Chaudhary Dal Singh

Late Ch.Dal Singh S/o. Ch. Ram Nath, V. & PO Ramrai ( Jind )
Chaudhary Dal Singh (1915 - 1991) popularly known as Khunda Jhota and Paani ka baadal, was known for his strict moral standards in politics of Haryana. He was one of the pillars of Haryana politics from 1952 to 1977, when he took unofficial retirement due to his bad health.
Date of Birth: 15th January 1915.,
Date of Death : 21st January 1991
Educational Qualifications: Metric from Punjab University in 1943, Special Class of Indian Army
Languages Known: Hindi, Urdu, English, Punjabi and Russian.
As a Military Man
- Enrolled in the Army ( 2nd Royal Lancer ) in March 1936.
- Went overseas as leader of advance party of 3rd Motor Brigade in 1941.
- Taken prisoners of war by General Romel’s army on 8.1.1941 at ElMichill in Libya while acting as intelligence NCO and remained prisoner of war for 4 and half Years in various countries of Europe.Released by General Paton of U.S.A. on 28th April, 1945.
- Worked as an interpreter for Russian and Indian Prisoners of War in Medical Department in various camps.
- Opened Hindi School at Anna-Berg in Germany and Taught Hindi to about 1000 POW’s.
- Worked as recruiting officer of Indian legion ( I.N.A.) in Germany.
- Underwent officer’s course at Frontier War-fare Army School Kakaul ( Abbotabad ) & stood first in the Army School in 1946.
Best player of Football & won Indian Army Cavalry Tournament Medal at Lahore in 1939.
Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Sicily, Italy, Germany, France Belgium & England.
1. Elected President, Jind State Praja Mandal for the year 1947-48. 2. Elected Member of Electoral College of Punjab State of Bilaspur to elect members of Constituent Assembly of India in 1947. 3. Vice-President, PEPSU Youth Congress in 1949. 4. President, District Congress Committee, Sangrur 1954 to 1959. 5. Convenor Bharat Sewak Samaj, Tehsil Jind 1956-57. 6. Elected Member AICC in 1953. 7. Member PCC from 1960 to 1969. 8. Elected President of HPCC (O) on 22nd August, 1971.
1. Presided over first Jind State Praja Mandal annual conference Jind in October, 1947 which was inaugurated by late Dr.Patta Bhai Sitaramaiya, the then Chairman, all India States people Conference. 2. Attended AICC Session at Jaipur in 1949, Hyderabad in 1953 and Agra in 1953. 3. Attended Pepsu Pradesh Annual Conference at Bhatinda in 1954. 4. Presided over Sangrur District Congress Political Conference in 1955. 5. Chairman reception committee D.C.C.political Conference held at Jind in November, 1964. 6. Presided over H.P.C.C. ( O ) Conference in 1971.
1. Jind 16.04.1952 to 04.03.1953 2. Jind 26.03.1954 to 31.10.1956
1. Jind 06.11.1956 to 31.03.1957 2. Jind 26.01.1965 to 31.10.1966
1. Jind 01.11.1966 to 28.02.1967 2. Julana 17.03.1967 to 21.11.1967 3. Julana 26.06.1970 to 20.01.1972 4. Jind 04.04.1972 to 30.04.1977
1. Dr.Pattabhai Sitaramaiya, President Council of States of India 1947. 2. Pt.Jawahar Lal Nehru, Prime Minister of India addressed a rally in his support in Jind in 1954. 3. Sh.U.N.Dheber President, A.I.C.C. 4. Sh.N.Sanjeeva Reddy the then President A.I.C.C. visited Jind on 23.07.1961. 5. Sh.S.Nilingappa President A.I.C.C. in 1968.
1. Arrested by Jind State Govt. while acting a aDictator of Jind State merger movement and parallal Govt. at Dadri was formed under his direct supervision during the merger movement.
2. Arrested in 1970 at the time of Chandigarh agitation by Haryana Govt.
3. Arrested on 13.02.1973 at the time of teacher’s agitation by the Haryana Govt.
4. Arrested on 30.05.1973 under the order of Haryana Govt. while going to address a civil liberty conference at Hansi ( Hisar ).
5. Arrested on 05.05.1973 while leading a procession against Electricity Cut at Jind by Haryana Govt.
6. Arrested under MISA on 26.05.1975 and released on 11.05.1976 on health grounds.
Administrative Experience
- Elected General Secretory of Jat High School Jind for terms 1946-47,47-48 , 1948-49 and 1955- 56.
- President District Congress Committee Sangrur 1954 to 1959.
- Vice Chairman PEPSU under developed area Advisory Board.
- Elected Member Estimate Committee, PEPSU Vidhan Sabha for the year 1954-55, 1956-57.
- Elected member, Public Accounts Committee, PEPSU Vidhan Sabha for the year 1955-56.
- Member Public relation and Grievances Committee of Distt.Sangrur for the years 1954-57,64-66
- Elected first Chairman Panchayat Samiti Jind 1961-65.
- Hony. Sub-registrar, Jind for 2 and half years 1962-64.
- Elected first Chairman Market Committee Jind 1965-66.
- Member Civil Defence Committee, Punjab 1965.
- Irrigation and Power Minister, Haryana 01.11.1966 to 23.03.1967.
- Elected President H.P.C.C. ( O ) on 22.08.1971.
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