Author:Laxman Burdak, IFS (Retd.) |

Maharashtra (महाराष्ट्र) is India's third largest state in terms of area and second largest in terms of population after Uttar Pradesh.
It is bordered by the states of Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Goa and the Union territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli. The Arabian Sea makes up the state's western coast. Mumbai (Bombay), India's largest city, is the capital of Maharashtra.
Divisions and Districts
The six administrative divisions in Maharashtra state are Amravati Division, Aurangabad Division, Konkan Division, Nagpur Division, Nashik Division, Pune Division.
Nashik | Nashik, Dhule, Jalgaon, Ahmednagar and Nandurbar |
Aurangabad | Aurangabad, Jalna, Latur, Nanded, Osmanabad, Parbhani, Hingoli and Beed |
Amravati | Amravati, Akola, Washim, Buldhana and Yavatmal |
Nagpur | Nagpur, Chandrapur, Wardha, Bhandara, Gondia and Gadchiroli |
Mumbai (Konkan) | Mumbai, Mumbai Suburban (Mumbai Upanagar), Thane, Raigad, Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg |
Poona | Poona, Satara, Sangli, Solapur and Kolhapur
Maharashtra was known as Rashtra in the Rig Veda, Rashtrika in Ashoka's inscriptions, and Maharashtra afterwards, as attested by Huein-Tsang and other travellers. The name appears to have been derived from Maharashtri, in an old form of Prakrit, an ancient Indian language.
Visit by Xuanzang in 640 AD
Alexander Cunningham[1] writes that From Konkana the pilgrim Xuanzang proceeded to the north-west for 2400 to 2500 li, or upwards of 400 miles, to Mo-ho-la-cha, or Maharashtra. The capital was 30 li, or 5 miles, in circuit, and on the west side touched a large river.[2] From this description alone I should be inclined to adopt Paithan, or Pratishthana, on the Godavari as the capital of Maharashtra in the seventh
[p.554]: century. It is mentioned by Ptolemy as Baithana, and by the author of the 'Periplus' as Plithana, which should no doubt be corrected to Paithana. But the subsequent distance of 1000 li, or 167 miles, westward or north-westward[3] to Bharoch is much too small, as the actual distance between Paithan and Bharoch is not less than 250 miles. M. Vivien de Saint- Martin thinks that Devagiri accords better with the position indicated ; but Devagiri is not situated on any river, and its distance from Bharoch is about 200 miles. I think it more probable that Kalyani is the place intended, as we know that it was the ancient capital of the Chalukya dynasty. Its position also agrees better with both of Hwen Thsang's distances, as it is about 400 miles to the north-west of Annagundi, and 180 or 190 miles to the south of Bharoch. To the west of the city also flows the Kailas river, which at this point is a large stream. Kalyan or Kalyani is mentioned by Kosmas Indikopleustes in the sixth century as the seat of a Christian bishopric, under the name of Kalliana, and by the author of the ' Periplus ' in the second century as Kalliena, which had been a famous emporium in the time of Sarayanos the elder.[4] The name of Kaliyana also occurs several times in the Kanhari Cave inscriptions, which date from the first and second centuries of the Christian era.
The circuit of the province is said to be 6000 li, or 1000 miles, which agrees with the dimensions of the
[p.555]: tract remaining unassigned between Malwa on the north, Kosala and Andhra on the east, Konkana on the south, and the sea on the west. The limiting points of this tract are Daman and Vingorla on the sea-coast, and Idalabad and Haidarabad inland, which give a circuit of rather more than 1000 miles.
