attention

Sir, please have a kind look, गर्मन.

-Ch. Reyansh Singh{Talk}

Deleted Laxman Burdak (talk) 16:02, 29 March 2024 (UTC)

New look?

Sir sorry for making disturbances to you but i am very crucial on the topic what just happened to our web-site? Why is everything so changed? And why is it looking like some ordinary one? I am having many issues while editing. Also, unable to use those Mideawiki:edittools, which you have recently edited for me (at the bottom of any editing page)? Is this effect temporary or what? And why this happened? Sir I personally holds that our website before this new appearance was a primitive choice of readers, but now as an editor I am facing many issues? I don't think it's compatible. Please shed some light, with best regards. Ch. Reyansh Singh (talk) 18:20, 27 April 2024 (UTC)

Software upgradation is in progress. Wait for some time. Laxman Burdak (talk) 17:37, 28 April 2024 (UTC)

Main Page error?

Sir on Main Page of wiki, I found very first words as "" Click here to to register or login ""; I found that there's should only be one 'to' and should not be repeated 2 times, kindly have a look as I am unable to edit it. With best regards. Chreyanshsingh (talk) 09:01, 2 June 2024 (UTC)

Thanks. Corrected. Laxman Burdak (talk) 10:18, 2 June 2024 (UTC)

Jats the Ancient Rulers, p. 156. Error, correction.

Sir on page 156 reference number 80 has been cited as "80. Bulsara, leOl, 1942, No. 35, p. 84-85." (in the ref-notes) however it should have been denoted as "80. Bulsara, JCOI, 1942, No. 35, p. 84-85." That 'leOl' should be 'JCOI' as you can please see Jāṭ Prāchīn Śāsak (Hindi, Chapter 04), Page number 161 reference citation 80. Please correct it as I am unable to do so. Ch. Reyansh Singh (talk) 06:12, 30 June 2024 (UTC)

Corrected. Laxman Burdak (talk) 06:52, 30 June 2024 (UTC)

Please add, Nara(s) in list of Rivers.

Sir, the newly created pages Nara River (Kutch) and Old Nara River (Sindh, due to drought only a canal left), should also be enlisted in the list of Rivers. However, I'm unable to add them, please kindly add them if they are considerable so? Chreyanshsingh (talk) 06:03, 4 July 2024 (UTC)

Added see Rivers Laxman Burdak (talk) 06:09, 4 July 2024 (UTC)
Sir, Old Nara River or Nara River of Sindh was an ancient tributary of Indus River? It's also mentioned by Author Dahiya in Jat Prachin Shasak/Porus Aur Maurya p. 171. Isn't it considerable to be added? Chreyanshsingh (talk) 06:36, 4 July 2024 (UTC)
Added Nara River of Sindh. Laxman Burdak (talk) 06:50, 4 July 2024 (UTC)

Wrong spellings of J. Dawson being circulated.

Sir, Page The History of India, as Told by Its Own Historians, mentions editor's name as "John Dowson" however it is "John Dawson" & not 'Dowson'. Please kindly correct it, as I'm unable to. {Don't know why I can't edit such pages}? Chreyanshsingh (talk) 12:11, 8 July 2024 (UTC)

Correct spelling is John Dowson. See this online book. Burdak (talk) 13:03, 8 July 2024 (UTC)
ताज्जुब कि बात है, इतिहासकार दहिया जी ने, पुस्तक जाट प्राचीन शासक में "Dawson" लिखरखा है? उदाहरण देखिये, पृष्ठ (ii), तथा पाठ 6, पृष्ठ 225 इत्यादि। Chreyanshsingh (talk) 18:45, 8 July 2024 (UTC)

Same pages?

Sir, there are two pages Hyderabad Sindh & Hyderabad, Sindh, I think both represents a same place? What to do with them? Please have a look. Chreyanshsingh (talk) 05:09, 12 July 2024 (UTC)

Thanks!. I have merged to Hyderabad Sindh. Laxman Burdak (talk) 07:00, 12 July 2024 (UTC)

Shaheed Bhagat Singh Ji, Khatkala or Sandhu?

Sir, sorry for making disturbances, but a question is constantly rising in my head, we know Shaheed Bhagat Singh Ji as Sandhu Jat but why then, Shri. B. S. Dahiya says, that he was a Khatkal Jat?? Please see, Jat Prachin Shasak Chapter 09, Page 272. And Jats the Ancient Rulers (A clan study)/Jat Clan in India p. 261. Please shed some light sir, with respectful regards. Chreyanshsingh (talk) 09:19, 12 July 2024 (UTC)

Bhagat Singh was Sandhu. His village was Khatkar Kalan. Some people may write gotra based on village also. Laxman Burdak (talk) 16:52, 12 July 2024 (UTC)

Jat Prachin Shasak

सर किताब जाट प्राचीन शासक का कार्य पूर्ण हो चुका है, दरअसल क़ाफ़ि पहले ही पूर्ण हो चुका था, कृपया इसका लिंक ज़रूरी पन्नों (wiki pages) पर जोड़ें। Chreyanshsingh (talk) 17:07, 20 October 2024 (UTC)

यहाँ जोड़ दी है - Jatland_Library/Online_Jat_history_books_on_Jatland_Wiki#Books_with_full_text_on_Jatland....Laxman Burdak (talk) 17:14, 20 October 2024 (UTC)

Major General Yash Mor?

