Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (R) |

Banki (बांकी) is a tahsil town in Cuttack district of Orissa, India.
Banki is part of the original Bankigarh, the native king of Banki State. The word Banki is derived from Bakra Durg, as the fort of king of Banki is slightly round shaped, the Oriya word Bakra implying bend/round, was the source of origin. The name later used in folk Oriya as Banka Durg later misinterpreted as Banki from Banka.
Jat Gotras Namesake
- Bangi (बांगी) Jat clan = Banki. Banki (बांकी) is a tahsil town in Cuttack district of Orissa, India.
Banki is famous for the Charchika Temple, dedicated to the deity of Chamunda, the eight armed goddess and incarnation of Durga.
Banki was a zamindari state in western part of Cuttack District. The Mahanadi River flowed on the northern part of the state. It was annexed in 1840 by the British. The rulers of Banki bore the title Raja.
The king of Banki got married with Rajkumari Sukadei of Badamba kingdom, the daughter of king of Badamba. The king of Khurda challenged Banki's king for a war. King of Banki was killed in the war and Sukadei got widowed. She vowed to take revenge from king of khurda for her husband's death. She took help of her brother, the prince of Badamba to win the war. She defeated the king of Khurda but did not kill him as she did not want the queen of Khurda to get widowed like her. Sukadei annexed some parts of Khurda with Banki and took the title Maharani.
After independence of our country in 1947, Banki became a town.
बांकी (Banki) भारत के ओड़िशा राज्य के कटक ज़िले में स्थित एक नगर है। यहाँ चामुंडा देवी को समर्पित प्रसिद्ध चर्चिका मंदिर स्थित है।
List of Villages in Banki tahsil
Anandapur, Baghei, Bania, Bishnupur, Chadeibandha, Charimania, Dengamba, Gaudachheli, Ghodabar, Gholapur, Gohirgadia, Haliasahi, Jokiladesh, Kantakai, Karadapalli, Khandamal, Krushnapalli, Krushnapur, Kumusara , Kurumapada, Lemberi, Malisahi, Manipur, Nandahata Palli, Naranpur, Nateri, Nuagaon , Pandalam, Panikaroda, Pasania, Patani, Pathapur, Pathuripada, Persurampur , Phulbadi, Purbagadia, Purunapani, Rajib , Sampur Patana, Tentulia ,
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