On the eastern frontier of the kingdom there was a great mountain with ridges rising one over another, and scarped crests. In former days the Arhat Achara had built a monastery, with rooms excavated in the rock, and a front of two storeys in height facing a " sombre" valley. The Vihar attached to it was 100 feet in height; and in the midst of the monastery there was a stone statue of Buddha about 70 feet high, which was surmounted by seven stone caps suspended in the air without any apparent support. The walls of the Vihar were divided all round into panels in which were sculptured with minute detail all the great events of Buddha's life. Outside the north and south gates of the monastery there were stone elephants, both on the right-hand and on the left, which according to the belief of the people occasionally roared so loudly as to make the earth quake. The description of the hill is too vague to be of much use in identifying its position ; but if the easterly bearing is correct, the hill of Ajayanti is most probably the place intended, as its bluff ridges appear to answer better to the pilgrim's account than the smoother slopes of Elura. But with the exception of the stone elephants, the account is too vague to enable us to identify the place with any certainty. There are two stone elephants outside the Kailas excavation at Elura, but that is a Brahmanical temple, and not a Buddhist
[p.556]: vihar. There is also an elephant close to the Indra-sabha at Elura, but the animal is inside the courtyard, instead of outside the gate as described by the pilgrim. Scenes from Buddha's life formed the common subjects of Buddhist sculpture, and would therefore offer no special assistance towards the identification of the monastery. But though the pilgrim's account is vague, it is so minute as to the positions of the elephants and the arrangement of the sculptures that I am inclined to think he must have seen the place himself. In this case I would read " western " frontier of the kingdom, and identify his cave monastery with the well-known excavations of Kanhari in the island of Salsette. Indeed, if I am correct in the identification of Kalyani as the capital of Maharashtra in the seventh century, it is almost certain that the pilgrim must have visited the Buddhist establishments at Kanhari, which are not more than 25 miles distant from Kalyani. The numerous inscriptions at Kanhari show that some of its excavations must date as early as the first century before Christ, and the bulk of them during the first and second centuries after Christ. One of the inscriptions is dated in the year 30 of the Sakadityakal, or A.D. 108. No remains of stone elephants have yet been found at Kanhari, but as the structural facades in front of the excavated vihars have all fallen down, some elephant torsos may yet be discovered amongst the ruins along the foot of the scarped rock. Mr. E. West has already disinterred the remains of a stone stupa with all its sculptured friezes from amongst these ruins, and further research will no doubt bring to light many other interesting remains.
Nagavanshi History
Dr Naval Viyogi[5] writes....[p.29]: Ancient Naga[6] culture has very deep roots in the cultural and religious life of the people of Maharashtra, which can be seen even today, from the intensive stud of their traditional gods and goddesses.
The original symbol of Mātangi is Valmiki (white-ant hill): Renuka, Enammna and Mātangi are worshipped in the form of Valmiki at different places in south. Santeri is worshipped in the form Bambi or serpent dwelling. This Valmiki is Yoni or vulva of earth and the serpent, who lives in, is representative of manhood or Linga. The meaning of the word Renuka, in origin, is earth (Renu+ka = like Renu) that is why she is called "of Kori Bhumi" or "Kumari Bhumi". Santeri is also known by the synonymous name of "Bhumi-ka" in Gomantaka. Similarly local gods like Marugan, Subrahmani, Khandova, Jyotiva, Khalnath and Bheron, which are worshipped in the form of Valmiki, are considered to be Kshetra-pati or Kshetra-pala (protector or keeper) Nagas.
Subrahmanya still to-day is worshiped by the name and form of Valmiki. Particularly, Manmelār (Manumilar = Melar of earth) in Bellari and Adimelar in Jejuri, situated at the bank of river Kanha, are also Valmiki-Naga. Why does the sculpture of Santeri of Gomantaka, have a serpent in its hand? or why does the worshipper of Matangi are a Nag-garland (Nagkanth) in her hand? It can be understood from its protectorship form of Naga.[7]
Valmiki is worshipped as an important deity in the temple of Adi-Subrahmanya. Similarly an image of Naga or serpent was also worshipped along with the Valmiki. There is one image of Kartikeya on upper portion of altar, another of serpent king Basuki in centre and third one Sesha Naga below the above in the temple of Subrahmanya.[8] It means Bambi or dwelling of snake and snakes are important objects of worship in this temple. These objects are worshipped here, in the form of Subrahmanya, and it is considered to be another name for Kartikeya.
But Subrahmanya is worshipped in the form of serpent. The word Subrahmanya has come into existence from Skand-Nag and Subbarmani Tamil word owing to similarity of sound or fictitious Sanskritization. The original meaning of this word is Nag-mani or Nagraj or Nagashreshthi (superior[9] Nag). In South India this name is meant for Skanda and its meaning is serpent and if at any place , any deity is in worshipped by this name, that is also serpent.
