Uttar Pradesh

Uttar Pradesh (Hindi: उत्तर प्रदेश, Urdu: اتر پردیش) also popularly known by its abbreviation U.P., means the 'northern province'. It is the most populous and fifth largest state in the Union of India.
Regions in Uttar Pradesh
Uttar Pradesh comprises several distinct regions: -
- The Doab region which runs along UP’s western border from north to south; this region is further divided into three zones:
- The Upper Doab in the north-west,
- The Middle Doab in the west,including the Braj-bhumi in the trans-Yamuna area,
- The Lower Doab in the south-centre,
- The Rohilkhand region in the north;
- The Awadh(or Oudh), the historic country of Kosalas in the centre;
- The northern parts of Bundelkhand in the south;
- The northern parts of Bagelkhand in the south-east; and
- The southestern part of the Bhojpur country in the east, commonly called Purvanchal ("Eastern Province").
Division wise listing of districts
Region wise Districts wise Jat Population in Uttar Pradesh (1931)
Thus the 96.34 % population of Hindu Jats was in above 11 districts. The rest 24 districts like Dehradun, Farrukhabad, Itawa, Kanpur, Fatehpur, Allahabad, Varanasi, Mirjapur, Gazipur, Balia, Gorakhpur, Basti, Azamgarh, Mainpuri, Etah, Shahjahanpur, Lakhimpur Kheri, Pilibhit, Jhansi, Jalon, Hamirpur, Banda, Nainital, Almoda, Garhwal had a combines Hindu Jat population of 27847 (3.66 %).
In addition to this there are about 2.63 % Muslim Jats.
Uttar Pradesh covers a large part of the highly fertile and densely populated upper Gangetic plain. It shares an international border with Nepal and is bounded by the Indian states of Uttaranchal, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Delhi, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Bihar. The administrative and legislative capital of Uttar Pradesh is Lucknow; its high court is based at Allahabad. Other notable cities in Uttar Pradesh include NOIDA, Agra, Mathura, Aligarh, Varanasi (Banaras), Gorakhpur, Kanpur and Meerut.
Uttar Pradesh has an important place in the history of Hinduism, as well as the history of ancient India. Control over the region was vital to the power and stability of all of India's empires and kingdoms - of Hindus, Muslims and Europeans.
The ancient Hindu kingdom of Kosala in Ayodhya, where Lord Rama of the Ramayana believed to have reigned was located here and Lord Krishna, revered as the eighth Avatara of Vishnu, is believed to have been born in the city of Mathura.
The Mahabharat war and the aftermath took part in the area between Uttar Pradesh and Delhi. It was ruled under King Yudhishtira after the Mahabharat.
After that, this area was sometimes divided between petty kingdoms or formed important parts of larger empires from the east or the west, including the Mauryan, Guptas and Kushan empires.
The Kannauj Empire originated from the heart of the Ganga Yamuna Doab and covered areas from Afghanistan to Kashmir, Bengal and the Vindhyas. This empire was at its zenith during the reign of Harshavardhana.
Jats in Uttar Pradesh

The exact Jat population in Uttar Pradesh at present is not available as there is no caste wise census after 1931 in India. We can take 1931 Jat population as an indication of the proportion of it to the other castes. It can also be extrapolated on the ration of 2001 census and 1931 census, which can give approximate Jat population.
The total population of India in 1931 was 27.09 crore and in 2001 was 102.7 crore. Thus there is an increase of 3.681 times. On this basis the present Jat population in Uttar Pradesh must be 3.681 times 759830 = 2796900. Thus we can say population of Hindu Jats in Uttar Pradesh is 2796900.
Jat population 1931
Thakur Deshraj has given an analysis of Jat population in Uttar Pradesh as on 1931. Uttar Pradesh was called United Province prior to independence. As per 1931 census the population of Jats in Uttar Pradesh was as under:
Hindu Jats…………….759830
Muslim Jats…………....20000
The population of Jats in then 11 districts of the state where they were in sizable proportion was as under:
Meerut ...........199533 (26.26 %)
Mathura..........124277 (16.36 %)
Aligarh ............92886 (12.22 %)
Bulandshahr ......82385 (10.84 %)
Muzaffarnagar..75499 (09.97 %)
Agra ...............53446 (07.03 %)
Bijnore ...........52786 (06.95 %)
Moradabad ......30184 (03.97 %)
Saharanpur .....10902 (01.43 %)
Bareilly ...............6074 (00.80 %)
Badayun ...........4011 (00.53 %)
Thus the 96.34 % population of Hindu Jats was in above 11 districts. The rest 24 districts like Dehradun, Farrukhabad, Itawa, Kanpur, Fatehpur, Allahabad, Varanasi, Mirjapur, Gazipur, Balia, Gorakhpur, Basti, Azamgarh, Mainpuri, Etah, Shahjahanpur, Lakhimpur Kheri, Pilibhit, Jhansi, Jalon, Hamirpur, Banda, Nainital, Almoda, Garhwal had a combines Hindu Jat population of 27847 (3.66 %).
