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Bhawanigarh on Map of Sangrur district

Bhawanigarh (भवानीगढ) (also called Dhodan)) village is in tahsil and district Sangrur in the Punjab. It was one of the strongest forts in the Pattiala territory. [1]

Jat Gotras


Ala Singh built the fort of Bhawanigarh:

Lepel H. Griffin[2] writes: In the year 1749, Sirdar Ala Singh commenced to build the Fort of Bhawanigarh, but tho progress of the work was interrupted by a petty Rajput Chieftain of the neighbourhood, named Farid Khan, who fancied that his own independence would be in danger by a fort so near his village. Not being able himself to storm the building, he set out for Sirhind to invoke the aid of the Imperial Governor. But Ala Singh had heard of his intention, and intercepting him, routed his party with considerable loss and seized all his land, about one-fourth of the Samana parganah.

Raja Sahib Singh confiscates the Diwan’s property

Lepel H. Griffin writes:[3]No sooner had the Mahratta army disappeared, Raja Sahib Singh, who had taken shelter at a distance from the capital, marched to Dhodan or Bhawanigarh, where, instigated by his followers, who were determined on the ruin of the Diwan, he confiscated much of Nanun Mal's property, and thence to Barnala, where he seized and imprisoned Narinda Rai, one of the Diwan's sons, and collector of the districts of Hodiana and Barnala. From this town he marched southwards to Mong (Monak or Akalgarh ) of which Ditta Mal, the third son of the Diwan, was commandant, and who, at first, refused to surrender the fort. But his troops knowing the Diwan's fortunes were on the ebb refused to act against the Pattiala forces, the fort was given up, and four lakhs of rupees plundered. The Raja found that spoliation was an easy way of raising money, and, after a hurried visit to Pattiala, he left for Ghanor, and besieged the fort which was defended by Zugi Mai and Diwan Mal, nephews of the Minister.

The rebellion of the Governor of Bhawanigarh

[4]No sooner had the young Chief taken his seat on the masnad than rebellion broke out in all quarters. The first to throw off the Chiefs authority was the Governor of Bhawanigarh; Sirdar Mahan Singh, the brother of

[Page-56]: Mai Deso, step-mother of Raja Sahib Singh, and the widow of Himmat Singh, on whose death she had been married by the late Raja. Immediately on hearing of the Governor's revolt, Diwan Nanun Mal summoned the Phulkian Chiefs to send in their contingents and marched against Bhawanigarh which he invested. Mahan Singh was assisted by Sirdar Tara Singh Gheba and held out for more than three months; until his ally was induced to desert him, when he surrendered It would have been well if an example could have been made of this rebel, but Nanun Mal did not feel himself strong enough to put to death so powerful a Chief and one so nearly connected with the reigning family, and the only punishment inflicted was degradation from his office as Governor of Bhawanigarh.

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