At many places, in the south, where Subrahmanya is worshipped as serpent, along with Valmiki, is recognized as skand-kartikeya. It is also originally a serpent deity. Hence, Subrahmanya does mean a serpent.
[p.30]: Therefore in South Gurgan, another form of Subrahmanya and a well known serpent protector deity, is also considered to be a serpent by the local people. Murug Subrahmanya, a serpent protector, invites special attention among all the deities.[10]
Jyotiva of Maharashtra and Khalnath of Konkan Gomantak, both are recognize as serpent protector god. There is mutual intercourse between the protector deities and the serpents. The reason of this secret is that serpent is protector as well as lord of lands. Valmiki is a form of vulva of earth and serpent is a form of man-hood or Linga. It is being worshipped particularly in the form of giver of issue.[11]
The Bherava form of Jageshwari and protector of Mhāskovā are famous in Maharashtra likewise Jyotiva of Thamai and Khalnath of Santeri, Mhāskovā is particularly a deity of Dhangars. It appears to devotees in the form of serpent with five hoods and take shelter in Valmiki. It seems that there is similarity in between Jyotiva of Mhaskova, Khalnath, Murug Subrahmanya etc famous protector deities.[12]
It is clear that Jyotiva serpent deity is recognized and worshipped in the form of protector. This serpent is also Kshetra-pati or lord of land. Valmiki is a form of vulva of earth and serpent is a form of manhood or Linga. It is particularly worshipped in the form of deity of issue giver.
Most of the protector deities of south are maintaining their form as serpent. Their most favourite and influencing protector deity, Murug, appears to his devotee in the form of serpent. Kartikeya who is identified with Subrahmanya is worshipped in the form of Valmiki and serpent both and he represents serpent King.
Jats in Maharashtra
Maharashtra is the state which is not normally regarded as having any Jat population. It is not true. The Jats had gone to some parts of Maharastra about 4 – 5 generations back. They are settled in the interior areas and doing cultivation. They came from states like Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana etc.
महाराष्ट्र के जाटों इतिहास