Sir, recently in the modern era of internet we see numerous rising names here and one such name is 'Ex-Maj. Gen. Yash Mor' (sometimes Yashpal Mor) from the Indian Army, he's said to have recieved a Sena Medal as well & now I'm very fascinated towards this respectful name, as we see 'Mor' but it's unclear of whether he is a 'Mor Jat' scion or not as it is not mentioned anywhere on the surface web. But if he belongs to our race as well, it will not only be a huge achievement but to proud as well however I'm too much fascinated because he can be considered as a modern reference when it comes to (debate about) Mor-Maurya Jat history? What do you think sir? Well he's Mor but for me I don't know if he's a Jat? Can you please research and add his page on the Wiki. Respectful regards. Chreyanshsingh (talk) 16:17, 20 November 2024 (UTC)

I found an youtube handle Chreyanshsingh (talk) 16:23, 20 November 2024 (UTC)
He is Jat. He belongs to Baas where Mors are Jats. You can create page for him.Laxman Burdak (talk) 17:06, 20 November 2024 (UTC)
Okay Sir page has been accomplished, Major General Yashpal Singh Mor. Chreyanshsingh (talk) 05:37, 21 November 2024 (UTC)

S-P Papers 127, Oct. 2003 by Sandeep S. Jhutti

Sir I holds the "Sino Platonic Papers, no. 127 - The Getes" authored by Sandeep S. Jhutti in october 2003 respectively. I found it as an great effort which proves that Scythians, Massagetae, Yuezhi/Yuti, Goths, Alans etcs. are one and are Jats with more than about 150 references it concludes the above statement as a fact however I don't have any kind of permission to add that work here? What to do? With respectful regards Chreyanshsingh (talk) 05:43, 21 November 2024 (UTC)

Sir you hadn't replied? What to do with this? Chreyanshsingh (talk) 12:01, 22 November 2024 (UTC)
Can you send me its link? Laxman Burdak (talk) 06:39, 23 November 2024 (UTC)
Sir I have PDF format of whole SP paper but for general view & Google Books.
Sir I have mailed it to you at '' at 9:46 am from '' with best regards. Chreyanshsingh (talk) 04:24, 24 November 2024 (UTC)
It is good article but PDF file can not be uploaded on WIKi. You can add page by page by copy paste method. You can try here The Getes by Sundeep S. Jhutti. Laxman Burdak (talk) 06:08, 24 November 2024 (UTC)
Yes sir i will put it page by page, regards. Chreyanshsingh (talk) 15:42, 24 November 2024 (UTC)

kindly delete

Sir please delete. A Glossary of Tribes and Castes of Punjab and the Northwest Frontier Province Chreyanshsingh (talk) 17:21, 27 November 2024 (UTC)

Deleted above. We have Vol II of above book in Part. See A glossary of the Tribes and Castes of the Punjab and North-West Frontier Province By H.A. Rose Vol II.Laxman Burdak (talk) 06:00, 28 November 2024 (UTC)

Missing threads?

Sir, there were once a thread on Jatland Wiki which was written by User:ChAshokaVerma who was an IAF officer from Naugawan village Hathras. However I remember that the User signed in on Wiki about 2002 but as the thread is missing, and also its author as well. I need that thread because it contains a great history about the state of Naugawan which prominently opposed Aurangzeb, Britishers and they were descended from Raja Kulchand of Mahavana. It's a tale of great valour of Jats. I hope you understands and will help to regain that thread. Chreyanshsingh (talk) 19:24, 28 November 2024 (UTC)

Kindly write to the forums admin. I could not find that thread. Laxman Burdak (talk) 06:05, 29 November 2024 (UTC)
Ok sir. Chreyanshsingh (talk) 09:47, 30 November 2024 (UTC)

J. D. Cunningham

Sir please merge J. D. Cunningham and Joseph Davey Cunningham Chreyanshsingh (talk) 21:01, 28 November 2024 (UTC)

Merged. Laxman Burdak (talk) 11:48, 30 November 2024 (UTC)

A glorious past

Sir there's a glorious past that has been hidden from the eyes of everyone from a long time.

The Xiong-nu Empire
The Xiong-nu empire in 2nd cen. BCE

The Xiong-nu empire from 3nd cen. BCE to 4 cen. AD, it controlled all of mongolia, kirgistan, uzbekistan, tajikistan and parts of Russia, kazakhstan and China. It was the largest recorded Chinese empire of that era. It was this empire which sired the

1) European Huns (370-469AD), (Attila the Hun (a prominent ruler))
2) Kidarite Huns (320-467AD), (Kidara or Ki-to-lo)
3) Alxon Huns (370-670AD), (Toramana, Khingila, Mihirakula)
4) Hephthalites (440-560AD), (Akshunwar, Kun-khi, Gatfar)
5) Nezak Shah/Huns (484-656AD), (Garh-ilchi, Nezak Tarkhan)
6) Former Zhao dynasty (304-329AD), (rest are remained to be studied)
7) Later Zhao (319-351AD)
8) Northern Liang dynasty (397-460AD)
9) Da-Xia kingdom (407-431AD)

And after this period they had many small states which are described here -- Heng-Nu_Jats#Later/Other_Hunnish_Principalities.

