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Bidhal (बिधळ, बिधल) (also spelt as Bhidhal, is a medium-size village in Gohana tehsil of Sonipat district in Haryana.
It falls on an approach road which starts near Bhainswal and connects it with Gohana-Gannaur road. Neighboring village is Pinnana. Village - Bidhal ( बिधल ) ,Tehsil - Gahona , District - Sonipat , Haryana. Pincode 131301 , village Bidhal is a Gram Panchayat village . आसपास के गांव - पिन्नना , सलालपुर माजरा , लाथ , जौली , नियात , गंवरी , भैंस्वल कलां , सरगथल , सिकंदरपुर माजरा , गढ़ी सराय नमरदार खान , गढ़ी उजले खान ,
Jat Gotras
Notable persons

- Dharampal Singh Malik MLA and MP
- Ch. Dharambir Singh Malik - Freedom fighter belonges to this village.
- Hoshiar Singh Malik - IAS
- Sarabhi Malik - IAS (AIR-51), daughter of sh. Hoshiar Singh Malik IAS of village Bidhal , on Sonipat-Gohana Road. Her mother is novelist and Associate Prof. at Chandigarh.
- Sanjay Malik s/o Mahendra Malik
- Dr.Rakesh Malik (Prof. Deptt. Of Vety. Physiology LUVAS Hisar) (9416397637)
As per census 2011, village Bithal population is 3422 and houses are 660.
External Links
- ↑ Jat History Dalip Singh Ahlawat/Chapter III (Page 274)
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