320 वर्ष पूर्व जाटों के दल राजस्थान, हरयाणा, दिल्ली व उत्तर प्रदेश के विभिन्न भागों से ग्वालियर, झांसी व सागर के मार्ग से नरसिंहपुर जिले के क्षेत्र में प्रविष्ट हुए थे। इस काल में पिंडारियों का आतंक था। जाटों ने उनसे संघर्ष किया और खदेड़ दिया। जाटों के उस समय तीन दल आये थे। एक दल सागर के आसपास रुका और वहाँ के निवासी हो गए। इनमें से प्रमुख राजनेता श्री रघु ठाकुर हैं। सागर से आगे जाटों का दल गया उसने नरसिंहपुर के आसपास के गाँवों पर कब्ज़ा किया और वहाँ बस गए। जाटों के आगमन के पूर्व नरसिंहपुर का नाम 'गडरिया खेड़ा' था 'गडरिया खेड़ा' पर निवास करते हुए जाटों ने एक विशाल नरसिंह भगवान के मंदिर का निर्माण प्रारम्भ किया। साथ ही एक किलेनुमा गढ़ी का निर्माण कराया। यह गढ़ी वर्त्तमान में राव साहब की बाखर कहलाती है। इस बखर से दो भूमिगत सुरंगों का निर्माण करवाया जो 'श्री देव नरसिंह भगवान' के मंदिर से जुड़ती हैं। एक सुरंग से जाट राजा, जाट सरदार तथा दूसरी सुरंग से संभ्रांत महिलायें आकर नरसिंह भगवान के दर्शन करती थी, शिव भगवान को अभिषेक करती थी। नरसिंह भगवान का मंदिर 28 वर्षों में पूर्ण हुआ। इस मंदिर के पीछे 18 एकड़ में एक विशाल सरोवर बनाया गया जिसे 'नरसिंह तालाब' के नाम से जाना जाता है। ये सभी निर्माण कार्य पूर्ण होने पर लगभग 285 वर्ष पूर्व नरसिंह भगवान की प्रतिमा विधि-विधान से स्थापित की। इसी दिवस पर गडरिया खेड़ा का नाम नरसिंह भगवान के नाम पर नरसिंहपुर रखा गया।
जाटों का आखिरी दल महाराष्ट्र के बरार क्षेत्र के जिला अकोला, अमरावती, यवतमाल आदि पहुंचे इन जिलों के अनेक गाँवों में जाटों का निवास है। नागपुर नगर निगम में चौधरी देशराज कई वर्षों महापौर के पद पर आसीन रहे हैं।
सन्दर्भ - जाट-शक्ति, रतलाम, दिनांक 7 मार्च 2014, लेखक: ठाकुर सत्येन्द्र सिंह, तलापर स्कूल के पास, संजयवार्ड, नरसिंहपुर, मो. 09425169149
Following content is from Manvendra Singh Tomar's facebook page Manvendra Singh Tomar's facebook page 16 May 2018
भरतपुर से गए जाटों के तीन समूह महाराष्ट्र में बस गए। तीनो अलग-अलग समय में गए थे
इन तीनो समूह के नाम
- भमटा_डागुर समाज
- जगताप_जाट समाज
- चौधरी जाट
यह तीनो समूह अलग अलग जगह बसे शुरू के दो समूह जो महाराष्ट्र में बसे संख्या में कम थे और जहां यह बसे उस क्षेत्र में जाट जाति का अभाव होने से मराठो की सेना में शामिल हो गए। और स्थानीय लड़कियो से शादी कर अलग समाज शुरू कर दिया जबकि जो तीसरा समूह आज भी जाट नाम से जाना जाता है पंजाब और राजस्थान के दूसरे जिलो से भी जाट मालेगांव तहसील में उनके साथ ही बस गए
भमटा डागुर - जाटों का एक समूह जो मराठो की फ़ौज में भर्ती हो कर महाराष्ट्र पहुँच गए। इन जाटों में डागुर ज्यादा होने के कारन इनको भमटा डागुर बोलने लगे|इनको ठाकुर की उपाधि मराठा पेशवाओ ने दी थी। इनको आरक्षण भी मिला हुआ है।
जब मराठो ने हैदराबाद के निज़ाम से खारदा के किले को जीतने के लिए अहमदनगर में 1795 में युद्ध किया तब इन्होंने वीरता दिखाई युद्ध के बाद उन जाट वीरों की शादी स्थानीय लड़कियो से कर दी साथ ही इनको ठकुराई यानि जागीरी मिल गयी । आज इनकी कुछ ही आबादी है जो अहमदनगर में है। इनको हम भूले बिसरे जाट कह सकते है
