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Gheba (घेबा)[1] Ghewa (घेवा)[2] [3], a tribe of Jats found in Attock district, Pakistan.


H.A. Rose[4] writes that Raja Rasalu of Punjab folklore had by a paramour of the scavenger class four sons, Seo, Teo, Gheo, and Karu, from whom are respectively descended the Sials, Tiwanas, Ghebas, and Karrals. They intermarry with Gakkhars, Sayyids and Dhunds.


Tradition makes the Gheba, Sial and Tiwana descendants of Gheo, Saino and Teno, the three sons of Rai Shankar Punwar. The Sial and Tiwana appear to admit the relationship, and it is not at all impossible that this group of tribes may be of Punwar origin. The Gheba are said to have come to the Punjab some time after the Sial and Tiwana, and to have settled in the wild hilly country of Fatahjang and Pindigheb in Attock. Here they held their own against the Awans, Gakkhars, and neighbouring tribes till Ranjit Singh subdued them. The Jodra are said to have come from Jammu, or according to another story from Hindustan, whence also Colonel Cracroft says that the Gheba traditions trace that tribe, and to have held their present tract before the Gheba settled alongside of them.†† They now occupy the eastern half of the Pindigheb, and the Gheba the western half of the Fatahjang tahsil in Rawalpindi, the two tracts marching with each other. The Gheba is also said to be in reality a branch of the original Jodra tribe that quarrelled with the others, and took the name of Gheba which till then had been simply a title used in the tribe ; and the fact that the town of Pindigheb was built and is still held by the Jodra, and not by the Gheba, lends some support to the statement. The history of the Gheba family is told at pages 538 ff. of Sir Lepel Griffin's Punjab Chiefs'. Colonel Cracroft described the Gheba as " a fine, hardy race of men, full of fire and energy, not addicted to crime, though their readiness to resent insult or injury, real or imagined, or to join in hand-to-hand fights for their rights in land, and their feuds with the Jodra and Alpial are notorious." [5].

An amended genealogy is given at page 520 of Griffin's -Panjab Chiefs.
††: But Cracroft also noted that other tales assign to the Ghebas the same origin as the Kheoras, now cultivators in the tract.

Notable persons

  • Tara Singh Gheba - He was the founder of this Misal - The Dule Walia Misal[6]


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