Dr. Man Singh

Dr. Man Singh is a Professor in Chemistry at Central University of Gujarat. Before that he was Reader in Chemistry, Deshbandhu College, Kalkaji, New Delhi - 110019. He has invented many instruments for measuring physical properties of solutions and has also got them patented. He is actively engaged in research and has produced about a dozen PhDs.
The innovative instruments
The innovative instruments invented by him are the following:
1. Survismeter :The survismeter invented by him is an instrument used for measuring Surface Tension, Viscosity and Interfacial Tension. It also gives an integrated profile of frictional and adhesive-cohesive forces. The parameter that rightly elucidates such force is Friccohesity which is determined with Mansingh Equation.
σ=σ_0 ((t⁄t_0 +B⁄(t)(n⁄n_0 +0.0012(1-ρ)))
This is a wonderful mathematical equation and original contribution to modern science and technology, especially for nanoemulsions, colloids, sol gel, antiwrinkle creams etc. At present different instruments are used for measuring suface tension, viscosity and interfacial tension. With the help of Survismeter one can measure these properties easily and that too by using small quantities of chemicals. The instrument is patented in India and is being made in India. Several colleges, universities, and institutes have started using it.
2. OscoSurvismeter : The OscoSurvismeter invented by him is an instrument used for measuring Osmotic Pressure, Conductance, Surface Tension, and Viscosity. It is a unique instrument in the world as it measures 4 different properties of liquids by using small quantities of liquids. The instrument is approved by WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization), Washington, DC, USA, which is an association of 138 countries. It comes under the aegis of PCT (Patent Treaty Organization).
3. EconoBurette : It is used for titration, is user friendly and consumes chemicals in small quantities. In burettes the titrated mixture is thrown in sinks which for EconoBurette is 1/10th. Thus we can save resources as well as reducing the amount of effluents to 1/10th.
4. Vision Meter : It enables visually impaired people to study properties of liquids like volume, valency, and quality control of liquids. The liquids that can be used are soaps, detergents, inks, oils, petroleum, etc.
Dean, School of Chemical Sciences & Chairman, Research Advisory Committee, Central University of Gujarat, Gandhinagar, Gujarat.
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