जगताप जाट -आज यह मराठो के 96 कुल में से एक है। मराठो की एक सैन्य टुकड़ी का नाम इनके नाम पर जगताप जाट था। इनके बारे में कहा जाता है । भरतपुर के चंद्रवंशी कृष्ण के वंशज सिनसिनवार गोत्र के जाट जाति के दो भाई मुस्लिम काल में तुर्क थानेदार को मार के महाराष्ट्र के बारामती जिले में चले गए बड़े भाई जगपाल ने बारामती के धाकले पंडारे गाँव में बस गया जबकि दूसरा भाई सासवाड में बस गया। जबकि कुछ लोग सौंख से 13 वि सदी में गए इस तरह इनका एक संगठन बन गया इनकी वीरता इनको कारन यह शिवाजी के खास बन गए। शिवाजी के सेनापति संताजी जगताप थे।आज इनको जगताप बोलते है । जो मराठो के 96 कुल में से एक है। आज भी कुछ जगह यह जगताप लोग चौधरी लिखते है जैसे औरंगाबाद जिले का नवगांव और परनेर तालुका के बहुत से ग्रामो में आज भी इन जगताप को चौधरी नाम से जाना जाता है उनमे से अलकुती,गर्खिंद उनब्रज मुख्या ग्राम है आज भी यह जगताप अपनी मूल गद्दी भरतपुर को ही मानते है गर्व से यह अपनी गद्दी और अपना सम्बन्ध भरतपुर राज परिवार से जोड़े ते है महाराष्ट्र में जाट नाम से एक जाट विधानसभा आज भी है जिससे वर्तमान समय में विलासराव नारायण जगताप जी विधायक है
नासिक जिले के जाट-जब मराठा पानीपत के तीसरा युद्ध हार गए तो लुटे पिटे मराठो को लोहागढ़ के वीर सूरजमल जाट ने शरण दी और उनको सुरक्षित मराठवाड़ा पहुचाने केलिए एक टुकड़ी भेजी जिस में से कुछ जाट महाराष्ट्र के नासिक जिले की मालेगांव तहसील और कुछ औरंगाबाद ,जलगांव , में बस गए । बाद में कुछ जाट पंजाब और पश्चिमी राजस्थान से यंग आकर बस गए आज यह 22 गाँव है जिनको जाटों की बायसी बोलते है।
1टोकडा 2. जलकू, 3.राजमाने , 4. पाडलदे, 5. हताने, 6. सायतरपाड़ा , 7. जाटपाड़ा 8.भूतपाड़ा 9. दापौरा, 10. चिंचगयहा, 11.नरडाणा, 12.पलासदरा, 13.लखाने
जलगाँव - 14.पिंजारपाड़ा, 15. राजूर, 16. मनुर, 17.तलोंदा,
धुलिया- 18.कुलथे
औरंगाबाद- 19. पारडी, 20.अंजनगांव,
जालना-21.लोधेवाड़ी 22. बामनोद.
चरणसिंह ठाकुर : महाराष्ट्र के प्रथम जाट विधायक

श्री चरणसिंह जी ठाकुर (अध्यक्ष अखिल भारतीय जाट महासभा विदर्भ), Mob: 93727 77838 - काटोल विधानसभा महाराष्ट्र से जाट चरण सिंह बाबूलाल ठाकुर जी विजयी होने पर बहुत-बहुत बधाई हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं। महाराष्ट्र विधानसभा में पहली बार कोई जाट विधायक के रूप में पहुंचेगा।
स्रोत: हिमांशु ठाकुर, काटोल, जिला नागपुर महाराष्ट्र
Villages of Jat Bavisi khap
Jats are dwelling in Nasik, Jalgaon, Dhuliya, Aurangabad, Amravati districts. The Jat villages in these areas are called ‘Bavisi’. It is a Khap of Jats of 22 villages, which are:
- Nasik (नासिक) - 1. Tokada (टोकडा), 2. Jalkoo (जलकू), 3. Rajmana/Rajmane (राजमाने) , 4. Padalde (पाडलदे), 5. Hatane (हताने), 6. Saytarpara (सायतरपाड़ा) , 7. Jatpara (जाटपाड़ा) (Nimbayatpada), 8. Bhutpara (भूतपाड़ा), 9. Dapaura (दापौरा) , 10. Chinchagyaha (चिंचगयहा), 11. Nardana (नरडाणा), 12. Palasdara (पलासदरा) , 13. Lakhane (लखाने),
- Jalgaon (जलगाँव) - 14. Pinjarpada (पिंजारपाड़ा) (Ramnagar), 15. Rajur (राजूर), 16. Manur (मनुर), 17. Talonda (तलोंदा),
- Aurangabad (औरंगाबाद) - 19. Paradi (पारडी), 20. Anjangaon (अंजनगांव),
Chaudhari Dhan Singh Sahrawat, Village Naradana (नारादाना), PO:Kalwari, Tahsil: Nasik, District Nasik, is Pradhan of Jat Baisi of Maharashtra.
