Dabri Delhi
Note - Please click Dabri for similarly named villages at other places.
Dabri (डाबड़ी) is a village in Dwarka District of South-West Delhi.
Village falls under Dwarka tehsil of south-west Delhi. Dabri Village is situated near Janakpuri colony also not far from Dwarka and Palam. The village has been fully urbanised now and does not have any agricultural lands after government acquisition for Dwarka and Janakpuri development project under land acquisition Act 1894.
Ancient Map

The Founders
Jat Monuments
Notable Persons
- 2022 Congress MCD Councillor candidate Janakpuri South Ward - Geeta Solanki wife of Ashok Solanki
Jat Gotras
Railway and Metro
- Nearest Railway Station- Delhi Cantt.
- Nearest Metro Station- Dabri Mor Janakpuri South
- Shri Dada Dev Matri Avum Shishu Chikitsalaya- Dabri Village
- Mata Chanan Devi Hospital- C-1, Janakpuri, Pankha Road
External Links
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