Chawadiya Kalan
Chawadiya Kalan (चावडिया कलां) village is in Merta Road in Nagaur district in Rajasthan.
PIN Code of the village is: 341510. It is situated 15km away from Merta town and 75km away from Nagaur city. Chawadiya Kalan has its own gram panchayat. Chawadiya Khurd, Gawardi and Rasliyas are some of the neighbouring villages.
Jat gotras
Chawadiya village has 800 Jat population out of total population 7000. Village has been adopted by C.R.Chaudhary MP- Nagaur to be developed as Model Village. [1]
Notable persons
External links
- ↑ Dainik Bhaskar Jaipur, Dated 7.12.2014
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