जाट बाईसी : महम चौबीसी से तो हम सभी परिचित हैं, ये जाटों के 24 गाँवों की खाप है जिसमें सह-जातियाँ भी सम्मिलित होती हैं। लेकिन जाट बाईसी का नाम बहुत कम लोगों ने सुना होगा । जाट बाईसी पूरी ऐतिहासिक घटना पर आधारित है। बम्बई से 180 कि. मी. दूर महाराष्ट्र राज्य के नासिक जिले की मालेगांव तहसील में जाटों के इकट्ठे छोटे-छोटे 22 गाँव हैं।
पानीपत की तीसरी लड़ाई में पेशवा ब्राह्मण व मराठे लगभग 4 हजार परिवार अपने साथ लाये थे। जब लड़ाई में इनकी हार हुई तो कुछ परिवार मारे गये और बचे-खुचे परिवारों ने भरतपुर नरेश महाराजा सूरजमल के राज क्षेत्र व किलों में पनहा ली थी। महाराजा सूरजमल ने कड़कती सर्दी (जनवरी 1761) में इनको पूरे अतिथि सत्कार के तहत घायलों आदि की देखभाल की तथा इन परिवारों को इनके घरो तक सकुशल पहुंचाने के लिए अपनी सेना के रोहतक व हिसार जिले के जाट सिपाही साथ भेजे जो उन्हें बड़ी इज्जत और सम्मान के साथ वहाँ उनके घरों तक ले गये, जो उस समय किसी भी कल्पना से परे था।
महाराजा सूरजमल और रानी किशोरी की शानदार मेहमानबाजी तथा इन हरियाणवी सिपाहियों की जिन्दादिली इंसानियत पर मराठा समाज कायल हो गया और इस समाज ने ऐसे नेक सिपाहियों, जिनकी शादियां नहीं हुई थी, को अपनी बेटियां देकर अपनी जम़ीन पर बसाने का फैसला लिया। समय अपनी गति से चलता रहा और आज लगभग 250 वर्ष बाद इनके 22 गाँव आबाद हो गये जो आज किसानी करके अपना निर्वाह करते हैं। इनके साथ भी वही हुआ जो आन्ध्रप्रदेश के गोलकुण्डा किले के विजेताओं के साथ हुआ या हो रहा है। क्या विश्व के इतिहास में ऐसा कोई दूसरा भी उदाहरण हैं? महाराजा सूरजमल की आलोचना करनेवालों के मुंह पर यह एक तमाचा है।
यहाँ के तोखड़ा गाँव में फिल्म अभिनेता व नेता धर्मेन्द्र जी ने अपनी माता सन्तकौर देवी के नाम हाई स्कूल बनवाया है। धर्मेन्द्र जी ने मुम्बई महानगर में पहली बार जाट सभा व जाट भवन की स्थापना की जिस पर जाट जाति को गर्व होना चाहिए।
इन जाटों के गोत्र हैं - मान, जाखड़, सिहाग, सहरावत, दहिया, बिजानियां, झिंझर, नीमड़िया, पूनिया, गिल, बैनीवाल और सांगवान (70 परिवार) आदि, इस जाट बाईसी के वर्तमान में चौ. धनसिंह सहरावत प्रधान हैं जिनका पता हैं:- गाँव - नारादाना, डाकखाना - कलवाड़ी, तहसील - मालेगांव जिला नासिक (महाराष्ट्र राज्य)
Jat inhabited districts
Jat Villages in Dhule district
Jat Villages in Nasik district
- Nasik – Tokada, Jalkoo, Rajmana, Palarde, Hatane, Saytarpara, Jatpara (Nimbayatpada), Bhutpara, Dapaura, Chinchagyaha, Nardana, Palasdara, Lakhane
- Tokra - (tehsil: Malegaon) in Nasik district is the main village of Jat Bavisi. This village is famous for cooperative societies in dairy. National leaders like Dara Singh, Dharmendra, Ram Niwas Mirdha etc have visited Tokra village.
Jat Villages in Jalgaon district
- Jalgaon – Pinjarpara (Ramnagar), Rajoon, Manur, Talonda
- Londha (लोंढा) in tehsil Chalisgaon (Jalgaon),
- Bhusawal tehsil Bhusawal (Jalgaon),
Jat Villages in Aurangabad district
- Aurangabad – Pardi,
Jat Villages in Jalna district
Jat Villages in Buldhana district
- Khamgaon - Godara Jats live in Khamgaon district Buldhana. Satya Narayan Chaudhary, Khamgaon, Mob:9850368675, Ph:07262-258228
Jat Villages in Akola district
Jat Villages in Amrawti district
Amrawti (Pardi Via Badnera), Anjangaon,
Jat Villages in Wardha district
Kasar Khera, Vardha, Hinganghat,
Jat Villages in Chandrapur district
Jat Villages in Sangli district
There is one taluka named Jat in Sangli district situated in south Maharashtra.
