Bhawanipur (भवानीपुर) is basically a Jat dominant village in Sambhal Tehsil and district in Uttar Pradesh.
Village - Bhawanipur (भवानीपुर), Tehsil / District - Sambhal (U.P.) Gram Panchayat village is Bhawanipur . आसपास के गांव - आलम सराय , शेरखान सराय , हल्लू सराय , सुल्तानपुर बुज़ुर्ग , गोविंदपुर , मोहम्मदपुर टांडा , पेहरी , हिंडोली , देहली , महिउद्दिनपुर, सेवाजपुर सेरा नगला. संभल शहर 7 किमी दूर है ।
The Founders
Chaudhary Bhawani Singh Teotia laid the foundation of this village. This village is also known as Bhawanipur Estate. It is easily approachable from nearby towns/cities like Chandausi, Behjoi, Moradabad, etc.
Jat Gotras
There are around 50 Teotia families which belong to the same clan, eventually.
There are other nearby villages like Enjari, Enjara, Kasampur, Dhaneta Sotipura which are also Jat dominant, however, other Gotras people are found there, e.g. Kureria in Dhaneta Sotipura.
Population - As per census 2011 , population of village Bhawanipur is 2797 and houses are 481.
Notable Persons
Smt. Vimlesh Devi w/o Shri Devendra Singh Teotia ( Ex. Gram Pradhan ) (9058578877)
External Links
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