Degana Ganw
- This is a page of Degana Ganw,
For the Degana tehsil, see → Degana.

Degana Ganw (डेगाना गाँव) is a village in tehsil Degana of Nagaur district in Rajasthan, India.
It is situated at a distance of 90 km from Nagaur in the southeast direction on Ajmer-Degana State highway-79 and 7 km from Degana railway junction. Its location is Latitude 26° 49' 60 N and Longitude 74° 19' 60 E.
Muwal Jats founded the village Degana about 600 years back.
Jat Gotras
The population of Jats in the village Degana is about 200 families out of them following are the Jat gotras:
About 6500
Degana gram panchayat has a population of about 4000 and includes Jawa village also. There are 2800 voters in Degana village and 700 voters in Jawa village.
Degana is located at 26° 49' 47.00" North Latitude & 74° 19' 48.61" East Longitude. It has an average elevation of 353 meters (1161 feet).[1]
Main occupation of people is agriculture and animal husbandry. Village area is 17000 bigha out of which 2000 bigha land is irrigated. Some villagers are employed in eight Masonary stone mines around the village. Some people of the village are also associated with marble industry in Makrana and Kishangarh. Village is fully developed with all modern facilities.
Notable Persons
- ManshiRam Choudhary Muwal - Sarpanch, Degana Ganw (1973-2000) , contested MLA elections in 1992 and 1997, Date of Birth :1947, Phone no. - 9414587908
- Laxman Singh Muwal S/o ManshiRam Muwal - Sarpanch, Degana Ganw & Chairman, KVSS Degana, Date of Birth : 1974, Phone no. - 9610355355
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