Bor Kheda
Bor Kheda (बोर खेड़ा) is a village in Ashta tahsil in Sehore district in Madhya Pradesh.
Jat Gotras
- Dhaka
- Hatingarwar
- Thakra
According to 2011 Census data, the population of Bor Kheda is shown below[1] -
- Total Population - 1459
- Males - 769
- Females - 690
Notable persons
- Rajvir Singh Dhaka - Agriculture
- Om Patel. -Agriculture mob. No.9685845792
- Adv. Jitendra Patel. - Advocate/Agriculture
- Brajkishore. - Agriculture
- Yogendra Singh. - Agriculture
- Raj Kumar patel
- yash Patel
- Chandra shekhar Patel
- Gajendra Singh Patel
- Ramesh ji jat (Thakra). Agriculture
- Shakti Singh, business
- Giriraj Singh, agriculture /service.
External links
Santosh thakur (khenwar)
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