Bhuma Chhota

Bhuma Chhota (भूमा छोटा) is a medium-size village in Laxmangarh tehsil of Sikar district in Rajasthan.
It is in south of Bhuma Bara and north of Basni [1]
Geographical location is: Latitude 27.78 Longitude 74.93 and altitude 354 metres. Nearby village in south is Alakhpura Bogan.
Jat Gotras
As per Census-2011 statistics, Bhuma Chhota village has the total population of 1740 (of which 851 are males while 889 are females).[2]
Notable persons
- Isar Ram Dhaka (चौधरी ईसरराम ढाका), from Bhuma Chhota, Laxmangarh, Sikar, was a Freedom fighter and hero of Shekhawati farmers movement. [3]
External links
- Information about Bhuma Chhota village - website
- Geo Location of Bhuma Bara
- Google link for Bhuma
- Delimitation Commission Report
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