Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (Retd.) |

Dhamori (धामोरी) is a village in Bhatkuli tahsil in Amravati district of Maharashtra, India.
- Dhâmôri (धामोरी)
Dhamori is a Village in Bhatkuli Taluka in Amravati District of Maharashtra State, India. It belongs to Vidarbha region . It belongs to Amravati Division . It is located 20 KM towards west from District head quarters Amravati, 2 KM from Bhatkuli. Dhamori Pin code is 444801 and postal head office is Walgaon. Kumagad ( 2 KM ) , Khartalegaon ( 3 KM ) , Borkhadi Khu. ( 4 KM ) , Alangaon ( 5 KM ) , Virshi ( 6 KM ) are the nearby Villages to Dhamori. Dhamori is surrounded by Amravati Taluka towards East , Daryapur Taluka towards west , Achalpur Taluka towards North , Chandur Bz Taluka towards North .[1]
Jat Gotras Namesake
The unnamed suzerain of Svâmirâja was probably the Kalachuri Krishnarâja (circa 550-575 AC). It is noteworthy that the silver coins of this Krishnaraja have been discovered at some places in Vidarbha, viz, at Dhâmôri (धामोरी) in the Amaravati District and Pattan in the Betul District.(p.612)[2]