Jat Villages in Solapur district
- Karmala - Solapur district, Village has Lakhawat Gotra. Ref. - Ram Karan Lakhawat, Karmala, Mob:9325119460, 999335566131.[13]
Jats live in other districts of Maharashtra also. The villages where Jats live are Ripur, Jatola.
Jat Bavisi
Everyone is aware of Meham 24si, This is Khap of 24 villages of Jats which include other castes also. But the name Jat 22si is not known to many. A very few people know about it. The name of Jat 22si is based on historical fact. About 180 kms from Mumbai is Malegaon the teshil of Nasik Dist in Maharastra. There are around 22 small villages of Jats.
In 3rd battle of Panipat, Peshwa Brahman Maratha brought around 4000 families with them. When they lost some families were killed and rest took refuge in the Fort of Maharaja Surajmal. Maharaja Surajmal, in the fiery winter of 1761 (jan) took care of injured and others. For the safety of the families while returning Maharaja Surajmal sent his soldiers with them. Who took them to their homes with respect and safety, which was far off from illusion at that time. Maratha Samaj was so impressed by Maharaja Surajmal and his soldiers for the care and respect they gave to them that they married their daughters to the soldiers who accompanied them. They (Soldiers) settled down there after marriage. Time passed but today after 245 years, 22 villages are blooming in that area, Whose occupation is farming. Same happened to their fate as what has happened to Jats in other part of the Country. There is no other example in world like the above one.
The cine star Dharmendra has built a high school in the name of his mother Sant Kaur Devi in Tokra village. For the first time in mumbai Darmendra has also built a Jat Sabha and Jat Bhawan. Every Jat should be proud of what Dharmendra has done. The Gottars of JATs staying in 22 villages are- Mann, Jakhar, Sihag, Sehrawat, Dhaiya, Bijarnia, Jhinjar, Nimadiya, Punia, Gill, Beniwal, Sangwan (70 families) etc.
The president of Jat 22si is Ch. Dhan Singh Sehrawat whose Address is :- Village - Naradana, Post - Kalwadi, Teh - Malegaon, Dist - Nasik, State - Maharastra Wardha – Sevagram Rajesh Jaysingh Siyag : At. Sevagram, Tah-Wardha Dist. Wardha Maharashtra 9422334003
Notable Jats
Some notable Jats from the Jat Bawisi of Maharashtra are:
- Kailas Sheshrao Bijarane.Rajur, Bank Manager
- Bharat Singh Singar - Head Master Tokra
- Got Singh Chindha - Narwal Accountant Tokada
- BhuraRam Nimade - Sachiv Gram Panchayat Tokada
- Shanta Ram Lathar - Ex. Chairman Dugdha Sangh Tokada
- Kondi Ram Dhadiwal - Chairman V.K.S Socity Tokada
- Balaji Pharas- Chairman Dugdha Sangha Tokada
- A B Sumrao - Author Tokada
- Jawahar Singh Dyandyan - Driver Malegaon
- Ratan Singh Bajad - Govt Audit Inspector Malegaon (Nasik)
- Ratan Singh Maan - Sachiv Gram Panchayat Chanbad (Nasik)
- Moti Singh Jakhar - Bank Inspector Aurangabad
- Kisan Singh Jakhar - Deputy Collector Badnera (Amrawati)
- Ambar Singh Beniwal - Ex. Supervisor Union Malegaon
- Kacharu Bhawasa - Ex. Chairman Dugdha Sangha Londha
- A B Dingar - Padalde
- ShantaRam Jhinjar - Teacher Padalde
- Gotu Singh Sumrao - High School Kalyan
- Daya Ram Bajad - Head Master Kaman (Thane)
- Rakesh Ola: IPS 2012 batch, ASP Ahmadnagar, Maharashtra, Former RJS, M: 9689554433
- Rakesh Sepat: IFS, Maharashtra Cadre, Ot at IGNFA Dehradun, M: 7840001550
- Charan Singh Thakur (Thadaua) has been elected MLA from Katol (Nagpur) Assembly constituency in 2024.
