Golamrittika Nagara

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Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R)

Map of Myanmar

Golamritika Nagara (गोलमृत्तिका नगर) was an ancient city in Burma. It is modern Ayetthema, 20 miles north of Thaton.



Indian Origin Places in Burma

Dineschandra Sircar[1] writes.... Among Sanskrit-Pali names in Burma, mention may be made of Golanagara or Golamrittikanagara (modern Ayetthema, 20 miles north of Thaton, Gola being supposed to stand for Gauda[2] Kalasapura (to the south eat of Prome near the mouth of Sittang,[3] Ramapura (Moulmein), Ramanyadesh (Lowe Burma)[4] and Shri (Bhamo or Tagaung).[5]. The principalities of Pushkaravati, Trihakumbha, Asitanjana and Ramyanagara were situated in the region of Rangoon, Ramavati and Dhanyavati (modern Rakhaingmyu being situated in Arakan[6] The city of Shrikshetra has been located at Hmawza near Prome. Sudharmapura is modern Thaton and the city of Arimardanapura is Pagan situated in the land of Tattadesha and the kingdom of Tamradvipa [7]

गोलमृत्तिका नगर

विजयेन्द्र कुमार माथुर[8] ने लेख किया है ...गोलमृत्तिका नगर (AS, p.305) बर्मा (आधुनिक 'म्यांमार') के एक प्राचीन नगर का नाम था। इस नगर का अभिज्ञान, 1476 ई. के कल्याणी अभिलेख के अनुसार, थाटन से 20 मील (लगभग 32 कि.मी.) दूर स्थित 'अयत्येमा' नामक स्थान से किया गया है। मौर्य सम्राट अशोक के समय में गोलमृत्तिका नगर 'ब्रह्मदेश' (बर्मा का प्राचीन नाम) की राजधानी था। यहाँ 'गोल' या 'गौड़' लोगों के अनेक मिट्टी के घर होने के कारण ही इस नगर का यह विचित्र नाम पड़ा था। सम्भवत: 'गोल' या 'गौड़' बंगाल के मूल निवासी रहे होंगे।

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  1. Studies in the Geography of Ancient and Medieval India, By Dineschandra Sircar, p.319
  2. ibid.,p.195
  3. ibid.,p.197
  4. ibid.,p.196
  5. ibid.,p.200
  6. Coedes, The Indianised States in South-East Asia,p.329,cf p.156, RC Majumdar,opcit,p.202
  7. RC Majumdar,opcit,p.207
  8. Aitihasik Sthanavali by Vijayendra Kumar Mathur, p.305