So by far the knowledge we holds is, "Finally we come to the conclusion that the Chinese name Hiung-nu is correct, after all. These Hiung-nu were a clan dominant at that time. It was this clan which produced emperors like Touman, Maodun, Giya in the first three centuries prior to the Christian era. These Hiung-nu are still existing as a Jat clan in India and are called Heng or Henga. We must remember that the Kang Jat were named by the Chinese as Kang-nu; similarly the Heng were called Heng-nu or Hiung-nu. These were the 'Huna Mandal' rulers who fought with almost all the Indian powers, right up to 10th century A.D." by author Dahiya. [1]
See the highlighted line as It was this clan which produced emperors like Touman, Maodun, Giya in the first three centuries prior to the Christian era. Here mentioned emperors Touman, Maodun, Giya are the first three emperors of the Old Xiongnu Empire (Xiongnu = Hiongnu/Henga).
And in respectful manner I have proven that Hiong-nu are the Henga Jats (with more than about 50-60 references, even historically ancient ones and 5-6 other Indian authors' references are included as well.)[2]

Jats must know about their ancestors

And sir as i believes the truth should be reveal asap. Jat people will find it as a great knowledge of Valour and I think that they must know about it.

Some permissions

See (respectfully) adding this great history of such great regime will definitely cost us a great time and effort and also more than 150 pages at least should have been created only to accumulate the history of the Xiongnu empire as more than 150 rulers did rule for centuries under this empire and after that i will add rulers of other Hunnic dynasties as well.

So, if I creates that much pages on the history of such great clan, will it create any turmoil? Or will it be safe to proceed??

I think if any portion of Chinese history is common with or associated with a particular Jat clan, you can add only that portion in respective clan. What is the uses of adding unrelated content? Laxman Burdak (talk) 06:47, 5 December 2024 (UTC)
I don't think it's unrelated, if we have to honour our leaders and rulers and to claim that they are our ancestors (with more than 50-60 references?), I don't think it's unrelated. Actually our history and study can be deeply read if we study the rule of our kings because as the way they rule; it will only tell us about our great ancestry and past. Eventually every Chinese ancient chronicle that talks about Xiongnu calls them a branch of Ta-Yueche includes Suishu, Beishu, Zhongshu, Pie-shi etc. Historian like Procopius and Priscus styles the Huns (European equivalent to Xiongnu) as Massagetae, Roman historians Justinian and Zonaras also holds the same view. Even Indian sources called them Jits (See Dahiya BS, 1980, intro. p. XIII.) Their tributary (branched) clans includes many Jat clans such as Johl, Jaubla, Kidara/Katara, Haphthal, Sahi/Shahi, Turk/Toor etc. Chreyanshsingh (talk) 19:12, 5 December 2024 (UTC)
Sir, you haven't re-shared your views yet? Chreyanshsingh (talk) 17:07, 15 December 2024 (UTC)


We have page on Attila. You can expand it. Which one you want next? Laxman Burdak (talk) 07:16, 16 December 2024 (UTC)

Sorry sir I was on a vacation due to which this reply is late. However, sir Attila is a well-known ruler of Huns, I would like to assign pages on the ancestors of the European Huns, that is, The Xiongnu Empire and at first the ruler Maodun (aka Mete-Hun, 3rd cen. BCE) he was the ruler under who, the Henga Jats had reached their zenith. Chreyanshsingh (talk) 19:08, 2 January 2025 (UTC)
You can expand page Xiongnu Empire. Laxman Burdak (talk) 05:34, 3 January 2025 (UTC)
Surely will sir, thank you respectfully. Chreyanshsingh (talk) 07:18, 3 January 2025 (UTC)

Contemporary sources.

Sir with best regards please see.

Sir, I guess if we can add the walls of Manvendra Singh Tomar from facebook, we can also state about Al-Kāmil fī al-tārīkh by Ibn-i Asir (or Ibn al-Athir, b. 1160 - d. 1232/33 CE, AH 630) & Tajul-Ma'asir by Hasan Nizami (muslim scholar in 12-13th century) & Ferishta ? He is a well known muslim scholar.
Sir, I hope you understands the necessity of the contemporary sources by which we make others believe that we were the greatest warriors of all time. People often say that Scythians were Jats as per this modern scholar or that scholar, but I know about a few that traces the name Yuechi as originated from name *Skudja meaning scythians, I guess we can prove our points to the society if we traces the contemporary sources. Chreyanshsingh (talk) 10:30, 14 January 2025 (UTC)