Festivals by Jats
The Jats in the region celebrate Gokul ashtmi (Janmashtmi) with great preparations in each house. Other festivals Jats celebrate are Diwali, Dashara, Pola, Rakshabandhan, Ramnavami, Shivratri, Holi etc.
Language and culture
There is a great similarity in culture of farming communities of Maharashtra and that of Jat belt in north India. The living of Local Marathas is amost equal to Jats. The areas look like Jat areas are Pune, Satara, Sangli, Kolhapur etc. The pehalwans of this area are famous.
The pronunciation of some of the words like pani (water) , gavadi (cow), bheent (wall), bhijna (to get wet), cha/chaha (tea), handna/hindna (to roam), alla/ola (wet), Gaavti (desi murga), Kanda (Onion), Jiman (Lunch), Pawane(Guest) etc are similar in Marathi and the Jat Languages. The existence of ‘L’ (ळ) is found in Marathi and Jat Languages only and not in other language. Water is pronounced as paani (पाणी) in both regions.
Jat Gotras in Maharashtra
The list of Jat gotras found in Maharashtra state is given below. Some of clans pronunciated differently in that local area have been given in the bracket. Aulakh (Walan), Bajad, Baje, Bebla, Barad, Behra, Beniwal, Bher, Bichhu, Bijarnia(Bijarne), Birang, Chaudhary, Chharang, Chopra, Chune, Dahiya(Dahe), Darakha, Deol, Dhan, Dhanda, Dhariwal, Dingar, Durasra, Gadar, Gill, Godara, Goyat (Gohel), Hal, Indolia (Hindane), Jakhar, Jhajra, Jhinjhar, Johni, Ka, Kachha, Kala, Karil, Katar, Kate, Kohad, Lakhawat, Lalwane, Lathar, Legha, Lidrad, Logha, Maan, Nakhal, Nehra, Nimde, Nitharwal, Pagal, Paras, Phoge, Punia (Pune), Ragi, Rah, Randhawa, Rasoda, Rathor, Rojh, Sangera, Sangwan, Sarag, Sardan, Sehrawat (Sarawat), Shemad, Shia, Shiwar, Sihag, Sindhu, Sumrao, Suran, Teja, Todawat, Siyag,
Further reading
- Ashok Dingar & A.B. Sumrao, “Maharashtra mein Jaton ki Biradari” – Jat Veer Smarika 1987-88, Jat Samaj Kalyan Parishad Gwalior. pp. 65,66,67
- Haryanvi and Marathi
- JATs in Andhra Pradesh & Maharastra
- ↑ The Ancient Geography of India/Southern India, p.553-556
- ↑ Julien's ' Hiouen Thsang,' iii. 149. See Map No. I.
- ↑ M. Julien's ' Hiouen Thsang,' iii. 401. In the life of the pilgrim, i. 203. the direction is said to be north-east, but as this would place the capital of Maharashtra in the midst of the Indian Ocean, the correction to north-west is absolutely necessary.
- ↑ Hudson, Geogr. Vet. i- 30 : <greek>.
- ↑ Nagas, The Ancient Rulers of India, Their Origins and History, 2002, pp. 29-30
- ↑ Dr. Dhere R. C. "Lajjagauri" P-65 cited by Kosare H. L. P-215
- ↑ Dr. Dhere R. C. "Lajjagauri" P-65 cited by Kosare HL. PP-215-216
- ↑ Kalyan Tirthak year 31 no 3 January 1957 P-324 Mentioned by H. L. Kosare P-216
- ↑ N. V. Mandlik, "Writing and speeches of late Vishvanath Narayan Mandlik," Bombay 1896 P-245 Mentioned by H. L. Kosare P-216
- ↑ Mandlik N. V. PP 159-61 Mentioned by H L Kosare P- 216
- ↑ Mandlik N. V. P-162 Mentioned by Kosare H L P-217
- ↑ Mandlik N. V. PP-188-89 Mentioned by Kosare P-218
- ↑ Jat Vaibhav Smarika Khategaon, 2010, p. 120
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