Martyrs of Kargil war from Uttar Pradesh
- see the list of Martyrs of Kargil war from Uttar Pradesh
Jat MLAs 2022
भाजपा -
1 बिजनौर जिला बिजनौर - सूची चौधरी - भाजपा
2 बड़ौत जिला बागपत - केपी सिंह मलिक - भाजपा
3 बागपत जिला बागपत - योगेश धामा - भाजपा
4 मोदीनगर जिला गाजियाबाद – डॉ. मंजू सिवाच - भाजपा
5 गढमुक्तेश्वर जिला हापुड़ - हरेंद्र सिंह तेवतिया - भाजपा
6 बुलंदशहर जिला बुलंदशहर - प्रदीप चौधरी - भाजपा
7 माट जिला मथुरा राजेश चौधरी – भाजपा
8 छाता जिला मथुरा - चौधरी लक्ष्मी नारायण सिंह – भाजपा
9 फतेहपुर सीकरी जिला आगरा चौधरी बाबूलाल - भाजपा
10 बिलासपुर जिला रामपुर - बलदेव सिंह औलख - भाजपा
सपा एवं रालोद –
1 - चांदपुर जिला बिजनौर - स्वामी ओमवेश तोमर – सपा
2 - छपरौली जिला बागपत - अजय कुमार - रालोद
3 – शामली जिला शामली - प्रसन्न चौधरी - रालोद
4 - बुढ़ाना जिला मुज़फ्फरनगर - राजपाल बालियान - रालोद
5 – चरथावल जिला मुज़फ्फरनगर - पंकज मलिक - सपा
6 - सादाबाद जिला हाथरस - प्रदीप चौधरी उर्फ गुड्डू - रालोद
7 – नौगवां सादत जिला अमरोहा - समरपाल सिंह सपा
उत्तर प्रदेश में जाट विधायक वर्ष 2022
रालोद ने कुल 10 जाट प्रत्याशियों को टिकट दिया था जिसमें 4 जीते और 6 हारे :-
जीते प्रत्याशी -
(1) प्रसन्न चौधरी (शामली, शामली रालोद)
(2) प्रोफेसर. अजय कुमार (बागपत, छपरौली रालोद )
(3) प्रदीप चौधरी गुड्डू (हाथरस, सादाबाद रालोद)
(4) राजपाल बालयान (मुजफ्फरनगर, बुढ़ाना रालोद)
हारे प्रत्याशी -
(1) शिकारपुर से किरनपाल
(2) बड़ौत से जयवीर तोमर
(3) मेरठ कैंट से मनीषा अहलावत
(4) बिजनौर से नीरज चौधरी
(5) गोवर्धन से चौ. प्रीतम सिंह प्रमुख
(6) फतेहपुर से चौ. ब्रजेश चाहर
भाजपा ने 17 जाट प्रत्याशियों को टिकट दिया था जिसमें से 10 जीते 7 हारे :-
जीते प्रत्याशी -
(1) के पी मलिक (बागपत, बड़ौत भाजपा)
(2) योगेश धाममा (बागपत भाजपा)
(3) मंजू शिवाच (मोदीनगर, भाजपा)
(4) प्रदीप चौधरी (बुलंदशहर, भाजपा)
(5) चौधरी लक्ष्मीनारायण (छाता, भाजपा)
(6) राजेश चौधरी (मांट, भाजपा)
(7) चौधरी बाबूलाल (फतेहपुर सीकरी, भाजपा)
(8) हरेंद्र सिंह (गढ़मुक्तेश्वर, भाजपा)
(9) सूची चौधरी (बिजनोर, सदर भाजपा)
(10) बलदेव सिंह औलख (रामपुर, बिलासपुर भाजपा)
हारे प्रत्याशी -
(1) छपरौली से सहेंद्र रमाला
(2) शामली से तेजिंदर निर्वाल
(3) बुढाना से उमेश मलिक
(4) सिवालखास से मनिंदर सिंह
(5) असमोली से चौधरी हरेंद्र
(6) कांट से राजेश चौधरी
सपा ने 7 जाटों को टिकट दिया था जिसमें से 3 जीते 4 हारे :-
जीते प्रत्याशी -
(1) समरपाल सिंह (अमरोहा, नोगांव सपा)
(2) पंकज मलिक (मुजफ्फरनगर, चरथावल सपा)
(3) स्वामी ओमवेश तोमर (बिजनोर, चांदपुर सपा)
हारे प्रत्याशी -
(1) मांट से संजय लाठर
(2) गढ़मुक्तेश्वर से रविंद्र चौधरी
(3) बिलासपुर से अमरजीत सिंह
(4) महाराजपुर से फतेह बहादुर गिल
कुल जीते 17, हारे 17 कुल 34
Harendra Singh Teotia, BJP MLA from Noorpur Ki Madhaiya
Rajesh Chaudhary MLA
- Kargil War Martyrs from Uttar Pradesh
- Kargil Shahid visheshank, Jat Samaj, Agra, September-October 1999
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